The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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Chinchillas are very valuable animals..I thought most people bred them for pets or for their pelts. But then again, what do i know? I only raised guinea pigs. :dunno:

Snakes like guinea pigs....

Besides guinea pigs are quite tasty especially if one skins them and cook them over an open fire.

The meat of the guinea pig isn't as heavy as some other mammals.
I understand, you see a wolf eating a chinchilla as unacceptable behavior. That's humane to feel that it is crazy.
The way Byrdie is presenting the situation, the chinchilla has no value outside of human society - it's what we as the people created the value of the chinchilla ourselves.
Hahahaha, no. My chinchilla, Jedi, and my wolf, Chico are best friends.

I let them play with eachother for a while or sometime I let them take a bath, in SAND, together lol even tho my wolf just stares.

My Chinchilla is pretty super tamed. It doesn't run away, it just hops and do backflips. Playful creature.

Wouldn't you say that I'm an ODD ONE? OR A TALENTED ONE? WEEEEE!
Hahahaha, no. My chinchilla, Jedi, and my wolf, Chico are best friends.

I let them play with eachother for a while or sometime I let them take a bath, in SAND, together lol even tho my wolf just stares.

My Chinchilla is pretty super tamed. It doesn't run away, it just hops and do backflips. Playful creature.

Wouldn't you say that I'm an ODD ONE? OR A TALENTED ONE? WEEEEE!


Why did they call you the "silencer"?

Because, during that era I never really participated in the "Dan got busted smoking in the bathroom" "so and so has gained weight" gossip chats during breaks.
I just sat around listening and brainstorming what people were talking about.
Then whenever I spoke, usually after both sides provided enough examples, my logic would put an end to all conversation in that particular chat as I stood from neutrality, and then the conversation about that particular subject was over.

Forgot who gave me the nick in particular, but now that I think of it - it did serve the same purpose as a real silencer i suppose. Waiting to be used at the right time, and always has the last "shot"
Feel soo blah! I'm thinking about to go out tomorrow to walking around with my babygirl..
I am :mad2: with my sister and the issue I am having, it is the damn keys that disappeared. I am picking up my family tomorrow, they are flying off tonight, in Tokyo. My sister stubbornly refused to help, when I asked. She have a past with my mother, which comes with a major wtf. Now, what can I do? Fuck knows.
I don't see anything on Hudson River..... :mad2: but I am glad I punched out early at work cuz I can see the traffic along hudson river is very jammed. :mad2:
I am :mad2: with my sister and the issue I am having, it is the damn keys that disappeared. I am picking up my family tomorrow, they are flying off tonight, in Tokyo. My sister stubbornly refused to help, when I asked. She have a past with my mother, which comes with a major wtf. Now, what can I do? Fuck knows.

Gosh, usually, I'd laugh. But looks like sibilings aren't easy for you either.

In my pack, the older sibilings thing they can ignore me and what I requested. Perhaps some smacking could help, after all she's the sister who's being the brat.
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