The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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Well, it isn't all that great, but it's infinite compared to what I had. I put my hearing aids back in, and with my 105dB headphones, I can listen to music! And that includes the one song I wanted to hear :) I don't know if it's gonna last, but I'm keeping both "lives" active just in case.

There's one time of day that I'm virtually guaranteed to feel perfect! When I first roll out of bed, I go to the kitchen and make myself a cup of hot cocoa. Since Christmas morning, I've put a candy cane in it and let it dissolve in the chocolate. I'm in heaven with every sip!

That's good! Small pleasures can help a lot. I really think you can feel a lot better if you go talk to someone.

Just my opinion, but an anti-depressant might not hurt either.
i agree with bott about seeing a professional and possibly looking into taking an anti-depressant. i take an anti-depressant for severe depression related to my bipolar. i only started taking the med on the first of the year, so it will take another 6-8 weeks before i start to notice any improvement.
Well I'll talk about it with my GP tomorrow and find out what she has to say about it. Thanks Bottesini and Hear Again and everybody. :)
Well I'll talk about it with my GP tomorrow and find out what she has to say about it. Thanks Bottesini and Hear Again and everybody. :)

if you feel comfortable doing so, let us know how it goes. good luck.
I am dead worried. Just been back from the doctor and she told me to go to a cardiologist because I am short of breath when I am doing the stairs or simply walking 10m. And she told me there is a possibility of an arythmia. So I am dead worried.

Any advice ?

Thanks again for your ideas
Any advice ?

Thanks again for your ideas

oh sorry. well you're breathing and typing so looks like you're fine for now. the reason why your doctor said to see cardiologist is because he/she is not qualified to diagnose it. It's just for precaution.
oh sorry. well you're breathing and typing so looks like you're fine for now. the reason why your doctor said to see cardiologist is because he/she is not qualified to diagnose it. It's just for precaution.

Thanks Jiro for your kind words. Mom doesn't know how weird I feel to see a cardiologist at my age....
Thanks Jiro for your kind words. Mom doesn't know how weird I feel to see a cardiologist at my age....

if you don't mind my asking - how old are you? I don't know if it's any consolation but a fellow AD'er in here did have a heart attack at such young age.... and don't worry - he's alive and well.... so will you :cool2:
tommorow is friday, tommorow is friday, tommorow is friday, tommorow is friday, tommorow is friday....
Soo in mood for going out to somewhere to just walk with my Alexanderia but can't because of snow, too cold! BRRR!
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