Just heard about this story. All I'd have to say is, if she is found guilty of dealing drugs (how? Undercover Cop/reported or witnesses, I'm curious) she must pay the price like any other citizen. Sale of pot in DC is probably the lowest sentencing class felony, so she will have minimum sentence.
I also think we must not baby her if she is guilty. We must not express pity & sympathy. If we do that, we are sending the message to hearing people that deaf people need special exceptions and have 'conditions' that excuse us (hearing loss). There is no reason why deaf people are different than hearing people other than not being able to hear.
If people send the message she should not be in jail because she is a nice person or she is good student, it sends a bad message to other deaf students that if they got caught dealing pot, they will not go to jail.
It's not the right approach, IMO.
This is a good post. I agree with it for the most part.
It sends a bad message when one can freely purchase it in one part of the country and have her life taken away from her in another part of the country. I am not standing up for her smoking pot. Like I said, I will not condone the sale or usage of it. I will condone the very fact that someone can get locked up for a decade in one town and in another be revered for it. The war on drugs is insane and a failure. Molly is not a criminal who deserves 10 years and her being Deaf has nothing to do with it.
She has no money. Her family has no money. She's going to get locked up for a long time just because she has no money. That's another thing... you can only get off if you are able to buy a lawyer. She won't be able to. The criminal justice system is effed up and full of people like Molly... harmless, trying to make a better life for themselves, giving back (teacher?!). I have no interest in locking these people up for an extended time.