The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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Here is in avaitor version :cool2:

here's mine used by Vin Diesel

here's mine


see? mine > you
(Sorry it took longer than I thought -- computer's had a hissy fit with me)

here's mine - limited edition JClarke sunglasses.


see? mine> you

(Sorry it took longer than I thought -- computer's had a hissy fit with me)

here's mine - limited edition JClarke sunglasses.


see? mine> you


I see.. corporate espionage.. you've gone too far, my friend. :mad2:
Jiro's :Owned:



actually no. You'll have to wait till I get home tonite. Tonite - I will unveil my newest sunglasses that have not been released to public yet. It is a closely guarded secret that will revolutionize the world. :cool2:
actually no. You'll have to wait till I get home tonite. Tonite - I will unveil my newest sunglasses that have not been released to public yet. It is a closely guarded secret that will revolutionize the world. :cool2:

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Oh yeah right, it will be show time real soon, isnt it?
Then I will be right here, waiting....:cool2:
hi everyone,

i had my first physical therapy appointment for my left wrist today and came home in absolute pain. my physical therapist wants to see me for at least 4 more visits. because of how much pain i'm in, i'm thinking of throwing in the towel and having cts surgery instead. i'll see. i need to talk with my neurologist next month before making any final decisions.
Jiro -- still waiting.

HEar Again -- I hope you'll be OK.
Jiro and JClarke, you both look very cool in your sunglasses, I need to get some too.:cool2:

Have a little patience with physical therapy, Hear Again, my daughter has bad carpal tunnel and has had help with some kind of electric stimulation at physical therapy. I don't know what it is called and I won't see her until the weekend to ask.
Jiro, here is the latest, newest advertisement promotion of my new model.... enjoy...while it lasts.

The store didn't have the printers at right price so I didn't buy me one yet. I did get 4 more Gigs of memory and another hard drive to use as backup. Now I got total of 8 Gigs of memory in my computer!
I have bought 750GB External HDD yesterday with USB/Fireware/eSATA connectivity.
I have bought 750GB External HDD yesterday with USB/Fireware/eSATA connectivity.

Cool! They had 500 GB external HD for 70 dollars but it was only for USB. I thought about getting it but decided that I didn't want USB. I prefer eSATA.
Cool! They had 500 GB external HD for 70 dollars but it was only for USB. I thought about getting it but decided that I didn't want USB. I prefer eSATA.

Mine's Western Digital (WD) and it is a good one, 750GB with three option connectivity for $199. Good baragin, eh!
Wow, nice bargain, comes with those bells and whistle ports.

a few days before the new year, I picked up a 1 terabyte external (innards WD green HDD) USb2 drive, for $84.99 after rebates. Usually use to catch things like this, this was fairly slick due to it being like $.08 per GB.
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