The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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I'm thinking of taking an opportunity of this bad economic to go to grad school. I'm thinking of urban planning - specifically emergency management + transportation and get certified in GIS. Any comments??
I'm thinking of taking an opportunity of this bad economic to go to grad school. I'm thinking of urban planning - specifically emergency management + transportation and get certified in GIS. Any comments??

yes. go for it!
I'm thinking of taking an opportunity of this bad economic to go to grad school. I'm thinking of urban planning - specifically emergency management + transportation and get certified in GIS. Any comments??

Talk/Check with director/dean of the school, if it seems you can go in go check out counseling, find out which unis in your state(s) offer the program, see if GMAT/GRE is a requirement, check requirements for application, usually GPA and relevant major. Prepare to study like crazy on GRE if it is requirement.

That's about it really.
I'm thinking of taking an opportunity of this bad economic to go to grad school. I'm thinking of urban planning - specifically emergency management + transportation and get certified in GIS. Any comments??

go for it. you could get into FEMA or Homeland Security and actually do something!
Talk/Check with director/dean of the school, if it seems you can go in go check out counseling, find out which unis in your state(s) offer the program, see if GMAT/GRE is a requirement, check requirements for application, usually GPA and relevant major. Prepare to study like crazy on GRE if it is requirement.

That's about it really.

I already took GRE last year and my score was very very very mediocre. :Oops: I gotta retake it. My work (also a university) does offer Master Degree program in Emergency & Disaster Management. It's free tuition after 1 full-year of employment. However - I'm thinking of somewhere else "reputable"... maybe same school I graduated from - a state university. or a college in city but it's $$$$.
What's up Mints?


are you okay? i don't understand your post.

I honestly don't know. You mentioned that this week has been stressful for you on AD, so I was hoping I wasn't part of it. I don't know what's wrong with me. I no longer feel like I'm losing my mind. I feel like I already lost it. I can think clearly in short bursts, then POOF!! They're gone. Things that I find interesting are completely ignored when I talk about them to other people. Either everybody else is getting smarter, or I'm getting stupider. At least that's how my brain is working out the logic at the moment. I get a lot of people saying "and.." when I've stated my conclusion, as if I hadn't reached a conclusion yet, or there is nothing interesting about my conclusion, and they were waiting for a punchline.

I have nothing to lose by telling you this since I've already ruined my reputation on AD, but I don't wanna disturb people.
I already took GRE last year and my score was very very very mediocre. :Oops: I gotta retake it. My work (also a university) does offer Master Degree program in Emergency & Disaster Management. It's free tuition after 1 full-year of employment. However - I'm thinking of somewhere else "reputable"... maybe same school I graduated from - a state university. or a college in city but it's $$$$.

What job in this field are u interested in?
I honestly don't know. You mentioned that this week has been stressful for you on AD, so I was hoping I wasn't part of it. I don't know what's wrong with me. I no longer feel like I'm losing my mind. I feel like I already lost it. I can think clearly in short bursts, then POOF!! They're gone. Things that I find interesting are completely ignored when I talk about them to other people. Either everybody else is getting smarter, or I'm getting stupider. At least that's how my brain is working out the logic at the moment. I get a lot of people saying "and.." when I've stated my conclusion, as if I hadn't reached a conclusion yet, or there is nothing interesting about my conclusion, and they were waiting for a punchline.

I have nothing to lose by telling you this since I've already ruined my reputation on AD, but I don't wanna disturb people.

You need a hug!
I already took GRE last year and my score was very very very mediocre. :Oops: I gotta retake it. My work (also a university) does offer Master Degree program in Emergency & Disaster Management. It's free tuition after 1 full-year of employment. However - I'm thinking of somewhere else "reputable"... maybe same school I graduated from - a state university. or a college in city but it's $$$$.

I say go for it. You really don't want to be going back to school when you get older, the younger you do it the better. Money can always come later, it's not like its going to stop coming. You need to get what you want prioritized done. If you know your future is related to this degree and you _REALLY_ wanna do it, its time to go all in.

Don't be like those 50 year old ppl still in school - not that its bad, but its just too tiring at that age to be doing it.

<hugs> and more <hugs>

nothing you've said here on ad was responsible for stressing me out. what was responsible for that was nika and the original hugs thread. nika is a malingerer and i was *very* upset about the fact that he feigned sucidal ideations and sent me a pm on the day i was severely psychotic in which he said he was experiencing similar symptoms. i'm sorry, but i don't take to that very well. psychosis and suicidal ideations are nothing to make fun of.

i'm really sorry you feel the way you do. i wonder if it might be a good idea for you to change your username so that you can start fresh here on ad?
I say go for it. You really don't want to be going back to school when you get older, the younger you do it the better. Money can always come later, it's not like its going to stop coming. You need to get what you want prioritized done.

Don't be like those 50 year old ppl still in school - not that its bad, but its just too tiring at that age to be doing it.

I agree with you...I am 36 years old and just have absulotely no motivation to go back to school so I am glad I got it all done with when I was younger.

Sure there are people who have that motivation regardless of their age but for most people especially those who have families are less likely to have the motivation and euthusiasm.
What job in this field are u interested in?

a position in local/state government such as Urban Planner or GIS Specialist/Analyst. I want to get certified in GIS (ArcGIS) - a really sophisticated computer program that revolutionized the world. as most of you know - my dream is to work for government.... to secretly run the Domestic Dissent program (j/k). I've always had an interest in emergency/disaster/transportation planning but I didn't bring myself to it because I didn't think I'd make a good living from it - especially being HOH. Now it's becoming very doable for me because there's a very new field in it - GIS. That I definitely can contribute greatly to this field. :cool2:

I simply love working for public service to better the community life. I guess it's in my blood because my late grandfather was a public servant. :cool2:
I say go for it. You really don't want to be going back to school when you get older, the younger you do it the better. Money can always come later, it's not like its going to stop coming. You need to get what you want prioritized done. If you know your future is related to this degree and you _REALLY_ wanna do it, its time to go all in.

Don't be like those 50 year old ppl still in school - not that its bad, but its just too tiring at that age to be doing it.

:laugh2: that is true. I'm young and unmarried so now or soon is the time to do it. While my current job is good and pay is good.... I keep asking myself how long can I sustain doing like this. I don't think I can do this kind of job for rest of my life. It is uninteresting. Public Service is much more interesting job for me... and I don't care if the salary is less than what I make now. obviously I can't be NYPD but a seat at government agency will do!
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