(partial rules below)
Forum Rules
Here are the basic ground rules that will be enforced on the Forum. First of all, the Administrator and Moderators reserve the right to remove, edit or move posts without explanation. If you have any questions, please contact me at
1.) Members are not allowed to make posts that are discriminating, racist, threatening, hateful, or include links to pornography or warez.
2.) NO SPAMMING. Members may not use the forums (PM, signature, etc.) to solicit users for private, public or commercial gain. This also includes advertising other forums of the same nature.
3.) NO TROLLING. A troll is someone who provokes members into flaming discussions by posting outrageous messages, and usually ends with name callings and flame wars.
4.) Members using images as signatures and/or avatars are to use JPG or GIF format only. Only 1 image is allowed per signature, and must be 50KB or less in file size.
5.) Members are not to have multiple accounts, only one account per person is allowed. If you want to change your username, please send a request via PM.
6.) Members are not to request for removal of their accounts unless they have a very good reason. If you simply change your mind and want your account removed, I'm sorry but that's not going to happen.