The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIII

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just a question... the thread about firefighters suing the city cause of a gay pride parade they were made to go to... i cant find it at all. anyone know where its at? or was it deleted or something?

It is locked.
Why OH WHY am I watching a cheesy Lifetime movie???
I think the missing threads go the same way that the missing socks do - they just vanish never to be found again!
I wouldn't worry about it.

So--who do you think is going to win the Oscars?
What movie was that? I checked the title and didn't want to watch. LOL! Once in a while I will watch good Lifetime or Hallmark movies. :)
Why OH WHY am I watching a cheesy Lifetime movie???
One of life's mysteries!!

Like we'll never understand why we pick up extra laundry to do when we don't want to do! :lol:
So far Wall-e won Best animation (I think that was the category), Kung Fu Panada was in that for the nomanition (sp?) but Wall-e beat them out
Health Ledger just won Best Actor in a Supporting Role..I've got goose bumps and tears in my eyes..just thought I would share
I wouldn't worry about it.

uh huh. i take that much time to put the thoughts in my head in order and type a response and it just up and disappears without a trace or explanation? id like to know what happened. otherwise why bother putting the thought into a response that means something?
uh huh. i take that much time to put the thoughts in my head in order and type a response and it just up and disapears without a trace or explanation? id like to know what happened. otherwise why bother putting the thought into a response that means something?

it's not gone. you just have to search harder :)
I dont know what the movie was Tahoe, but it had Amber Tamblyn, thought it might be good with her in it, turns out it completely sucked. What channel are Oscars on?
uh huh. i take that much time to put the thoughts in my head in order and type a response and it just up and disappears without a trace or explanation? id like to know what happened. otherwise why bother putting the thought into a response that means something?

I will admit ncff07--I take responsibility for your post in disappearing as I asked the mods to close/lock/disappear my threads due what I posted on this forum which you can read here: - View Single Post - The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIII

However I do want to say that I really liked your post and :thumb:
Good, I'm glad to see some things that are resolved around here. :)

Blah - I'm coming down with a case of a runny nose. :(
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