The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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it's also possible that i've aggrevated my cold symptoms because of my rapid cycling yesterday. it was a very emotional day on ad in the hugs thread and i started rapid cycling because of it.

Rapid cycling? Biking, you mean?
Rapid cycling? Biking, you mean?

nope. i mean rapid cycling. rapid cycling is a type of bipolar disorder that causes frequent mood changes. in my case, these mood swings take place every hour. i can shift from mania to depression to anger/irritability to depression to anger/irritability back to mania or any combination of the 3 all in the span of 60 minutes or less.
nope. i mean rapid cycling. rapid cycling is a type of bipolar disorder that causes frequent mood changes. in my case, these mood swings take place every hour. i can shift from mania to depression to anger/irritability to depression to anger/irritability back to mania or any combination of the 3 all in the span of 60 minutes or less.

Oops, sorry! Boy was my guess way off. Wow.:|
I'm happy today is Friday because that means no classes today!!
I'm going to pick my food up from my favorite resturant ;) it's Italian and Greek. Yummmmmmy!
Tonight my friend will come and Chinese food delivered. Shrimp rice noodles, my favorite. :)
I must not have a life if I'm online at 10:00 p.m on a Friday night! :D LOL .. No I'm just so tired from studying and tests and being sick last week that it's good to stay home tonight.
I walked home from my broken-down car 11km/7mi in perfect darkness. I texted everybody I know, and nobody could help me, so I walked. I got home in total blackness by thinking what Hear Again might do if she found herself in my position without a guide dog. WHEW!!!! I'm glad to be home!!!!!!!! No sight nor sound to guide me, but the feel of the ground.
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