The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIII

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Maybe there was a hiccup in the system.

Yes, his avatar was not like yours.

Smile. :)
I don't think he has avatar just like ours. but it's still good idea to be as plain as possible. Avatar is like a tattoo. it shows who you are. If you have a BSDM avatar like Faire_Joule's... that's not going to give you + point.

Oh, yours is showing now, but mine still isn't. :hmm: Just a computer problem?
It's just as Jake describes, something weird is going on in AD.
Listen to this I was texting my friend with humor: here's what he say:

Him: Why so serious?

Me: I am not, do I look serious? But hey why so curious?

Him(giggles) Why so deaf?

Me :)shock::mad2:) Why so hearing?

Then we both broke into laughter, it was so funny...
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