Student got arrested in a major drug bust at Gallaudet University

In other thread, he asked us about no one reply his post, so I just gave a reason, so contain cuss word is part of reason and sometime, the sentences are too confused to understand.

Update: I edited and fixed it.

He is from another country so his usage of English is different from ours. However, his grammar usage is correct with a few errors here and there. Even mine contain a few errors here and there on AD because I am more relaxed when I am sharing my thoughts.
Yeah, I heard about this today. All I can do is shake my head on that. While I understand that this was a way for her to earn some cash but it doesn't excuse her for knowing what is right and wrong. She clearly *knew* that it is illegial and she chose to do the wrong doing. The law is the law.

If a friend told you to fall off the cliff, would you do it? Of course not because you knew what the consequence would be. She knew what the consequence would be and she did it anyway.
He is from another country so his usage of English is different from ours. However, his grammar usage is correct with a few errors here and there. Even mine contain a few errors here and there on AD because I am more relaxed when I am sharing my thoughts.

First, I do understand about what are you saying and I don't have any complaint about your structure. I just use "grammar" as mistake so I just said that I don't understand about what he is saying because the structure is messy - it looks like someone write the sign language into text version.

He isn't alone - some members have same issues so I usually not pay attention if I don't understand, especially if it is not important.

However, there are mistakes, but I'm not English teacher, so I only care about strong structure, that it.
Finally read the story, whats interesting is that at least 10% of students at Gally involved already. This student sounded like a hearing student.
hmmmm, interesting...and probably if that is so, then its probably a right thing to so, ie, stop preying on 'gullible deafies'.... i was fallen once, till i knew how to grow 400+ plants myself LOL...and made well , a few to help with um, study fees....
but not in the DORM ofc...

my funds are untraceable, thanks to my old freind...;)
The drug problems are very common in many college campuses. :(
thus far study all fees are legit and i paid and work for it, for real , not pot. Its just young people's stupidyAT? on my part, on well hell some have said its damn good (my secret remains) its a bit film "Savage" lol, geeez only 15 years earlier...
and this guy who taught me, have 4 people left da country cus of him, he was a bit scary...and then he taught me kung fu..the local police are a little scared of me LOL...thats okay i just want to focus of study and no hassles, i dont meddle with dope or local markets anymore - havent since 12+ years now, and i couldnt careless, knoW WHATe just ?
IT'S A JOKE, I STILL OWE alot for loans, it just got to say all the hassle is pointless, might as well gone legit the whole way, and this girl proved it...
oh well
she got unlucky
really unlucky, or someone ratted on pick
then you can say, "i tried that, i dont like it, or say i tried that i liked it but decided somethign else more important", no one will argue and at least you experienced!!
Wirelessly posted

No single Dr. would do that. She perhaps "Dr. shopped" and went to various pharmacies.

I feel more and more confident that there will be no charges for the prescription meds. She needed all of them. She actually was staying in a special room as to where she had privacy (no roomie) because of her health issues. It was not 100 of the same stuff. Single bottles of various medicines. She's no pill poppin' dealer. She sold pot.
The root problem of drug law is the drug law itself. If you research the alcohol prohibition, you will find plenty of events that is so paralleled to our drug events. We are at near end of this stupid law. The result of stupid law is that it feeds black market, whose contains plenty of sellers that don't care about anyone and who they sells to, 5 years old kid? Sure sold! you know? All because it was banned.

I am more concern about those people who fall in trap of Meth, really really scary! I have talked with a guy who went though, he told me never never touch it, it is hellier than real hell.
The root problem of drug law is the drug law itself. If you research the alcohol prohibition, you will find plenty of events that is so paralleled to our drug events. We are at near end of this stupid law. The result of stupid law is that it feeds black market, whose contains plenty of sellers that don't care about anyone and who they sells to, 5 years old kid? Sure sold! you know? All because it was banned.

I am more concern about those people who fall in trap of Meth, really really scary! I have talked with a guy who went though, he told me never never touch it, it is hellier than real hell.

that's what i mean, never touch the white stuff
actually a everyday herb smoker told me this once at 2 am, he was my old classmate and a rastafarian and i'm glad he told me, "dont touch anything white'
he was stoned out of his gord, and was making alot of sense , even that HE MADE A lot of sense...good guy, i trusted him and he was right, well , Jah was right!!
i know, ...but thats to indicate how HIIIIiiiiigggGhhhhh English is, some is just obsessed with it infintiely....weird also, they do into historian type of work, including spying...