The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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Oh that's right, female anatomy! Lolz. I like a good old fashioned prostate massage :giggle:

:giggle: same here lol, i am old fashion person in most part.
If I told how often I think about sex, nobody would believe me. But I'm sure masturbation is better than what I did to take my mind off of things. Don't worry, I'll be seeing a psychiatrist soon.
If I told how often I think about sex, nobody would believe me. But I'm sure masturbation is better than what I did to take my mind off of things. Don't worry, I'll be seeing a psychiatrist soon.

ok i see, i also listen to music, but my muscles is so tight!
ok i see, i also listen to music, but my muscles is so tight!

I listen to music almost whenever my ears work, unless I'm sleeping or showering or watching TV. When I first started university, I had a room mate at my dorm, and he had his music playing 24 hours per day. I wish I were deaf then!
I listen to music almost whenever my ears work, unless I'm sleeping or showering or watching TV. When I first started university, I had a room mate at my dorm, and he had his music playing 24 hours per day. I wish I were deaf then!

:lol: I wish i was hearing all of life, so i can hear what my siblngs were saying. :lol:
:lol: I wish i was hearing all of life, so i can hear what my siblngs were saying. :lol:

Haha, it was my first experience with university level study, so I was working, attending class, and returning to my room with hours and hours worth of homework, then I had to try to learn to sleep with his weird style of music playing. And speaking of masturbation, I know now why the bed was shaking when he was in it. He had the top bunk and I had the bottom. And he was up there indulging himself. He enjoyed that sort of thing. I'd often return from class or work, and I'd find him using my computer to search for porn because I had an internet connection and he didn't. A couple of years later, I was showing my aunt how to do something on my computer, and I accidentally stumbled across his porn stash he had downloaded to my hard drive :shock::shock::shock::shock: I was so :shock::shock::shock::shock::shock: and couldn't think what to say to my aunt :rofl:
Haha, it was my first experience with university level study, so I was working, attending class, and returning to my room with hours and hours worth of homework, then I had to try to learn to sleep with his weird style of music playing. And speaking of masturbation, I know now why the bed was shaking when he was in it. He had the top bunk and I had the bottom. And he was up there indulging himself. He enjoyed that sort of thing. I'd often return from class or work, and I'd find him using my computer to search for porn because I had an internet connection and he didn't. A couple of years later, I was showing my aunt how to do something on my computer, and I accidentally stumbled across his porn stash he had downloaded to my hard drive :shock::shock::shock::shock: I was so :shock::shock::shock::shock::shock: and couldn't think what to say to my aunt :rofl:

HAHAHAHA, need to put password on it. but too late for you.
HAHAHAHA, need to put password on it. but too late for you.

LOL I did think of that later, but that was 1997, so computer security was in its infancy. People had passwords for their computers back then, but not very many people.
LOL I did think of that later, but that was 1997, so computer security was in its infancy. People had passwords for their computers back then, but not very many people.

right, i put on, because i have sisters loggin on mine.
right, i put on, because i have sisters loggin on mine.

Now that I think of it, I probably wouldn't have found a password protection program in those days that he wouldn't have been able to hack into because he was a serious hacker, and I had only moderate knowledge of computers.
Now that I think of it, I probably wouldn't have found a password protection program in those days that he wouldn't have been able to hack into because he was a serious hacker, and I had only moderate knowledge of computers.

i have none, my mom knows a lot.:lol:
I started thinking of worse things people might think if I didn't say what I did, so I'll just say it. I cut myself. Only minor, not in a dangerous place, and I never do that when I'm on pain medicine. I know perfectly well I shouldn't do that, but I'm not thinking clearly until I've already done it. It's under my arm because my doctor never looks there, but I'm gonna tell her next time I see her. I think she will refer me to a psychiatrist then. That's my plan.
i have none, my mom knows a lot.:lol:

I don't know ANYTHING about computers now days except how to work them and use my applications and games. Computers changed so much since 12 years ago, it's hard to find something that stayed the same!
I started thinking of worse things people might think if I didn't say what I did, so I'll just say it. I cut myself. Only minor, not in a dangerous place, and I never do that when I'm on pain medicine. I know perfectly well I shouldn't do that, but I'm not thinking clearly until I've already done it. It's under my arm because my doctor never looks there, but I'm gonna tell her next time I see her. I think she will refer me to a psychiatrist then. That's my plan.

Yeah, i was handlin a member earlier today, i kinda snapped.
It didn't work long enough. I'm tempted to start taking pain medicine again because I'm in such pain! But I don't wanna risk potential liver damage. But I also don't wanna catch myself cutting myself again either because that's just plain stupid. It's a dilemma, and I can't decide :roll:
well howdy there, ma'am!


Wow... this guy is so sexy, with his nice body... :giggle:
I'm so sorry! Please believe me when I tell you, I know how that feels. Best of luck to you!

Thanks for wishing me luck. I will keep you all posted after my appointment next Thursday. Thanks again.
What is your thyroid dosage? My son has hypothyroidism.

As for anti-depressants, I use ZOLOFT. (Or sertaline generic) LOVE IT!:giggle:
Started taking it when my son was diagnosed Autistic (youngest son) and when I had to go in for biopsy... couldn't handle everyday It took the edge off!

I am taking Levoxyl 125MCG. (Take one tablet in the am daily.)
Sorry to hear that your son has hypothyroidism. He's too young to have this disease. How old is your son? Don't you mind my asking?

:giggle: For me, I have tried ZOLOFT in the past, it didn't help me but PROZAC is the worst one, that makes me feel impulsive, irritable, agitated, hostile, aggressive, restless, hyperactive (mentally or physically), more depressed, you name it. I haven't tried Cymbalta (Duloxetine) but I am working on researching it, to get more info whether it works for me or not.
It didn't work long enough. I'm tempted to start taking pain medicine again because I'm in such pain! But I don't wanna risk potential liver damage. But I also don't wanna catch myself cutting myself again either because that's just plain stupid. It's a dilemma, and I can't decide :roll:

Sorry to hear that, SimplyMints but if you have injured yourself severely or believe it may be life-threatening, call 911 or your local emergency services provider or call for emergency help. I am worried about you. :hug:
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