The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to snack on..Dinner sucked tonight
Healthwise, or binge eating splurgewise?

What's in the pantry, fridge, and cabinets?
I'm just bored..I don't know if there's anything in there that I am in the mood to know when you have this taste for something and you grab the wrong thing you tend to want something else.
Healthwise, or binge eating splurgewise?

What's in the pantry, fridge, and cabinets?

lets see... green beans... tomato soup.... crackers... shreadded cheese....and frozen dinners... oh and a can of chilli beans but i ate some of those last night
ncff can recommend some bat guano coffee for you i think. it'll be very interesting.
Last time I had chili was in a carls jr (Hardees for you CST/east coasters) chili burger a few weeks ago. Prior to that was probably from Weinerschnitzel (sp?) chili dog a year ago.
yep hardees here i had a chicken sandwich for supper from there tonight... theres only 3 around that i know of and hardly ever anyone there so they might go out of business eventually.. it really hurt them when they quit having roast beast sandwiches.

and chris mom... the chilli.. microwave? or shall we remind you to check it in 3 minutes?
Damn yeah I think Carls Jr might be going out of business even here in Southern Cali because of the economy problems. Sometimes when I go there there's like no one in the restaurant at all, and this is california man. fast food and american burgers are our specialty. esp. those family owned ones on the beach. nothing like a burger day in the sand with huge blocky fries, the ladies, and a corona with a lime...

.. only to see some seagull come and snag it from you when you went to walk away to do something.
LOL bet those birds are a pain! tkae one of those hand held air horns with you and if one swoops down set it off and scare the bird cross eyed! i bet they will go out of business.. when i was there there were only 4 or 5 cars in the lot and those were probably the people that work there.
what popular burger joints do you guys in cst/est hit up? aside from mickey d's and BK

Hardees (CST-EST)

Carls JR (Pst)
I'm trying to remember where have I seen Hardee's......

hardees here had the promotion once with that star logo and were giving away star antenna toppers
yep that pic is it... theres arbys here... actually pretty much anything... arbys, wendys, long john silvers, jack in the box, dominoes, pizza hut, little caesars, subway, theres 3 japanese restaurants and 1 chinese, ruby tuesdays, and some local places. not counting bk and mcdonalds. and of course the waffle house which is a spin off of IHOP

and hardess lol
I miss Jack in the Box in TX. I only went there to get the antenna topper..just cause I was the only one in town with one..hehehe
hardees here had the promotion once with that star logo and were giving away star antenna toppers

:idea: I REMEMBER NOW! It's at Newark! I think...............
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