I would suggest you watch the documentary TV show about how Alcohol got banned, and how it was repealed. You will be surprised, the alcohol ban eventually proved that government was the problem after all. Before alcohol was banned, Majority of male Americans were out of control drinking booze, far worse than weeds and other drugs. During 1800 to 1900, people, even doctor suggest if your happy, drink, if your sad, drink, if you hurt drink, if you had great time, then drink. Drink for whatever reason, even at job, it is OK to drink, image that! Even there is guy that does blow up to clear way for Erie Canal, he drinks all the time on job and is responsible for blowing up.
Did you know that about 20 minutes after the alcohol prohibition started, first black market sale was sold to either Senator or house of reps! The cost for booze had tripled, many of them found way to beat the law including those who are actually lawmakers!
After the repeal of alcohol prohibition, with regulation like license, control and minimum age, the problem finally goes away, less crimes, less killing and so forth. It was much better than before.
Its government not the people that is causing problem.
Other documentary TV shows, I forgot the name and it was very interesting. It actually videotape of community between Seattle Washington and NYC. Did you know that Mayor of Seattle Washington had approved hemp festival every year where people freely smoke joint around the festival EVEN with cops around. There has not a single fight, nor outburst no nothing just peaceful fun and relaxing atmosphere, at the same time, showing video of NYC police all over randomly pick anyone at any time for stop and frisk, there have been so many drama going on, and one of them had diabetic cops locked her up for a joint in purse and she almost died from diabetic shock, mind you she almost died just because she had cute joint in her purse, where is the justice in it?
Since you live in NY, have you heard news about governor plans to close several prisons and lay off these correctional employees? Their reason was since after the marijuana law relaxed there has been significant drop in arrest and imprisonment to the point where governor see no need to keep prisons open.