30 days supply not 30 pills for sure so if you need to take a pill 4 times a day, that could get you 90 pills. Some allows 3 months supply which I usually get to save on co pay.
I think this case is joke, and waste of taxpayers money. I don't know why there is so much deal about this (Deaf gets busted), while there is so many serious major busts and let go is common in white, hearing people.
I need a little clarification here if you don't mind... a 30 day supply means what exactly? You can take several pills a day... whatever the script calls for (every 4-6 hours or whatever it may be).
Personally, when I got pain medication in the past, it was dispensed in 30 tablet counts. I could go back and get it refilled in a week or so when it runs out.
Did you mean 30 tablets or 30 day supply?