The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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how long you guys been smoking?

personally, i don't really smoke outside of social occasions
i started in 1990 or so... quit in 1999... started again 3 -4 months ago.
My mom, brother and sister in law has quit smoking.. they all tell me I need to quit too. I'm like never it's my 5 minute timeout..
my dad smoked... my mom did and i made her quit when i did in 99... my grand dad did... my brother dips.
Geesh. Mum smokes, dad smokes, brother smokes, sister smokes, hell, the entire family clan smokes! Except (DRUM ROLL PLEASE) for moi.

Yes. I stand alone, a defiant NON SMOKER.

(but typically, I'll probably die from passive smoking related disease :laugh2: how ironic)
dips? what's dips?
dips? what's dips?

dip.. the round can of smokeless tobacco you see people with in their lower front lip.
ncff looks like smokey the bear?
ncff: "only you can prevent forest fires."

it's your turn now chris' mom!
i guess with my beard i kinda do :P

although ive thought about letting it grow out and dress up as grizzly adams for halloween.
I'm not bored, I don't smoke, talking to people who aren't even on AD, .. maybe everybody's right. My posts are boring. I should make up stories and pretend they're true. I should make a new name so nobody knows it's me. My brain is gone! What am I doing here? Where am I? Who am I? Is this a dream?
what if life as we know it is simply a dream? and when the dreamer awakes, will we cease to exist?
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