The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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that's great, lori! glad to hear it. :D i'm doing really, really well today
mood-wise. my cts is no longer bothering me thanks to my vicodin. i'm a happy camper!

I'm glad that you are doing good too. Vicodin is good isn't it?? I was on it with my knee injury a few months back.
I'm glad that you are doing good too. Vicodin is good isn't it?? I was on it with my knee injury a few months back.

vicodin is great! i was given vicodin after both of my ci surgeries and it worked like a charm! i have lucia to thank for recommending that i ask my doctor about pain meds. :D i don't know why my doctor didn't recommend them in the first place, but oh well. i'm taking vicodin now and feel much, much better, so that's what counts.
vicodin is great! i was given vicodin after both of my ci surgeries and it worked like a charm! i have lucia to thank for recommending that i ask my doctor about pain meds. :D i don't know why my doctor didn't recommend them in the first place, but oh well. i'm taking vicodin now and feel much, much better, so that's what counts.

Yep that's all that counts. One thing I had problems with is I was on vicodin for 3 months and it had a hard time when the scripts and Workers comp ran out. But all is good now..just take it easy ;).
Yep that's all that counts. One thing I had problems with is I was on vicodin for 3 months and it had a hard time when the scripts and Workers comp ran out. But all is good now..just take it easy ;).

thanks, lori. did you sleep well last night?
I did but I over slept again. The kids were late for school again..OOPS..Tonight I WILL go to bed at 10..I can't have them late again.

this is up to you, but you might want to take your lunesta at 8 or 9pm tonight so that it has time to be absorbed in your bloodstream. that way, it has a good 1-2 hours before it will start to take effect. i usually take my trazodone at 9pm unless i'm taking my higher prn dosage in which case i take it at 8pm.
this is up to you, but you might want to take your lunesta at 8 or 9pm tonight so that it has time to be absorbed in your bloodstream. that way, it has a good 1-2 hours before it will start to take effect. i usually take my trazodone at 9pm unless i'm taking my higher prn dosage in which case i take it at 8pm.

I'll just have to remember to take it that early. I usually take it at 11 or 12..:D It use to work with a few minutes now it's taken a while. I thought about not taken it but I don't know I want to chance not sleeping at all
I'll just have to remember to take it that early. I usually take it at 11 or 12..:D It use to work with a few minutes now it's taken a while. I thought about not taken it but I don't know I want to chance not sleeping at all

if you'd like to take it earlier, you might want to set a kitchen timer to remind yourself. i don't have to do that because whenever i take my higher prn dosage of trazodone, it means that i'm manic or can't sleep.

by the way lori, i made a suggestion for you in the confessions thread.
Well I gotta get off of here and get dinner started since we've gotta leave by a certain time. I don't like eating dinner early..Gets everyone out of schedule..:D
WTF! HE'S BANNED!? :mad2:

Yeap, seems to be like a Bizarre love triangle between three peoples.
edit: actually would be a bizarre love square, since its four.
just read this.. secretblend is banned... and noticed hear again's thing said banned too.. how long this time? and who else got it?
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