The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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the forum rule says no. duplicate accounts are not allowed.

i read the rules thing the other day and your right, no duplicate accounts but i think it says if you really want to change your username to email admin and put in a request, i think.
well everyone, i'm off to bed. i'm really, really tired and need to get some shut-eye. i'll come back and see what's happening if i can't fall asleep or wake up in the middle of the night. goodnight all!
Well.. technically if you want to get specific you can make another username with another IP address and you'll never be discovered unless you are dumb and post the same content and form lol.

But yeah forumwise Alex probably wants to keep the registration numbers down, and usernames free so he'll change yours if you're really pressed on for it.

By the way mints, how come you say you've tarnished your rep?
well everyone, i'm off to bed. i'm really, really tired and need to get some shut-eye. i'll come back and see what's happening if i can't fall asleep or wake up in the middle of the night. goodnight all!

good nite! :wave:
(partial rules below)

Forum Rules


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3.) NO TROLLING. A troll is someone who provokes members into flaming discussions by posting outrageous messages, and usually ends with name callings and flame wars.

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5.) Members are not to have multiple accounts, only one account per person is allowed. If you want to change your username, please send a request via PM.
6.) Members are not to request for removal of their accounts unless they have a very good reason. If you simply change your mind and want your account removed, I'm sorry but that's not going to happen.
Well.. technically if you want to get specific you can make another username with another IP address and you'll never be discovered unless you are dumb and post the same content and form lol.

But yeah forumwise Alex probably wants to keep the registration numbers down, and usernames free so he'll change yours if you're really pressed on for it.

By the way mints, how come you say you've tarnished your rep?

Um, I don't really know any more :hmm:
i'm back because i noticed mints' reply. mints, you really sound depressed to me. are you sure you're okay? if you don't mind my asking, have you seen a psychiatrist to ask about anti-depressants? they could help you feel better.
i'm back because i noticed mints' reply. mints, you really sound depressed to me. are you sure you're okay? if you don't mind my asking, have you seen a psychiatrist to ask about anti-depressants? they could help you feel better.

I haven't seen a psychiatrist yet. Still working out how I can pay for it with all my other medical expenses and no insurance.
Sorry that took so long to reply. I plugged in my camera, and got an error, USB hub power exceeded, and that caused my keyboard to stop working. I guess I need a new USB hub =/
i'm back because i noticed mints' reply. mints, you really sound depressed to me. are you sure you're okay? if you don't mind my asking, have you seen a psychiatrist to ask about anti-depressants? they could help you feel better.

I'm certainly not sure of anything right now. You're right, I should see a psychiatrist. I need to get this worked out. Nothing is making sense to me, and I have a feeling I'm not making sense to others either.
I'm certainly not sure of anything right now. You're right, I should see a psychiatrist. I need to get this worked out. Nothing is making sense to me, and I have a feeling I'm not making sense to others either.

don't worry don't worry. your good friends here do understand you and they can help you to cope with it.
I haven't seen a psychiatrist yet. Still working out how I can pay for it with all my other medical expenses and no insurance.


try calling a free mental health clinic or the psychology department at a local university. the latter has a psychiatrist on staff that sees clients once a week.

please don't take this the wrong way, but perhaps therapy might also be a good idea. if you contact a free mental health clinic, you may be able to receive services for free or on a sliding scale. according to research studies, a combination of meds and therapy are the best ways of treating depression.
Mints, I hope you get to feeling better..It sucks to be where you are but we are here for you if you need to talk..Just knowing someone is here helps

please don't take this the wrong way, but perhaps therapy might also be a good idea. if you contact a free mental health clinic, you may be able to receive services for free or on a sliding scale. according to research studies, a combination of meds and therapy are the best ways of treating depression.

I can't take offence by this. I know I need help. I think therapy would be a good idea too, because if I understand what's going on, I can better manage my condition.
I guess I'm going to take a break and clean more of my house. I'm really glad noone lives in the apartment beside me since it's midnight..hehehe..I'll check back later

i know exactly how you feel. as you know, i have bipolar and when i'm depressed, i'm very depressed. been there, done that many, many times.
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