Student got arrested in a major drug bust at Gallaudet University

no, its a normal facts of lie, discover it for yourself, stop being a self-righteous poofta

Come to here and check it out by yourself.

At our university, if you violate the drug policies so you will be arrested and send to jail and there are sizable of students were taken to jail.

That's not case with Gallaudet, so pretty rare since Gallaudet prefers to punish the students instead turn to DC police officers.
or novel writing or school teaching (as often requires an english majored or close approximately endorsed similarity), or just plain too communications as in instead of a business degree...there's so many ...i have talked with so many students over the last 15 years... yeah its incredible...
i know, ...but thats to indicate how HIIIIiiiiigggGhhhhh English is, some is just obsessed with it infintiely....weird also, they do into historian type of work, including spying...

Well, I read what Robert Frost wrote...geez, I cant write like that! My English is plain and boring. lol
sorry mate, but you're still welcome to my place for hospitality, textual world is different and im still want to be freinds, i like different people and it would be so interesting to have diverse conversations over beers in my yard cheers
sorry mate, but you're still welcome to my place for hospitality, textual world is different and im still want to be freinds, i like different people and it would be so interesting to have diverse conversations over beers in my yard cheers

Yea, I would love that! Different kinds of beers. I can invite TheWriteAlex! In fact, I am going to his place this Sat. :) I will tell him you said hi.
that would be nice, please do, tell him, im enjoying a german original OeTTINGER super forte beer 8.9% bit of a whacker! extremely nice tasting to boot, UNREAL..I love this fucken shit nice BEER

"extra strong beer: alc 8,9 vol (their wrtings) and i love this shit GREAT tasting too, actually unblieveiable , I (grummer) says no more, GET it!!!
that would be nice, please do, tell him, im enjoying a german original OeTTINGER super forte beer 8.9% bit of a whacker! nice to boot, UNREAL..I love this fucken shit nice BEER

"extra strong beer: alc 8,9 vol (their wrtings) and i love this shit GREAT tasting too, actually unblieveiable , I (grummer) says no more, GET it!!!

Ok I will tell him. Pls send me a PM on Sat am to remind me. I am going to his place Sat afternoon.
oh I can see how this would be a field trip for koko :lol:
sure as hell if you were on my old RG400 you'd shit yourself...
oh fuck no, that animal crueliy!!! the goo woluld still be detructive to its potential, hence rendering the bus entirely unusable....AND the elephant woiuld be a bloody big mess to clean!!!!
Just heard about this story. All I'd have to say is, if she is found guilty of dealing drugs (how? Undercover Cop/reported or witnesses, I'm curious) she must pay the price like any other citizen. Sale of pot in DC is probably the lowest sentencing class felony, so she will have minimum sentence.

I also think we must not baby her if she is guilty. We must not express pity & sympathy. If we do that, we are sending the message to hearing people that deaf people need special exceptions and have 'conditions' that excuse us (hearing loss). There is no reason why deaf people are different than hearing people other than not being able to hear.

If people send the message she should not be in jail because she is a nice person or she is good student, it sends a bad message to other deaf students that if they got caught dealing pot, they will not go to jail.

It's not the right approach, IMO.
oh fuck no, that animal crueliy!!! the goo woluld still be detructive to its potential, hence rendering the bus entirely unusable....AND the elephant woiuld be a bloody big mess to clean!!!!

clean? its body would get cleaned out in just a few hours by tons of bugs, birds, critters, scavengers, hyenas, etc.
If she really got caught with 2lbs.. Looks like she may serve up to 5-10 years incarcerated, 50k-100k fine depending if they enforce the double penalty from dealing at gally.

District of Columbia Penalties

District of Columbia Penalties
Sale, Distribution, Intent to Distribute, and Cultivation
Less than 1/2 lb (first offense) not classified 6 mos $ 1,000
Any amount not classified 5 years $ 50,000

Involving a minor by a person over 21 brings additional penalty and/or fine.
Within 1000 feet of an appropriately identified public or private day care center, elementary school, vocational school, secondary school, junior college, college, or university, or any public swimming pool, playground, video arcade, youth center, or public library, or in and around public housing may bring a doubled penalty.
If she really got caught with 2lbs.. Looks like she may serve up to 5-10 years incarcerated, 50k-100k fine depending if they enforce the double penalty from dealing at gally.

District of Columbia Penalties

It looks like she may option for conditional release.

The state allows conditional release or alternative or diversion sentencing for people facing their first prosecutions. Usually, conditional release lets a person opt for probation rather than trial. After successfully completing probation, the individual's criminal record does not reflect the charge.
It looks like she may option for conditional release.

It may depend largely about how the judge feels about her. If it's her first offense, she still went over the 1/2 lb felony for dealing. The bad thing about this case about it is a big intent to distribute, whoever is pressing charges will make sure that it is seen..

Molly Sachs, Gallaudet University, arrested for allegedly dealing drugs |

D.C. police say Sunday night they arrested her after a sizeable amount of marijuana, pills and cash were found in her dorm room. Police allege she was dealing.
D.C. police arrived and said they found almost two pounds of marijuana, 700 assorted prescription pills, scales and drug paraphernalia, dozens of fudge bars and chocolates which contained marijuana and were allegedly wrapped and ready for distribution and $1,460 in cash hidden in a closet.

The article in OP said:
Police have arrested and charged a Gallaudet University student with intending to distribute drugs after authorities said they found two pounds of marijuana — some baked into fudge and cookies — in her dorm room on the Northeast Washington campus.

Authorities searched the room, allowed under university rules, and said they found several dozen individually wrapped chocolate fudge squares and cookies “which smelled of marijuana,” according to court documents.

A more thorough search, police said in court papers, revealed $1,460 in cash, in a closet, white fudge police said smelled of marijuana, and nine clear bags of marijuana in the bathroom. Police also said they found more than 100 prescription pills.
700 prescription pills.....there you go!...seems she's the "Real McCoy"...a drug dealer.