The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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damn why isn't my sleeping pill kicking in...Grrrr..Maybe I shouldn't have ate??? Who knows..hopefully the one kid at home will sleep in tomorrow (today). Proably not since he's my early raiser..grrr


try eating a heavy meal around 5pm. when i eat a large supper, it makes me feel exhausted by 9pm.

how is your sleep med working for you? :D

Sometimes I get the effects within minutes sometime not for hours. When I finally stood up last night I could tell at that point I should have been in bed long before. I just wasn't tired.
i hope you don't mind me saying this, but it sounds as if you cycle quite a bit when it comes to your moods. the same thing happens to me on an hourly basis. (in my case, it's called ultradian rapid cycling bipolar.) have you ever been evaluated for bipolar? since you can't sleep, you could be experiencing a manic episode. the same thing happens to me whenever i'm manic. i go from feeling extremely happy to extremely angry/irritable to severely depressed to extremely angry/irritable to manic to severely depressed and back to manic at which time the cycle starts all over again.

what is rls? restless leg syndrome?

No I haven't been evaluated for bipolar. I'm not sure I to do it. I tried making a couseling apointment but it took 2 months to get it and when the time came it was cancelled b/c of the ice. I'll call monday and get it rescheduled.

RLS is restless leg syndrome-I use to be on meds for it but the meds caused my legs to be very weak during the day. So much I couldn't walk around my job.
No I haven't been evaluated for bipolar. I'm not sure I to do it. I tried making a couseling apointment but it took 2 months to get it and when the time came it was cancelled b/c of the ice. I'll call monday and get it rescheduled.

RLS is restless leg syndrome-I use to be on meds for it but the meds caused my legs to be very weak during the day. So much I couldn't walk around my job.


are there times where you feel extremely happy, as if you have tons of energy, are unusually creative, highly productive and restless?

i'm sorry to hear about your rls. :(
Don't want to butt into your conversation ladies, but I thought this would be worthy posting.

Morning btw, both of you.

Wolf is banned again, no clue why. He didn't post anything publicly offensive.. hmm.
Don't want to butt into your conversation ladies, but I thought this would be worthy posting.

Morning btw, both of you.

Wolf is banned again, no clue why. He didn't post anything publicly offensive.. hmm.

good morning to you too. I wonder why wolf got many times does this make..
Don't want to butt into your conversation ladies, but I thought this would be worthy posting.

Morning btw, both of you.

Wolf is banned again, no clue why. He didn't post anything publicly offensive.. hmm.

good morning, naisho.

so the wolf is banned again? no surprise there. :giggle: perhaps he sent someone an offensive pm or else the posts he sent on ad were removed just like one of mine was.

are there times where you feel extremely happy, as if you have tons of energy, are unusually creative, highly productive and restless?

i'm sorry to hear about your rls. :(

Yes but only at night. During the day I'm so tired and have no energy. I don't understand it. I need to get it straighted out soon. I would rather have the tons of energy during the day. I'm not sure if I feel extremely happy. I'm really depressed right now and can't see past my that for the happiness
Yes but only at night. During the day I'm so tired and have no energy. I don't understand it. I need to get it straighted out soon. I would rather have the tons of energy during the day. I'm not sure if I feel extremely happy. I'm really depressed right now and can't see past my that for the happiness

i'm not a psychiatrist, but it doesn't sound as if you have bipolar then because people with bipolar experience extreme happiness at any time of the day without warning. some of my mania takes place at night, but it also occurs during the day. it's unpredictable and since i'm a rapid cycler, i don't know how i'm going to feel from one minute to the next.
how do I get it dignosed?

you would need to see a psychiatrist -- preferably one experienced with bipolar although any psychiatrist will do. some psychiatrists like mine specialize in certain mental illnesses. mine happens to specialize in bipolar.
Lori, do you have a health insurance plan by chance? Just wondering.. maybe HA and jillio can give some tips to get a diagnosis checkup for low costs.
Lori, do you have a health insurance plan by chance? Just wondering.. maybe HA and jillio can give some tips to get a diagnosis checkup for low costs.

I will lose my insurance Feb 5th when I go to divorce court. I had an appointment with a place that has a sliding pay scale so it shouldn't cost too much.
if lori does not have insurance, she could always look for a free mental health clinic or call a local university's psychology department who has a psychiatrist on staff that sees clients once a week.
The reason I asked was actually it kind of gives relevance to me.
I'm also in the same boat as some others. I don't have health insurance. Last time I did was when I was employed during 2006-2008, but I never checked up on a MD for anything because I was never sick. Although I should've while I was employed.. I know, my mistake.
The last time I saw a doctor was probably when I was 15 or 16, which is over 10 years ago. Ever since then I've rarely gotten sick.. I kept track. All I had those years were 2 colds, 1 flu, that flu being 2 weeks ago. Now I'm thinking if I should go in to a doc for a general routine physical and mental checkup. I don't know if I have any internal physical problems nor mental ones for that matter.
Just finished cleaning my house and now drinking oj with vodka with my deaf brother. We are SO pyched for tmw's game! My brother painted his truck with words cheering the Cardinals on!!!

you might want to look into a free clinic and if you're interested in being evaluated for your mental health, a local university's psychology department. if you're looking doctor recommendations, i would check with your local health department or hospital.
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