The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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gosh i only slept for 6hrs last night :lol: Anyways, whuz up everyone?
Blah! Me too! I got mine from the kids at pre school!

Kids are nothing more than miniature petri dishes with legs. :roll: They sneeze and don't cover their mouths, snotty noses get wiped on sleeves, etc. Yuck.

I'm sorry but kids are just gross. :thumbd:
Kids are nothing more than miniature petri dishes with legs. :roll: They sneeze and don't cover their mouths, snotty noses get wiped on sleeves, etc. Yuck.

I'm sorry but kids are just gross. :thumbd:

:O i love kids no matter if they are gross.
I'm not a kid person. Can you tell?:giggle:

aww thats understandable. kids "gross" things dont bother me because they are my babies. i even accept that other kids who are not my kids dont bother me because i know they cant help it as well.

i remember i didnt want children when i was in lat 20's. until i hit 30, and i did want kids. :shock:
i remember i didnt want children when i was in lat 20's. until i hit 30, and i did want kids. :shock:

I'm almost 32 and I still don't want any. :P Don't get me wrong now- I don't hate children, i just don't want to have them. To each his own, right? ;)
I'm almost 32 and I still don't want any. :P Don't get me wrong now- I don't hate children, i just don't want to have them. To each his own, right? ;)

nahhh nothings wrong with it. its your choice of not having kids. its better not to have kids than neglecting kids. there are too many kids out there anyway.
Yeah! Don't cha guys know? In california, one of the most competitive state, or should I say country - education is C-O-M-P-E-T-I-T-I-V-E! It's getting harder and harder on the SATs and college admissions because simply there's no space for them all! What I had to do to get in college in '01, high schoolers have to put in 2-3x as much effort as I did back then, today.

I keep thinking that there's too many people and we're expanding at a rapid rate. There's more kids being born than people dying, I'd bet.

But the sense of mothership and materiny is a feeling that you cannot experience unless you have a child. So it is special in that sense as well.
Hey all!! How is everyone today? I have had a wonderful day! I woke up late (oops) and took a shower put real clothes on (I've been in sweats for 2 weeks) and I feel WONDERFUL!!
that's great, lori! glad to hear it. :D i'm doing really, really well today
mood-wise. my cts is no longer bothering me thanks to my vicodin. i'm a happy camper!
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