The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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For getting cut or for weight loss?

If you're gonna do muscle workouts in some form (that is not cardio) you should eat some protein before the workout, because it will give what you intend to work out the energy, that's where also some of the muscle mass comes from.

If you wanna build blingblings like us guys, then you'll want to eat both a good time before and not too long after the the workout as well.

Thanks for the pointers. I'll keep those in mind. I'm pretty much just trying maintain my weight and tone muscle (get cut). :P
I joined the gym here at work. It's 4 floors below me. Don't even have to go outside. :)

I'll prolly just do an hour today.

oh sweet. it's nice having gym at work. you shower afterward?
what's build blingbling? :scratch:
I just coin the 'guns' "bling bling" because they are the purpose as them.. you know, jewelery and blingy cars stand out, for aesthetical reasons, the same as a brotha's guns stick out.

hence "build bling blings"
I just coin the 'guns' "bling bling" because they are the purpose as them.. you know, jewelery and blingy cars stand out, for aesthetical reasons, the same as a brotha's guns stick out.

hence "build bling blings"

i mean - you're referring to type of body so "build blingbling" is the one with 6 packs and defined muscles?
yeah. since we're on the topic of women bodybuilding..
this is "blingy" to me:

This is normal:

be back, time for class.
oh that... yuck..... it is unsightly for my First Lady :mad2:
Oh I'd so much rather be the 2nd picture. I intend to start a gym membership this month (or perhaps on Feb. 1st). I'm very trim but I have noticed my metabolism slowing down now and feeling a little more flab than I ever have, so time to go tone up! I want to be in bikini-form again by summer!
Oh I'd so much rather be the 2nd picture. I intend to start a gym membership this month (or perhaps on Feb. 1st). I'm very trim but I have noticed my metabolism slowing down now and feeling a little more flab than I ever have, so time to go tone up! I want to be in bikini-form again by summer!

As we age, it's tougher to keep the flab at bay. Battle of the bulge, indeed. :doh:
Am now baking orange/chocolate gluten free cake for my stepmother's birthday.
I ain't singing, botts! I am humming the tune!!!!! Don't you see, I am Happy today? :D
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