Student got arrested in a major drug bust at Gallaudet University

I see you've been thinking about running for office.

you're not the only one who've said that to me :cool2:

it's a shame that it takes a millionaire/billionaire to get things done around here. all I have to do is wave my $$$ and a mayor/governor would just fly toward it like a moth.

Its like government has to make this choice, win some and lose some or lose all; after the fact that winning 100% is not going to happen.

taxing marijuana would means marijuana is legal to sell and buy just like alcohol and cigarettes.

legalizing and taxing marijuana is an excellent solution to reduction of crimes and jail population. you will have a significant number of people buying marijuana legally because the risk tradeoff is not worth it to buy marijuana illegally.

you get caught. you go to jail. and you lose the job. why risk it all? it's a small price to pay.

despite of legalizing marijuana.... there will still be black market because legal marijuana would be regulated by FDA... which means its potency will be affected and some people would prefer a more potent type.

same thing with alcohol and moonshining.

and of course..... the risk with buying marijuana from black market is that you don't know how it's grown and what it's laced with. and I can't see how black market for marijuana would be thriving and profitable in long term because they would be forced to reduce their price.
i was offered a pound of dope for a $1000, some years back, wish i did, it was sooo cheap, an ounce in NZ is 400 each, (and there's 16 ounces in a pound, add that up...) christmas time , upwards to $600. it was all buds, no cabbage or stalks. (a pound was normally 2 grand) now i wouldnt largely because you have to know the crowd, and at that, theres no way. This girl was cocky, in a campus full of d/Deafs from around the world is surely asking for trouble, dumb move, but she took the risk.
I am suprised Jiro have demonstrated the understanding of the idea of legalising pot is a good way (ofc) , and with the outlining of the taxes ought to be involved. Normally Jiro comes across as entirely anti-dope, all conformists...well life isnt like that...but still I woulldnt vote for Jiro, because he'd make the freeway too motorcyle friendly and i dread the consequences of that! lol
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Jiro said:
It is illegal to sell pot in all 50 states.

As for the pills, as I stated earlier. It takes longer to investigate those cases. I wouldnt get my hopes up due to the lack of charges. Even at 100 pills it is hard to imagine how she would legally possess that quantity.
if she DID legally possess these pills... I have no doubt that she would be charged with medical insurance fraud or similar.

If she did obtained the Rx of that quanity the Feds will look into the Dr's and Pharamcies. Making sure she isn't Dr shopping or if the Dr is running a pill mill. Got a sneaky feeling her MD and pharmacy will be auditted soon.
i was offered a pound of dope for a $1000, some years back, wish i did, it was sooo cheap, an ounce in NZ is 400 each, (and there's 16 ounces in a pound, add that up...) christmas time , upwards to $600. it was all buds, no cabbage or stalks. (a pound was normally 2 grand) now i wouldnt largely because you have to know the crowd, and at that, theres no way. This girl was cocky, in a campus full of d/Deafs from around the world is surely asking for trouble, dumb move, but she took the risk.
I am suprised Jiro have demonstrated the understanding of the idea of legalising pot is a good way (ofc) , and with the outlining of the taxes ought to be involved. Normally Jiro comes across as entirely anti-dope, all conformists...well life isnt like that...but still I woulldnt vote for Jiro, because he'd make the freeway too motorcyle friendly and i dread the consequences of that! lol

weird. not sure how you missed the part where I've been stating I'm against drug war and I'm for legalizing marijuana since Day 1 or 2 in AD. :hmm:
Just to be clear about the murder case in Louisville, KY -- Both men's deafness was not the reason why they received life in prison instead of death penalty. Like Naisho said, mental illness has to be proven first otherwise.

Oh wow, I almost forgot about Spider, the DOSS guy. I remember him when I was there as a student in Mid 90's. He was a tall skinny black man who would spook a mind out of me if he could, lol. Last I heard, He no longer works there and has retired. I don't know what he is up to as of now.

Oh yea He had tatto all over his arms or somethng. Still, he freaks me out when he wore sunglases in the dim time. :shock: haha
Marijuana, there is so many nickname for Cannabis. I believe it should be legalized first. The rest MIGHT or might not follow. BUT I hopefully that Meth will never be legalize, Meth is too dangerous and most destructive drug I ever seen.

What I see is that it is really never government's business to tell you what to do. Government can warn, or give warnings with consequence that one must take if harm others. For example, if one takes drugs which result domestic violence for instance will have to deal with it, law will not excuse one for crime due to taking drugs. Perfect example we have today is called DWI, if you drive drunk and cause death, you are 100% responsible regardless because your stupid to take too much drinks and take the keys with you. I don't see excuse for one that is not responsible in judging how much drink one takes that result hurting or threatening somebody or others property. Why should government waste taxpayers money IF one decide to do whatever and got wasted (Including alcohol, dope, etc) but stayed home and not hurting anyone?

I think just marijuana that should be legalized, not the OTHER DRUGS since others are too addicting or hardcore. marijuana is ok. Lots of american indian aka native americans uses marijuana with no problem.
Oh yea He had tatto all over his arms or somethng. Still, he freaks me out when he wore sunglases in the dim time. :shock: haha

One of my greatest memories at Gallaudet University as student is to meet Spider for the first time.

He stopped by my room at Benson Hall because I needed him to put ID number on my refrigerator, TV and other valuable items for insurance reasons. When I opened my door, he just lightened up his cigarette. I was like WTF and told him to read sign on the door - NO SMOKING IN ROOM'. He became incensed after reading it, and went to the bathroom to throw cigarette into the toilet. My hoh friend who was visiting me, told me that he clearly heard him saying 'Damn it! Damn you, whitey!' and I was like :shock: :laugh2: Then he returned to my room and told me sorry about lightening up his cigarette in front of me.

Another good memory about him:

After few years later, I finally saw him drive an outdated van painted with spider web on the campus and I waved him to stop at me. I told him that the paint was done bad and even my friend could do it better. Again, he got incensed and swore off at me before zooming out.
why do you want her to get a spank on the wrist?

I believe she should be in jail for several years. what she did was a serious felonious crime and she's already on my shit list just for being a distributor.

I have some sympathy for drug user but none for drug distributor and I believe all drug distributors should get maximum penalty allowed.

I concur with you that I have no pity for drug distributor and/or dealer.

I would did the same thing as RA like the RA smelled something rotten out of her room.

Soon or later we will find out what kind of pills she had in the room.
One of my greatest memories at Gallaudet University as student is to meet Spider for the first time.

He stopped by my room at Benson Hall because I needed him to put ID number on my refrigerator, TV and other valuable items for insurance reasons. When I opened my door, he just lightened up his cigarette. I was like WTF and told him to read sign on the door - NO SMOKING IN ROOM'. He became incensed after reading it, and went to the bathroom to throw cigarette into the toilet. My hoh friend who was visiting me, told me that he clearly heard him saying 'Damn it! Damn you, whitey!' and I was like :shock: :laugh2: Then he returned to my room and told me sorry about lightening up his cigarette in front of me.

Another good memory about him:

After few years later, I finally saw him drive an outdated van painted with spider web on the campus and I waved him to stop at me. I told him that the paint was done bad and even my friend could do it better. Again, he got incensed and swore off at me before zooming out.

Hahaha my god. Curious have you ever seen his red eyes before? I saw a few times and he was too calm. It doesnt make sense. I cant believe that gally kept spider sooooo long. Haha
I never knew his name and I never met him. He was just folklore during my time at MSSD. We would tell "ghost stories" about him. We looked over our shoulders for him all the time. He was always WATCHING us!

SPIDER'S coming to getcha!!

For sure... the scariest guy I've had the pleasure of not meeting.
I never knew his name and I never met him. He was just folklore during my time at MSSD. We would tell "ghost stories" about him. We looked over our shoulders for him all the time. He was always WATCHING us!

SPIDER'S coming to getcha!!

For sure... the scariest guy I've had the pleasure of not meeting.

:laugh2: funny he did tell me his name before when i asked him, " what are you doing? " he said, " just walking around, ". then I said " why did you get nickname spider" i forget what he was telling then i asked him, " what is your name" he did tell me but how can i forget. maybe he never told me or he did tell me? :hmm: But i remember " oh common name. "
:laugh2: funny he did tell me his name before when i asked him, " what are you doing? " he said, " just walking around, ". then I said " why did you get nickname spider" i forget what he was telling then i asked him, " what is your name" he did tell me but how can i forget. maybe he never told me or he did tell me? :hmm: But i remember " oh common name. "

He always asked me the same question whenever he stopped by to meet me anywhere on the campus.

He was once the Greek Council adviser for more or less two years. Believe it or not, although he was just above average in ASL fluency. :eek3:
He always asked me the same question whenever he stopped by to meet me anywhere on the campus.

He was once the Greek Council adviser for more or less two years. Believe it or not, although he was just above average in ASL fluency. :eek3:

yea but he signs OK OK. He uses his voice and sign at the same time.
"What doctor" would prescribe "over a 100 pills" to a patient?.....Perhaps she did have a prescription for them...but feel she was not taking them...just selling them....

Its not the doc, its the insurance companies.
My insurance requires a 3 month supply so doc writes the script for 3 months, so if you take it every 4 hours thats 180 right there... I know.

I dont always take my pain meds, it depends on how severe the pain is, so if its not bad thats just and extra pill at the end of the months...

Now the Drug agency keeps a check on scripts, when I had my second surgery the surgeon prescribed the same meds my doc had me on, they wouldnt fill them as I already had them. this is through a completely different doctor than my primary and a different pharmacy as well... so they are watched and tracked.
If rest of prescription medicines are all under her name so she won't be in trouble, however she has deal with charge on weeds.
Wirelessly posted

sonocativo said:
rockin'robin said:
"What doctor" would prescribe "over a 100 pills" to a patient?.....Perhaps she did have a prescription for them...but feel she was not taking them...just selling them....

Its not the doc, its the insurance companies.
My insurance requires a 3 month supply so doc writes the script for 3 months, so if you take it every 4 hours thats 180 right there... I know.

I dont always take my pain meds, it depends on how severe the pain is, so if its not bad thats just and extra pill at the end of the months...

Now the Drug agency keeps a check on scripts, when I had my second surgery the surgeon prescribed the same meds my doc had me on, they wouldnt fill them as I already had them. this is through a completely different doctor than my primary and a different pharmacy as well... so they are watched and tracked.

Some pharmacies overlook the tracking system and do not enter it. Most insurance companies, Doctors, and pharmacies allow a 30 day supply and do reject a 90 day supply on schedule 2-4 prescriptions. Schedule 2-4 Rx are limited to a 30 day supply only. The most we usually fill on a controlled substance is 120 pills. That is a 30 day supply upto 4 times a day.

Which is why I believe the pharmacy she uses will be investigated along with her Dr. if she obtained the Rx legally then they will look to see if she was Dr. shopping.
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Even with several painful surgeries and a bout in ICU for 10 doctor never prescribed me 100 pain pills, nor my primary doctor either. The most I received were 25 or 30 and no refills without my doctor's authorization....and Walgreens is very good about requiring ur ID and other information before dispensing a controlled substance...and noticed a sign on the window that they can and will refuse to dispense a controlled substance to their discretion.....

I still do have approximately 10 pain pills left...tucked away in a hidden place as I would not want them stolen or taken by someone else....No way would I leave them out in the open where they could be taken or found.

Whether it was 700 or 100 pills, and if they were a controlled substance, they feel something is obviously "fishy" here....But until we find out if she is gonna be charged for the Pills...then the Weed, Scales and such are obviously what a Dealer will have//she should be charged for that.