The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIII

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We have alltel here..I was really upset when Cingular merged with At&T. Grrr..
Wow, I did not know about it either till I just looked it up. YOu spooked the hell outta me BB, due to the way it was worded. I was like, "no way? gotta be a joke or I woulda heard about it already!"

It's Alltel merging with Verizon, Verizon bought 'em out.. but I've never heard of Alltel before until today so it must be area specific.

really? You've never heard of Alltel? Interesting... We get Alltel commercials nearly everyday last year.


I guess that explains why you never heard of it.
We have alltel here..I was really upset when Cingular merged with At&T. Grrr..

Cingular didn't really merge with AT&T. Cingular has always been under AT&T for years until AT&T decided to change the name to AT&T which has been renogized around the world for a long time and USA was the only country branded as Cingular.
We have alltel here..I was really upset when Cingular merged with At&T. Grrr..

why? At least you get more choice with cellphones and more coverage. I suppose the drawback is... "monopolizing" the bill cost and you can't pick something else because it isn't available. Kinda like being forced to use Comcast since it's the only available broadband service in your area. :mad2:
Cingular didn't really merge with AT&T. Cingular has always been under AT&T for years until AT&T decided to change the name to AT&T which has been renogized around the world for a long time and USA was the only country branded as Cingular.

Yeah same with SBC which is now AT&T as well.
I don't like AT&T..personal preference..but I never had problems with cingular and like their coverage areas so I didn't switch..I use to have sprint and you couldn't get coverage worth shit
click for LARGER size


makes you wonder what's the point of breaking them up in the first place when they're back together now.... :mad2:
click for LARGER size


makes you wonder what's the point of breaking them up in the first place when they're back together now.... :mad2:

I get the picture now.

I know why AT&T was broken up into million pieces is because of the monopoly thing they had in the 70's and 80's so the federals split them all up into million of little corporations.
I get the picture now.

I know why AT&T was broken up into million pieces is because of the monopoly thing they had in the 70's and 80's so the federals split them all up into million of little corporations.

right and now they're back together again... what the fudge!? :mad2:
I got a letter stating that Verizon is in the process of merging with Alltel.

Gotta wonder. They say my plan will not change. Then at the end of the letter that they will inform me of any changes. :shock: Tricky letter, contradicting one! I say. I sure hope they don't try to increase my phone bill or change my service.
I am under a mobile contract with Alltel, so far I have not received any formal notification from either Alltel OR Verizon about the merge, although I have known about the upcoming merge for about 6 months now.

If you notice however, Alltel and Verizon are offering the exact same deals on the exact same phones. When the merge is official I am sure that Verizon is probably going to offer some special deals for Alltel customers to upgrade their phones and renew their contracts. I am waiting until the merge is official and possibly upgrading from the LG Scoop to a Blackberry. Since I am on the go constantly this is probably a better option for me. This way I can check my student email before class for any last minute schedule changes and plan my day accordingly, make a relay call to make an appointment and so forth.
just a matter of time till they replace Alltel badge & logo with Verizon.
Got 3 out of 4 (4th is gonna be a "doozy") my wisdom teeth removed on Friday. 2 shots of local anesthetic later, it still hurt while they were pulling the 3rd sucker out!

... and still hurts like hell.
Got 3 out of 4 (4th is gonna be a "doozy") my wisdom teeth removed on Friday. 2 shots of local anesthetic later, it still hurt while they were pulling the 3rd sucker out!

... and still hurts like hell.

Well...try meeting someone with 2 root canals, 2 widsom in a process to be removed, a cavity filling and gum therapy.
They cannot change your plan or increase phone bill or change your service. but if they are implementing change, the rule allows you to terminate your current contract early if you want to. It's up to you to terminate it or to agree to new contract. :cool2:

thanks for head-up. I was not aware of this merger. wondering if it's good thing or not.... :hmm:

I don't know. Hope they don't force me to terminate my contract if I don't agree with the changes. I like what I have now with a reasonable price.
I don't know. Hope they don't force me to terminate my contract if I don't agree with the changes. I like what I have now with a reasonable price.

You'll have to - only 2 choices... terminate it or accept the new contract. :(
i have my cell phone with alltel.. i got a letter a couple weeks ago saying verizon had acquired alltel and certain alltel stores would be closing and my service would remain the same until my contract expired but didnt say what changes would happen after that.
I don't know. Hope they don't force me to terminate my contract if I don't agree with the changes. I like what I have now with a reasonable price.

Forcing you and millions of other customers to terminate your contract would be bad PR for them. Trust me, in this merger they are going to be listening to the contract holders for a while to get a picture of what Alltel customers like, what Verizon customers like and come up with a solution that satisfies both.

But my mom and I have agreed - if we get crappy service with Verizon we will be dropping the contracts and getting phones with another company.
LOL Yes I do collect MLP :) I can't compete with the biggest collectors out there, but I have nearly a hundred ponies and a lot of accessories.

(My Colourful Little Friends in case you're curious)

It looks like you have a nice collection. Do you display them? I used to collect Sea Wees and would sometimes get My Little Ponies in with the lots.
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