The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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:shock: No is Mrs Bucket
WE MUST SHAME THIS STUPID FOOL!!!! :mad2: I was freezing so I went to turn on heater. I just happened to see this outside my window (2:00AM) so I used binocular. I thought it was just a routine stop for speeding. I saw this guy stepping out of vehicle and he was STAGGERING. I was pissed and I knew he was DUI. stupid drunk! PIX OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN, RIGHT? :mad2:

The officer was putting idiot into police car while other officer was checking out his car

the officer's driving him back to station for jail

2nd officer was walking back to his police car

2nd officer pulled in closer to wait for tow truck to impound the car

That road next to my home is infamous for all kinds of pull-overs especially around midnight or so. Usually one arrest per week - DUI, bunch of teens with weed, unlicensed, speeding, etc. :mad2:
WE MUST SHAME THIS STUPID FOOL!!!! :mad2: I was freezing so I went to turn on heater. I just happened to see this outside my window (2:00AM) so I used binocular. I thought it was just a routine stop for speeding. I saw this guy stepping out of vehicle and he was STAGGERING. I was pissed and I knew he was DUI. stupid drunk! PIX OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN, RIGHT? :mad2:

The officer was putting idiot into police car while other officer was checking out his car

the officer's driving him back to station for jail

2nd officer was walking back to his police car

2nd officer pulled in closer to wait for tow truck to impound the car

That road next to my home is infamous for all kinds of pull-overs especially around midnight or so. Usually one arrest per week - DUI, bunch of teens with weed, unlicensed, speeding, etc. :mad2:

This post is better than TV :giggle:
good pix. Well folks so much for me going to bed early. Anyways Have a Great Night and be good.. :)
Is that so?? Well, he missed informing me that there would be heavy snowfall this morning.

Get on the ball, man! :P

Too bad his newscast doesn't include weather run. :giggle: IT's all criminal activity *yawn*
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