why do you want her to get a spank on the wrist?
I believe she should be in jail for several years. what she did was a serious felonious crime and she's already on my shit list just for being a distributor.
I have some sympathy for drug user but none for drug distributor and I believe all drug distributors should get maximum penalty allowed.
She is small time, a distributor vary in scale, for 2 pound of weed is going to be cut into ounces or tinnys.
I dont know the price of weed in Washington DC... but i looked in google, it comes to about $200 on average, $180 for a so and so quality, 240 for high quality daks. Maybe 250-275 for the premium imports i dunno.
Thing is; there is about 25 Tinnys to a Ounce so in a pound , you can sell up to 400 tinnys. A tinny is small tinfoil shaped like a cigar each holds about equavalient to 3 joints. If a tinnys sells for $20 Each that's $8000.
Takeaway the cost of the pound in the first place say $1500 thats still $6500 Profit.
Significant profit but each sales takes place, there's always a risk of going to jail., She took the risk, and I'd doubt she'd ever continue being a dealers after this 2 pounds, (quite hard to get), its usually sold in ahurry to off load before a signalled bust, or wholesalers selling to one-off small timers, often teens or young adults who wants to party and make a bit of quick cash, usually for a holiday or that 'nice car' OR, in her case, study fees which are quite high. I dont blame her, and I dont think its a felony either. (pills , depending what they were, is another story)..
a slap on the wrist, hmmm maybe not that lightly, but certainly not jail, just a course of house arrest and stern warning would do, and certainly in any cases, she stuffed up her eligablity to access library for study, so its going to make it a lot harder for her to finish study, so i think she should be allowed to finsih it, and not being able to be on campus is hard enough ( I know because I'm an extramural -distance study, while i do live in same town and use library which helps enormously).
That's my take on this situation.
I think she got carried away a wee bit, with the pills bit, or wasnt smart enough to know pills Are more dangerous than weed WHILE pills are 'legit' but obtained illicitly for wrong purposes. i would NEVER EVER touch ANY pills i dont care what they say, or if they know what it is, I'd stick with weed, much , much safer (safer than alcohol too) BUT its illegal, its just messed up.
While Im studying I never touch weed, because I need clear memory and motivation (weed saps abit of that).
nuff said