The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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Damn this sucks..Now I just want to go to bed. I have no energy. I started on one spot of the house and cleaned it..It's time to eat so I'm taking a break..maybe I'll have a nap afterwards

try taking a 15 minute nap. that should help replenish your energy. it always does for me whenever i feel tired.
aight ADers - I'm off to do some errands for my mom. :wave:
That's cool :)

yep. for the past one and a half years i used to see my therapist every 2 weeks, but now because of my recent ptsd diagnosis and rapid cycling not being under control (until a few days ago), he would like me to see him once a week, so i've become used to that.

try taking a 15 minute nap. that should help replenish your energy. it always does for me whenever i feel tired.

It seems like if I lay down I'm always down 2-4 hours. Maybe I'll just keep my self busy. I don't need to stay in bed all day.
It seems like if I lay down I'm always down 2-4 hours. Maybe I'll just keep my self busy. I don't need to stay in bed all day.

oh btw - you should re-circulate your house every morning for a few min (even though it's freezing). stale warm air does make you feel sleepy and sluggish.
It seems like if I lay down I'm always down 2-4 hours. Maybe I'll just keep my self busy. I don't need to stay in bed all day.

if you really need to sleep, i would set a kitchen timer for 15 minutes. if you think you'll sleep longer than that, it's probably best that you stay awake.

i'm the same way whenever i'm depressed or angry. i can't take 15 minute naps because i end up sleeping for 8-10 hours instead. sometimes i sleep 16 hours straight as well.
oh btw - you should re-circulate your house every morning for a few min (even though it's freezing). stale warm air does make you feel sleepy and sluggish.

that's what i do. every morning i open the living room window a tad to let the cool air inside. it works wonders in helping me feel energized.
I have my living room and dinning room windows opened. I just feel overwelmed with everything I need and want to get done. My kids will be home tomorrow evening so it doesn't give me much time to do all if it without them here. So sometimes I feel like saying screw it and just not do it

try writing a list of all the things you need to do. it will help you feel less overwhelmed.
I've heard to set a kitchen timer for 15 minutes, work on one area for that time from and get as much done as possible, take a break and do it again. I might give that a try. I'll also make a list.

working on one section in your house at a time is a good idea. i try to break everything down into various goals. one goal might be to take the garbage out. another goal might be to dust my living room. a third goal might be to vacuum. usually though in my case, once i get started cleaning, i can't stop -- especially when i'm manic. i LOVE to clean my house when i'm manic. :giggle:
That's like me once I get going I just go. But it's getting motivated to take those first steps..after the first 30 minutes I'm good to go

what works for me every time is to start off by taking the garbage out. that's always my first goal. once that's done, i clean the kitchen (which isn't too hard since i have a gally kitchen), followed by the bathroom, then the living room and finally, my bedroom.
Yes but only at night. During the day I'm so tired and have no energy. I don't understand it. I need to get it straighted out soon. I would rather have the tons of energy during the day. I'm not sure if I feel extremely happy. I'm really depressed right now and can't see past my that for the happiness

My entire family is entirely nocturnal by nature, so we've finally decided to screw it and just sleep during the day and stay up all night. We've totally adapted to getting what we want from society on our unusual sleep schedule. We're deprived of some of the minimum-wage scale jobs diurnal people have access to, but on the other hand, the career-level jobs we get typically offer a night-differential of up to $6 per hour! And, our farm is so far out in the country that we can't get terrestrial broadband, so we're stuck with satellite broadband, which limits your downloads to 400MB per day, except between the hours of 11pm and 4am, so that's perfect for us because that's just surrounding our lunch time :giggle: I can watch all the YouTube videos I want! Oh yeah, those among us who can hear the phone get free unlimited calling with night and weekend minutes, considering it's always night :)

Sorry, I just get going sometimes. If I see the sunrise, that relaxes me and puts me to sleep. If I see starlight, I'm energised. That's the way it is with my family.
My entire family is entirely nocturnal by nature, so we've finally decided to screw it and just sleep during the day and stay up all night. We've totally adapted to getting what we want from society on our unusual sleep schedule. We're deprived of some of the minimum-wage scale jobs diurnal people have access to, but on the other hand, the career-level jobs we get typically offer a night-differential of up to $6 per hour! And, our farm is so far out in the country that we can't get terrestrial broadband, so we're stuck with satellite broadband, which limits your downloads to 400MB per day, except between the hours of 11pm and 4am, so that's perfect for us because that's just surrounding our lunch time :giggle: I can watch all the YouTube videos I want! Oh yeah, those among us who can hear the phone get free unlimited calling with night and weekend minutes, considering it's always night :)

Sorry, I just get going sometimes. If I see the sunrise, that relaxes me and puts me to sleep. If I see starlight, I'm energised. That's the way it is with my family.

I wouldn't mind being up at night and sleeping during the day, but having kids tends to throw that out the door. I have to get them to school by 8 and back up by 3, plus if there is therapy appointments (which there is 3 times a week) and doctor appointments when will I sleep. So I go to bed at 2 or 3 or even 4 and get up at 6 (during school time).
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