The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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Thanks for the pointers, guys. Some of you give advice like licensed Md's, lol. And yes, I agree with you JClarke- I do need to replace the chair. :P
Thanks for the pointers, guys. Some of you give advice like licensed Md's, lol. And yes, I agree with you JClarke- I do need to replace the chair. :P

lol I have a chronic lower back problem. I've been going to chiropractor for a few years and acupuncture once. Now I haven't gone back in more than 1 year because all the problems are stemmed from your daily lifestyle.

I work out regularly and I did what chiropractor instructed. I told him that I sit behind computer for a very long time so he simply suggested that every hour or so... get up and stretch your back for a few min and then go back to what you're doing. Repeat that process as well.

It wasn't easy to do steps above because I had very busy, rough schedule as college student. I drove 3-4 hrs a day, sit long time behind computer at work and crummy chair in classes. I didn't have time to work out. etc. etc.. all these problems build up.
I stretch myself every so often whenever I am in office, it helps. To avoid the cramming soreness.

By the way, Societys_child... how long have you been in the federal Govt?
soceity's child, that's 7 years in total. Time for a replacement.
when the page first loads, at the top in the menu bar that says user cp, blogs, store FAQ etc etc on the right side theres one that says quick links. click that and then click mark forums read. then go back again and click todays posts (whenever you want to see if theres something new) and it should show the threads that have new posts on top. i think. :hmm:

I tried that before I finished reading threw the thread the rest of the way so I had to find where I left off..oops Thanks for your help
chris' mom,

did you see my post explaining how to insert a picture in your signature? just wondering.
i am awake cuz of my son lol, he wont go to sleep , very active little boy >.<
I feel so blah today. But Im thinking about to go to Super Wal-Mart with my daughter to buying a few stuffs that she needs.
Sound like fun to do! :) I bet she gotten SOOOOOOO big! :)

Just got home from Super Wal Mart... She's big girl yes but two of my best friends' sons are BIG than my daughter, they are only 7 and 6 months old which she's only 8 months old.. So she's very tiny baby that everybody ever see before.
Aww! Any new pictures of her? :) Bet she's so happy and smiles a lot! Crawling yet?
Just got home from Super Wal Mart... She's big girl yes but two of my best friends' sons are BIG than my daughter, they are only 7 and 6 months old which she's only 8 months old.. So she's very tiny baby that everybody ever see before.
Aww! Any new pictures of her? :) Bet she's so happy and smiles a lot! Crawling yet?

Yeppers, she's VERY happy girl. I will update new pictures of her on tomorrow, thats when she becomes 8 months old.

Im not sure if you guys know update about her. She have two teeth on the bottom front, will having third one soon. And, she knows how to sign Milk and More on her own. She can stand up with the support that she can see to hold on. She can say a few words; Mama, moo(for milk with sign), ha ha and few others. She started to crawl by side to side or backward only but not forward YET!
WOW! That's great! :) She'll get there with forward crawling soon! :)
Yeppers, she's VERY happy girl. I will update new pictures of her on tomorrow, thats when she becomes 8 months old.

Im not sure if you guys know update about her. She have two teeth on the bottom front, will having third one soon. And, she knows how to sign Milk and More on her own. She can stand up with the support that she can see to hold on. She can say a few words; Mama, moo(for milk with sign), ha ha and few others. She started to crawl by side to side or backward only but not forward YET!
It sucks that I've had my new laptop for only a week, and already the wireless adapter is not working. :( I took it over to the IT dept at school (it stopped working in class BUT AFTER my test, thank goodness.) They said it looked like a hardware issue so they kept my laptop and will fix it for me hopefully before I return to class on Thursday. I'm glad I've got a home desktop computer to use in the meantime. :(
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