Student got arrested in a major drug bust at Gallaudet University

Or a "snitch"......I have no sympathy for drug dealers either...and turned my back on a family member that used and dealt drugs....Now he is incarnated....Some people just "want too much...too soon" and feel dealing drugs will do just that.. big $$ and not working for it....Drugs can and will ruin lives....and lead to much worser crimes.

If any of your families are drug addict or drug distributor, so they should know that they are responsible for their behavior.

I have zero interest in illegal drugs, so lucky me.
if she DID legally possess these pills... I have no doubt that she would be charged with medical insurance fraud or similar.

erm, how so? im not familar with your american style of med insurance and fruading associated with it, could you explain please? thanks
Yep, and I have a feeling this is going to be huge. Just a little word here and there in these articles has my Spidey senses working. I have a feeling there was a network of students getting Rx meds and selling them through this student. Total hunch, and I wouldn't necessarily wager on it. Just a gut feeling.

It's already a huge story.

There is no "network". It's been nothing but just a whole bunch of small-timers who bring up a pound or two of weed from home and sell it. Been that way for as long as I've been around.
if convicted guilty, she is a student distributor (casual), not big time cartel hotshot or mafia junkie. $1,460 is a lot in student money. I'm sure you would agree with me most students don't have bucket loads of cash around.
It's nothing if you are in the real world outside gally.

Only $1,460? That is nothing compare to those that I know got busted. My neighbor got busted, had a quarter million dollars in the house. So, for instance $50,000, $400,000, even million dollars then I would think different. $1,460 in cash for dope business is really a drop in the bucket and is not a major distributor in my POV.
It's already a huge story.

There is no "network". It's been nothing but just a whole bunch of small-timers who bring up a pound or two of weed from home and sell it. Been that way for as long as I've been around.

We will see.
Now that we have alcohol that is legal, do we have issue with kids access to alcohol? Not really, because there is regulation involved and sellers are not interested in getting into trouble when holding license and sell minor. Having booze license is very expensive and no one wants to lose it. But because weeds itself is illegal, makes black market attractive, thus making kids easier to buy because seller don't give a damn about age. If we had legalize weeds, trust me situation like this won't happen and legalize and restrict sale to minor does reduce the problem. Government needs to fix that problem, rather prosecute and throw them in jail at taxpayers expenses. Government can NOT win the war over drugs, just like alcohol which proved utterly failure and regulation over alcohol proved to be far most effective method that we know of, and I am sure it can apply to marijuana.

FYI, it is much easier to buy weeds than to buy booze by anyone. One of former fugitive that I watched on "I (Almost) got away with it", he actually said that it is much easier to do drug business inside Jail than outside, mind you there are control that is much tighter inside the jail than outside jail, yet that prisoner said inside is much easier inside... WTF?

two wrongs don't make a right! I think you are right about pot being a gateway drugs for kids to try others.

We want to reduce kids selling drugs, not encourage them to keep doing it. Would someone be ok with it if marijuana is legal and kids at your elementary school is selling to your child. Like you mention, if someone does weed, chances are they might also sell other things like LSD, PCP, shrooms, opium, heroin, coke. Is this the kind of behavior we want kids to keep doing? Keep distributing because someone else will do it anyway?

Better non-student adults than students imo. At least keep the students innocent...
It is illegal to sell pot in all 50 states.

As for the pills, as I stated earlier. It takes longer to investigate those cases. I wouldnt get my hopes up due to the lack of charges. Even at 100 pills it is hard to imagine how she would legally possess that quantity.

If it is 100 pills I can see it being legal. Some policies even encourage it in the form of 90 day prescriptions.
Only $1,460? That is nothing compare to those that I know got busted. My neighbor got busted, had a quarter million dollars in the house. So, for instance $50,000, $400,000, even million dollars then I would think different. $1,460 in cash for dope business is really a drop in the bucket and is not a major distributor in my POV.

nope. I'm not concerned about her being a small-time distributor. My anger is that she is an older adult, selling prescription drugs and marijuana to kids (yes even 18 years old is a kid to me).

I'm furious about it and it's unforgivable. Can you imagine as a parent hearing about this with his/her child at Gally?

It's just horrible enough to receive news from cops/school administrator that your child OD'ed and died at college or arrested and his/her future will be ruined - seeing your investment being wasted and flushed down the toilet.

college + drugs... students were certainly not just smoking and sharing a joint with a paperclip on staircases. There will be lot of alcohols and some drug cocktails involved and somebody will definitely die from it.... or kill somebody by DUI.
She wasn't selling only pot. And there is something called DUI. Would you like me to name one person who was driving under influence and "accidentally" killed a pedestrian?

see above - she wasn't selling only pot. and they discovered that she had $1,460. You and I both know very well that she has made more than that and like everybody else... we all have expenses and she spent a chunk of her pay on "expense" to buy more to sell. I wouldn't be surprised if she had made over $10,000 in a year.

hey - I agree. I would like our marijuana law to be reduced or eliminated but I have absolutely no sympathy for drug distributor.

Do not confuse my stance on drug distributor and drug user.

yes I know and like I said - she's not gonna be able to weasel her way out of this. It would be in her best interest to fully cooperate with LEO and give them a bigger fish to fry so that a judge will consider it for her sentencing.

DUI? Weak.

$1460? I have more money than that laying around my house. Ridiculous.

Why do you hold a drug distributor to a higher standard than the person who actually ingests this stuff? That logic never made much sense to me.
If it is 100 pills I can see it being legal. Some policies even encourage it in the form of 90 day prescriptions.

yes. that's typically for a person with severe chronic case and a doctor would be monitoring it closely for drug addiction purpose.
If it is 100 pills I can see it being legal. Some policies even encourage it in the form of 90 day prescriptions.

Depends on the Rx. Many of the abused drugs have very low Rx limits.
nope. I'm not concerned about her being a small-time distributor. My anger is that she is an older adult, selling prescription drugs and marijuana to kids (yes even 18 years old is a kid to me).

I'm furious about it and it's unforgivable. Can you imagine as a parent hearing about this with his/her child at Gally?

It's just horrible enough to receive news from cops/school administrator that your child OD'ed and died at college or arrested and his/her future will be ruined - seeing your investment being wasted and flushed down the toilet.

college + drugs... students were certainly not just smoking and sharing a joint with a paperclip on staircases. There will be lot of alcohols and some drug cocktails involved and somebody will definitely die from it.... or kill somebody by DUI.

Somewhat related, T. Boone Pickens' grandson just died of a OD at TCU.
nope. I'm not concerned about her being a small-time distributor. My anger is that she is an older adult, selling prescription drugs and marijuana to kids (yes even 18 years old is a kid to me).

I'm furious about it and it's unforgivable. Can you imagine as a parent hearing about this with his/her child at Gally?

It's just horrible enough to receive news from cops/school administrator that your child OD'ed and died at college or arrested and his/her future will be ruined - seeing your investment being wasted and flushed down the toilet.

college + drugs... students were certainly not just smoking and sharing a joint with a paperclip on staircases. There will be lot of alcohols and some drug cocktails involved and somebody will definitely die from it.... or kill somebody by DUI.

Well said!...
If it is 100 pills I can see it being legal. Some policies even encourage it in the form of 90 day prescriptions.

Correct. Also... not all bottles were narcotic either. One was treatment for a private issue.

This is where I wish I was able to view the arrest report.
Also, they neighborhood surrounding Gally is horrible....Dealers everywhere. Can you imagine if one of them got pissed that she was selling and commenced a drug war in her dorm. She put students in danger. And not just with the effects of the drugs.
DUI? Weak.
DUI killed many many many lives than guns do. weak? not really.

$1460? I have more money than that laying around my house. Ridiculous.
so did you make money from selling drugs?

Why do you hold a drug distributor to a higher standard than the person who actually ingests this stuff? That logic never made much sense to me.
because drug distributor ruins lives and they do not care.

for ie - if I knew you have an addiction... you would be my favorite customer and I wouldn't care about you at all. I wouldn't care if you killed somebody to take his money to buy my drug. I wouldn't care if you broke into somebody's house to get money. I wouldn't care if you are destroying your own family's lives as long as you keep buying my drug. I wouldn't care if you are starving your own children because you're buying my drugs rather than food for your children. The only thing I care about is you keep buying my drug - anything else.. not my problem and I don't care.

A drug distributor is fully conscious of his own action and he does not care. He's a coward and he preys on weak people and takes advantage of them. A drug user is not fully conscious of his own action because of drug addiction. I have a huge respect for any drug user seeking help and absolutely none for distributor.

so yes this logic makes an absolute perfect sense to just about everybody else.... which is why the punishment is harsher for drug distributor than drug user.
nope. I'm not concerned about her being a small-time distributor. My anger is that she is an older adult, selling prescription drugs and marijuana to kids (yes even 18 years old is a kid to me).

I'm furious about it and it's unforgivable. Can you imagine as a parent hearing about this with his/her child at Gally?

It's just horrible enough to receive news from cops/school administrator that your child OD'ed and died at college or arrested and his/her future will be ruined - seeing your investment being wasted and flushed down the toilet.

college + drugs... students were certainly not just smoking and sharing a joint with a paperclip on staircases. There will be lot of alcohols and some drug cocktails involved and somebody will definitely die from it.... or kill somebody by DUI.

It also wouldn't be college without weed and alcohol. It's where we go to learn. I was in a fraternity at UH and we liked to drink ourselves stupid.


Her being 31 is a valid concern of yours.
DUI killed many many many lives than guns do. weak? not really.

so did you make money from selling drugs?

because drug distributor ruins lives and they do not care.

for ie - if I knew you have an addiction... you would be my favorite customer and I wouldn't care about you at all. I wouldn't care if you killed somebody to take his money to buy my drug. I wouldn't care if you broke into somebody's house to get money. I wouldn't care if you are destroying your own family's lives as long as you keep buying my drug. I wouldn't care if you are starving your own children because you're buying my drugs rather than food for your children. The only thing I care about is you keep buying my drug - anything else.. not my problem and I don't care.

A drug distributor is fully conscious of his own action and he does not care. He's a coward and he preys on weak people and takes advantage of them. A drug user is not fully conscious of his own action because of drug addiction. I have a huge respect for any drug user seeking help and absolutely none for distributor.

so yes this logic makes an absolute perfect sense to just about everybody else.... which is why the punishment is harsher for drug distributor than drug user.

Guns? DUI from weed? Okay... fine... I'd like to see you back that up.

Of course not.

You and I will just have to disagree. I have always felt that people are responsible for their own actions.
Correct. Also... not all bottles were narcotic either. One was treatment for a private issue.

This is where I wish I was able to view the arrest report.

yea I'd like to know what kind of prescription drug too but since it's a college... like many colleges... I'd say... most likely Adderall, Ritalin, Ecstasy, Vicodin, OxyContin, Xanax, and Ativan since these are popular party drugs.

sad.... very sad....
yea I'd like to know what kind of prescription drug too but since it's a college... like many colleges... I'd say... most likely Adderall, Ritalin, Ecstasy, Vicodin, OxyContin, Xanax, and Ativan since these are popular party drugs.

sad.... very sad....

You can buy esctasy with a prescription?

It's my understanding that there was a narcotic involved and it was none of those that you listed.

I still would like to see the police report just to be sure.