The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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I could really go for a Starbucks white mocha right about now...
NOOOOOOOOOOOO --- give me one! I tried it in Japan, and got stuck with it, it is sooo good, but no starbucks in here :(
Only in my local.. we have them only in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.
But the closest starbucks is in Sydney (3 hours drive!)

And yes, it is global business -- seattle HQ decided to close 600 stores worldwide including ALL stores in Canberra (my local)
There are three Starbuck in my neighborhood. Two I could walk to. They were going to close the third one, but last time I was by there, it was still open.

Too many Starbucks here.:hmm:
Prehaps, I could complain to the HQ? :hmm:

Everything's automated these days, you know. You'd be waiting an eternity to get a live human being on the line. Might actually be faster if you fly over and speak to them in-person.
A written letter, prehaps?

Yeah I suppose that would work. Keep in mind how soggy Seattle is. To be safe, stick it in one of those zip-lock plastic bags. The suits aren't going to struggle reading a waterlogged complaint. :lol:
Yeah I suppose that would work. Keep in mind how soggy Seattle is. To be safe, stick it in one of those zip-lock plastic bags. The suits aren't going to struggle reading a waterlogged complaint. :lol:

when i first skimmed that i thought it said.. "how mind soggy Seattle is"
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