The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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well howdy there, ma'am!

Sorry, I was not posted here much because I am still not well, coughing. My PCP prescribed me 4 different kinds of medications, to treat my cough. I am supposed to get better. I am SO frustrated. I have a 3pm appointment with my PCP next week.
I do have a thyroid disease. (I had my partial thyroid glands removed last spring.) I read somewhere under hypothyroidism and depression to say that I have been so tired, depressed, etc. I have those symptoms. I will ask my PCP whether it worth for me to take anti-depressants. I remember, I have tried to take many different kinds of anti-depressants under the psychiatrist's care in the past, none worked for me. Again, I am so frustrated. :(
Sorry, I was not posted here much because I am still not well, coughing. My PCP prescribed me 4 different kinds of medications, to treat my cough. I am supposed to get better. I am SO frustrated. I have a 3pm appointment with my PCP next week.
I do have a thyroid disease. (I had my partial thyroid glands removed last spring.) I read somewhere under hypothyroidism and depression to say that I have been so tired, depressed, etc. I have those symptoms. I will ask my PCP whether it worth for me to take anti-depressants. I remember, I have tried to take many different kinds of anti-depressants under the psychiatrist's care in the past, none worked for me. Again, I am so frustrated. :(

I'm so sorry! Please believe me when I tell you, I know how that feels. Best of luck to you!
Sorry, I was not posted here much because I am still not well, coughing. My PCP prescribed me 4 different kinds of medications, to treat my cough. I am supposed to get better. I am SO frustrated. I have a 3pm appointment with my PCP next week.
I do have a thyroid disease. (I had my partial thyroid glands removed last spring.) I read somewhere under hypothyroidism and depression to say that I have been so tired, depressed, etc. I have those symptoms. I will ask my PCP whether it worth for me to take anti-depressants. I remember, I have tried to take many different kinds of anti-depressants under the psychiatrist's care in the past, none worked for me. Again, I am so frustrated. :(

What is your thyroid dosage? My son has hypothyroidism.

As for anti-depressants, I use ZOLOFT. (Or sertaline generic) LOVE IT!:giggle:
Started taking it when my son was diagnosed Autistic (youngest son) and when I had to go in for biopsy... couldn't handle everyday It took the edge off!
What is your thyroid dosage? My son has hypothyroidism.

As for anti-depressants, I use ZOLOFT. (Or sertaline generic) LOVE IT!:giggle:
Started taking it when my son was diagnosed Autistic (youngest son) and when I had to go in for biopsy... couldn't handle everyday It took the edge off!

Butting in..when I was on Zoloft it cause me not to have any emotions at all. I couldn't cry even after trying to force my self to. Happy news didn't effect me either..J/k my experience
I think the root of all evil (and good) is the human ability to reason and self awareness/conciousness.
I think the root of all evil (and good) is the human ability to reason and self awareness/conciousness.

But the bible will show you that.. Adam chose to eat of it!

I hope everyone had a good night. I'm off to bed..I miss my friends :( Hopefully they'll be back on tomorrow when I could use some. Take it easy and be good :D
I hope everyone had a good night. I'm off to bed..I miss my friends :( Hopefully they'll be back on tomorrow when I could use some. Take it easy and be good :D

:mad2: i just had fight with one of members on nations app. I told him i am not toleratin his behavior toward me. Sometimes i wish i can banned him from website.
:mad2: i just had fight with one of members on nations app. I told him i am not toleratin his behavior toward me. Sometimes i wish i can banned him from website.

mod is not supposed to fight with the member. all the mod has to do is state the rules and reasons repeatedly and then terminate the discussion if that member doesn't get it. simple as that. :cool2:

your behavior and your handling of this hostile situation is being judged by other mods. that's the way to get more mod privilege like ban.
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