The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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Is that so? Well i guess that means i haven't missed much of anything. :P

Yep, it's been pretty darned quiet today for the most part. I've been checking in every hour or so after break from reading, and its mostly just the usual:
A: You're wrong
B: No u r
A: This is why you are wrong
B: No that is wrong
C: HEY everyone!
D: C, you're wrong
*Repeat above*

I think I got an itching to rewatch Harold and Kumar part 2 after some homework.
Yep, it's been pretty darned quiet today for the most part. I've been checking in every hour or so after break from reading, and its mostly just the usual:
A: You're wrong
B: No u r
A: This is why you are wrong
B: No that is wrong
C: HEY everyone!
D: C, you're wrong
*Repeat above*

That sounds alot like a typical conversation between Jiro and JClarke. :lol:
Its 10am and I am at work, drinking coca - cola instead of coffee until futher notice.
Doesn't matter, sir. I have a long weekend head this weekend, since it is australia day long weekend, ROFL
Phew looks like gunna be another hot day here today.. over 40 degrees predicted! :shock: I've had to work a bit extra overtime this morning to make sure all the greyhound pups and dogs have fresh water filled to the brim in their buckets. They tend to love splashing in the bucket on hot days lol
Also filled up the pups' baby baths (you know the round plastic baby pool type thing?) some of the pups love to lay in the bath under water! lol :giggle:
Whoa, what's with the slowdown today. Feels like we're moving at like 2 topics per hour. The wolf could do like 100/hour.
Today isn't a special day is it? All I know is that there's football really, and that's it.
And it should be over now, I think.. But I'm no football junkie.
My hubby and brother r totally wasted...they drank too much during the Cards and Eagles, I am taking care of both of them...ugh

What a game!! Cards r in the SUPERBOWL!!!!! Yes! Yes! Yes!
LOL. You get to clean up after them :)

I am doing homework, homework, homework. I am a week ahead of schedule and I intend to keep it that way !!! I'm scoring at 98% so far, including homework and quizzes, so I'm happy. :) (It's all online so I get instant access to my scores/grades. Yay!)
Where the bloody is everyone?

just woke up and it's 9:30pm. wow.... it's so wacked... I kept falling asleep. I haven't used Provigil since Friday cuz I had to save it. I'm down to 3.5 pills left....
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