The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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Man, I keep sleeping today! I think I've gotten a total of about 16 hours of sleep in the last 24 hours, and all I've taken have been probiotics, enzymes, and vitamins, except for sleeping meds LAST NIGHT, and I feel like I've taken a bottle of sleeping pills. I feel like I could go to bed now and get another 16 hours.

Wow, today was quite busy, and my DD is pre-registered for Kindergarten. Oh my. My own Kindergarten teacher was there as well as my second and fourth grade teachers. They were all like - your child is starting school this year?! Yes she is.

And tomorrow I will spend the entire day looking for work. Hopefully something will come through in the next week or two. I dont like the idea of living off of unemployment.

If I cant find a full time job then I will try to get two part time jobs and come up with 40 hours.
Wow, today was quite busy, and my DD is pre-registered for Kindergarten. Oh my. My own Kindergarten teacher was there as well as my second and fourth grade teachers. They were all like - your child is starting school this year?! Yes she is.

And tomorrow I will spend the entire day looking for work. Hopefully something will come through in the next week or two. I dont like the idea of living off of unemployment.

If I cant find a full time job then I will try to get two part time jobs and come up with 40 hours.

here's a joke that's somewhat related to your daughter


**Pix of comic -
1. A chicken saying to worm "Today is the first day of the rest of your life!"
2. Worm said - Can't tomorrow be the first day of the rest of my life?
3. Chicken said - "uuummm.... I guess......"
4. Worm - I'm kinda busy today
hear again! your back! welcome back. again!

thanks! i've made a pact with myself to avoid controversial/political threads since they always seem to get me into trouble due to rapid cycling. that's not going to be easy though because i LOVE politics. i'm now going to limit my participation to the general chat, hearing aids/ci's and health forums. this seems to be the only way i can avoid being permanently banned from ad.
Hi everyone! Can I jump in here? I'll do a quick re-intro so ya'll don't think I'm crazy. I'm Melissa, my husband is joe we were married 10/31/03. I've got 3 kids but one of them lives in Heaven

and I'm dying my hair pink this week!! :)
Going on a Mediterranean cruise this summer. So excited! Greece, Spain, Italy: here I come!! :D
NICE!! You'd better take your camera! We're not going to do any vacation this year. We are going to Gen Con in August
just chillin and read post here before leavin gonna to downtown do fill out my tax $$$$ that way i can save money for 1 month then next month (march) gonna buy Jeep can't wait! *woot* also thanks god FRIDAY!! i don't have go work tonight wooooo
I think I'm going to try and get my husband to take me for a new tattoo this week
it's a little after 1:30pm here and i'm sooo tired. i already slept from 10pm-7am, then went back to sleep for another 2 hours. i guess i won't be taking my trazodone tonight. :zzz:
It's a pic of a real white pony with his mane and tail dyed pink, with pink gear on and a pink ruffley dress thingie. :hmm: Does that make sense?

Cool and interesting
FYI, I think the word for that short dress, is a tutu
(thumbs up)
He's wearing the dress thing low around his neck, and he's standing in somebody's well-groomed back yard on mowed grass. Somebody is holding his pink lead off camera.
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