The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

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When I found out the acid reflux for the first time, my father told me that it was genetic, my father had it, my grandmother had it, and I have it :( Damn it, why would these drinks I love have to go to my banned list???? :mad2:

oh that sucks big time. since it's genetic... you better find out from them what drink/food they cannot have. Acid Reflux is no funny business....
Jiro - My coffee always have milk and suger (sometimes raw)

oh ok. if you really gotta have coffee... you need to dilute it. but still... pick one - coffee fix or the acid reflux :(
What I don't understand, my father drinks pepsi Max ALL the damn time. :confused:
What I don't understand, my father drinks pepsi Max ALL the damn time. :confused:

Your father could be a carrier for acid reflux but not affected by it in his DNA sequence. Hence, you have it but he or perhaps your siblings may not, etc. This terminology works for a plethora of other diseases/traits as well. Not all are "bad" either.

You can get more technics here:
Genetic carrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I was passed, from my father unfortunately, he told me that he and his mother had it all their life. Damn it.
I haven't been on this site much...but did check it from time to time. :) Hope everyone are doing well! :wave:
I am getting addicted to working out! :D
Just finished Lab class for 3 hours, now leaving University to go home.

Looking forward for homemade mac and cheese with ham for dinner tonight. :)
Good news for me. My brother and I got free seat tickets of Cleveland Cavs-Detroit Pistons NBA basketball game. We will go to this arena tonight. I will see LeBron James player. :D
Good news for me. My brother and I got free seat tickets of Cleveland Cavs-Detroit Pistons NBA basketball game. We will go to this arena tonight. I will see LeBron James player. :D

Wow, that's pretty cool! I don't even like basketball so that means alot coming from me. Enjoy.
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