The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIII

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Hey Jiro. How are you?

But in full black - $660

***image of a new mini laptop I bought today

Jake, Cool mini-notebook. :cool2:

Hear Again, Welcome back. :wave:
Nice mini-notebook! what size of display? 10" or 12"
why? At least you get more choice with cellphones and more coverage. I suppose the drawback is... "monopolizing" the bill cost and you can't pick something else because it isn't available. Kinda like being forced to use Comcast since it's the only available broadband service in your area. :mad2:

I was a long time very satisfied customer with Cingular at the time they were swallowed up by AT&T Wireless. Something obviously much more than the name changed at that time because my service abruptly turned to crap as soon as the cell towers changed over. I'm now anxiously waiting for my contract to expire that I had to get because we needed a service with coverage in both areas where we were coming from and where we were going.

It looks like you have a nice collection. Do you display them? I used to collect Sea Wees and would sometimes get My Little Ponies in with the lots.

I think I have about half my collection all over my bedroom on my desk, entertainment centre, and two plushies on my bed. I used to keep more, but I always found them on the floor when I woke up, so two seems to be the most I can keep on my bed while I sleep. The others are in boxes while half my house is being rebuilt after major storm damage (Finally, having insurance pays off). I've recently bought a digital camera, but I haven't quite figured out how to use it very well yet, so I don't have any pictures up yet. It's my first modern digital camera. I don't have display cases or anything. I just keep them out, and I keep their hair nice and the dust off of them and such. I never keep any on card because I will never sell them, and they look miserable when they're stuck in plastic with their tails wrapped in tape and tucked between their legs, and their manes bound in a wedge on the back wall.

My mom told me I can tell people I get my weirdness from her :giggle:
Lucky you! My university isn't closed today. I've got a class at 4:00.
My daughter and her friend went to skating last Friday night for Valentine's Day party. She won Roller Skates. The owner will deliver new roller skates to her this Thursday. She is excited to get new roller skates. I'm glad for her.
Took a nap, woke up cause my fiance got home from work, spending time with him- my love, ordered pizza, checking emails and Alldeaf forums... then going to take a nap again before work... cause I have to work tonight. It sucks! :(
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