The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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OOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just took my socks off, and one of my toes is all crushed and bloody .. don't think this is a dream, or this would have woken me. Damn, made a fool of myself for nothing :shock:
OOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just took my socks off, and one of my toes is all crushed and bloody .. don't think this is a dream, or this would have woken me. Damn, made a fool of myself for nothing :shock:

wtf??? how?
I forgot about smokey the bear...

can't think of one..damn it



I'm not bored, I don't smoke, talking to people who aren't even on AD, .. maybe everybody's right. My posts are boring. I should make up stories and pretend they're true. I should make a new name so nobody knows it's me. My brain is gone! What am I doing here? Where am I? Who am I? Is this a dream?

Why do you wanna do that? Or do you want to be in a dream to never awaken from?
damn why isn't my sleeping pill kicking in...Grrrr..Maybe I shouldn't have ate??? Who knows..hopefully the one kid at home will sleep in tomorrow (today). Proably not since he's my early raiser..grrr
and its 4am im gonna make like a hockey player and get the puck outta here. later folks. sleep well Miss Lori.
I concur, I think you guys should head to bed, I feel bad because it's only 1AM here, and we're being pretty lively tonight.
wow 4 am..damn I htought it was Thanks I'll try to..and you sleep well to
I concur, I think you guys should head to bed, I feel bad because it's only 1AM here, and we're being pretty lively tonight.

It's fixing to be 3 am here..Geez have you ever noticed how quickly time goes by at night?? Last time I looked it was like 2
yep go get some shut eye and hit the sack. it'll prepare you for the long run tomorrow anyhow.
geez..why is it that I have soo much trouble sleeping. Dang I hate this..I need to get some sleep so I can get my house cleaned up. I've had all 3 of my kids at home all week and 3 of my friend's kids so you can just imagin the hell my house is in..but if I don't get some sleep soon then I'll want to be lazy tomorrow. I got a phone call from (automative) our school system saying school is back in session on monday :D. except for 3 of them since they still don't have electricity..YEAH YEAH..back to normal..oh and they finally opened my road today :D
Lori go to sleep! Want to know an easy trick how? Pick up the the most boring book you've got and and read it closely under a light on your bed. bam you'll be out in no time.

Mints, you said you walked home from the car breakdown fiasco - did you happen to do something on the trek back?
I think what it is too night is I've felt too many emotions to calm down and go to sleep. At first I was piss, then I was who gives a F***, then just bla..I just hate laying in bed staring at the celling and then my RLS kicks in and i get peeved..I might try it here in a few
Lori go to sleep! Want to know an easy trick how? Pick up the the most boring book you've got and and read it closely under a light on your bed. bam you'll be out in no time.

Mints, you said you walked home from the car breakdown fiasco - did you happen to do something on the trek back?

did you actually damage your toe? if yes - how?

The toe is definitely damaged. The nail is broken width-wise in the middle of the fleshy part, so it bled quite a bit, and I didn't know about it. I did fall a lot. I may have tripped on rocks or such. I was walking in pure darkness for three hours across farmland criss-crossed with irrigation ditches (mostly empty since it's winter). Weird thing is, my shoe isn't damaged. I wonder how I damaged my toe without damaging the shoe it was sitting in. My clothes I was wearing are caked in mud now.

I should carry a cane, torch, and reflective clothing in my car in case this happens again.
Now that it's almost 4 in the morning I'm off to bed..Good night all


how is your sleep med working for you? i'm sorry i wasn't on ad last night. i ended up crashing around 9pm my time. i was so tired i didn't even take my bipolar meds or sleep med like i'm supposed to. it's now 5:25am and i'm completely wide awake. :D
I think what it is too night is I've felt too many emotions to calm down and go to sleep. At first I was piss, then I was who gives a F***, then just bla..I just hate laying in bed staring at the celling and then my RLS kicks in and i get peeved..I might try it here in a few

i hope you don't mind me saying this, but it sounds as if you cycle quite a bit when it comes to your moods. the same thing happens to me on an hourly basis. (in my case, it's called ultradian rapid cycling bipolar.) have you ever been evaluated for bipolar? since you can't sleep, you could be experiencing a manic episode. the same thing happens to me whenever i'm manic. i go from feeling extremely happy to extremely angry/irritable to severely depressed to extremely angry/irritable to manic to severely depressed and back to manic at which time the cycle starts all over again.

what is rls? restless leg syndrome?
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