Haha, no, I don't honestly believe I'm dead! I just feel invisible. And I don't believe I'm actually physically invisible either!
Well, I suppose I have plenty of valid reasons to be depressed, but being saved from death certainly shouldn't be one of them.
Maybe the fact that I (almost) died because of something that's outside of my control has made me feel vulnerable.
What am I doing? I should be listening to all of you! I'm specifically disqualified from self-diagnosing a mental/psychological condition. I'll take your collective advice. I'll think about how I'm gonna approach this for a while, then I'll talk to somebody. Maybe it's worth seeking professional help. I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow, a follow-up regarding my hospitalisation. Maybe I'll tell her what I'm feeling. Maybe what I'm not feeling as well.
I don't wanna be committed to a mental institution. Can you imagine
me trying to act sane trapped in a room without my ponies and
without internet access? But then I also don't want to live the rest of my life feeling useless, like a drain on society. I know I paid into social security while I was working, and now I'm only drawing from the funds I put into it, but somehow that doesn't make me feel any better about myself. But I certainly don't wanna be dead either. I must choose my words carefully. My GP is not a psychological expert.
Oh dear, she might refer me to one!