The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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Got furloughed from work at 1 PM so it will be a nice and long weekend for me due to the holiday. :D
A'ight, I'm off to the airport. Peace!
My family and I are now home. The key has been found, it was at my uncle's for the whole time! :eek3:

I am so cold that i'm shivering but it was well worth it cause I just had Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream.
testing my new signature....

EDIT: cool! it works! :cool2:
Thanks, I put it in my favorites.:) ( It is so easy to cheer me up. Plus I was only joking anyway.):nana:

was AD down for a while? I was having a severe AD withdrawal :mad2:
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