The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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You would be really sad if you lived in International Falls!:P

Oh I'm sure I would be! But since I'm still stuck with -17 I'll whine about that. :)
hi everyone,

just thought i'd share some good news.

yesterday i saw my doctor who gave me another wrist splint to wear on my right hand. i've been wearing it for 24 hours and it's really helping the pain. it no longer hurts to type with my right hand. :D
I am thrilled for you, Hear Again :)

The only will I may have right now is sending everything packing, to start with mom and the cardio, and to concede me a great vacation with friends !! :cool2:
bbbbbbbrrrrrr COLD! but.... I'm looking forward to attend New York Motorcycle Show later in the afternoon. :cool2:



Too freakin cold!! :cold::cold::cold: I gotta get myself to San Diego somehow, stat. I just can't deal.
I need to figure out how to do signature stuff... :scratch:
Eh, California isn't at all that great at the moment in terms of weather too. Monitor on my room says 44F right now, and estimating outside it's probably about ~55-60
I was talking to a guy who came from Connecticut a couple of years ago, who wanted to get away from all the cold and snow. He said since he's got here, it's been somewhat the same during the winter months: cold, freezing, fog, but no snow.

Its actually quite sad because in the past, Cali has never been this cold before. Something's changing in the atmosphere making us have these colder winters. I can tell somethin's definitely off because of being a resident since I was born. Global warming?

Either way.. its getting a bit warmer but its still cold as hell right now too, durin the morning. It only heats up to like 70-80's at around 11AM-3PM, then it starts dropping.
I leave work an hour early today. In 10 minutes im outta here and i'm not back until next Wendsday. :dance2::dance:
Jiro -- to fix up a sigature, go to User CP, click 'Edit Signature' on the left panel menu and put in whatever you wish in the box, remember coding images in there is the same thing you post. I suggest you put this image in the siggy :cool2:

I was in a good mood last night but before that, I was disappointed that most of my friends bailed out not to meet up to catch up over drinks last night. It was only 5 of us, but I didn't care, I was a little drunk and we all were talkin dirty so it was awesome.

Today, I am going to pick up my family at the airport this afternoon, I am pretty sure they have arrived in Sydney few hours ago. :D

The car arrrangements has been taken care of :)
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