The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIII

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Would you mind explaining what it feels like to have a "mixed episode (manic and depressed simultaneously)? :hmm:
Would you mind explaining what it feels like to have a "mixed episode (manic and depressed simultaneously)? :hmm:

Sure. When I have a mixed episode, I have all of the following symptoms at the same time. (Note: Sometimes these symptoms can cycle between one and the other. For example, feeling very exciteable one minute and lethargic the next.)

* Tons of energy
* Feeling anxious like I could jump out of my skin
* Feeling exciteable
* Feeling extremely happy
* Feeling very depressed
* Feeling extremely angry/irritable
* Feeling tired
* Feeling like I want to do 10 things at once
* Racing thoughts (These are thoughts that play in my head over and over again like a broken record. They may be worst case scenarios that will probably never come true, fears that I have, worries about an upcoming event, random thoughts that have no relation to each other -- for example suddenly feeling very upset when I think about my old pdoc and how he never helped me or song lyrics)
* Difficulty concentrating
* Pressured speech (talking rapidly)
* Flight of ideas (stringing sentences together than have no relationship to each other...for example starting off by saying that I'm hungry, then indicating how much I hate snow and finally talking about the 1,000 things I have to get done this week. Using that as an example, a thought I would express to another person might be "I'm hungry right now. I really hate winter and wish spring would come. I have to clean my apartment, do the laundry, go to the bank and take Tigger to the vet.)

Does that make sense, Mints? Mixed episodes are confusing to understand because most people can't comprehend how it's possible to feel extremely happy and depressed at the same time.
Hi everyone,

How do I restore the menu bar in Internet Explorer? I accidentally pressed a button and it disappeared. I tried rebooting my computer to no avail.

I know my Klonopin is working because something like this would normally set me off, but it's not. :)
I'm sorry, I don't use Internet Explorer.

The happy and depressed at the same time is difficult or impossible to comprehend, and yet I may have experienced it before. It would have been one of those times when I tried to explain how I felt, but found it impossible to explain, or even know where to begin.

That's the same difficulty I have. I feel so many different emotions at once that it's hard to explain to others. I can feel happy yet depressed at the same time. I can also go from feeling lethargic to feeling like I want to run a marathon. If truth be told, I hate mixed episodes. I'd rather feel manic or depressed instead because it's confusing feeling several emotions at once.

I wish Jake were here. Maybe he can answer my question if he sees this thread.
Hi everyone,

Thanks to someone on one of the bipolar message boards I participate on, I learned that F11 restores the IE toolbar.
I do not want to work today. I want to escape to Red Rock in Las Vegas and sit on the rock to watch the sun rise in the eastern sky...and set on the other side hours later. I need my thinking chair!
The weather is sunny here with temperatures in the 30s. After it being frigid for so long, it's a nice change. :)
Sunny and calm...48 degrees. It was raining yesterday.
I feel like to SCREAAAAAAAAAM my head off cuz I hate COLDS!!! I can't breath when I was trying to SLEEP!!! ARGH!!! GO AWAY STUPID COLDS!
What are you having for lunch, society's_child? I'm debating between tomato soup with grilled cheese and tacos. Hmmm.
What are you having for lunch, society's_child? I'm debating between tomato soup with grilled cheese and tacos. Hmmm.

Good question. :hmm: I suppose I will mosey on down to the cafeteria downstairs to see what's on the menu. Your lunch sounds delicious.

I'd go with the grilled cheese. :)

Speaking of recovery--I wonder how Shel90 is recovering from wearing her heels last night on her date with her husband?

Took me a while to find this question. I hope that is the one u were referring to.

I spent all day Sat resting so my back could feel better. It did and I was able to go out with my hubby. We danced and then my hubby twisted his bad knee so we ended up just hanging out and chatted all night at the club.

Didnt get to dance as much as I wanted to cuz I was afraid to make my back hurt again.

Had a good time though. :)
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