Student got arrested in a major drug bust at Gallaudet University

Correct. And the more that I talk to those with more familiarity surrounding the case... the pills isn't even remotely going to be a factor... but yeah... additional charges could come.

I'm hoping for the best for her. I remain steadfast that she's a good person who made a horrible choice. She's no criminal to others.

I don't know why do you have a sympathy for drug distributors especially her. They do not care if people OD or die from drugs. They do not care if drug addicts are ruining their own lives and other people's lives.

She's not a good person. She did not care about other people and she certainly did not care about you. She's a fraud and con artist. I'm very happy that she got caught before she destroyed more lives. She wasn't selling some small bags of weed. She was selling in a very large quantity of all kinds of drugs that destroy everybody's lives.

When a drug seller has a large quantity of drugs stashed away along with thousands of dollars... it's very obvious that he/she has been selling for a while.... long enough to destroy lives.
I am sorry to tell you that the Gallaudet community is real unique unlike normal communities. It is not about the fear because it is the way that we normally do on daily basis, depending on different situations. If you rat on someone over something trivial, you will get looked down.

You will get much better and clearer ideas when you spend a few years there. :)

it's same as in any community. nobody likes a rat.
I don't know why do you have a sympathy for drug distributors especially her. They do not care if people OD or die from drugs. They do not care if drug addicts are ruining their own lives and other people's lives.

She's not a good person. She did not care about other people and she certainly did not care about you. She's a fraud and a con artist. I'm very happy that she got caught before she destroyed more lives. She wasn't selling a small bags of weed. She was selling in a very large quantity of all kinds of drugs that destroy everybody's lives.

When a drug seller has a large quantity of drugs stashed away along with thousands of dollars... it's very obvious that he/she has been selling for a while.... long enough to destroy lives.

Yep, and I have a feeling this is going to be huge. Just a little word here and there in these articles has my Spidey senses working. I have a feeling there was a network of students getting Rx meds and selling them through this student. Total hunch, and I wouldn't necessarily wager on it. Just a gut feeling.
If she wasn't there, it will still drug distributors in around the world, so different people will take those career.
Yep, and I have a feeling this is going to be huge. Just a little word here and there in these articles has my Spidey senses working. I have a feeling there was a network of students getting Rx meds and selling them through this student. Total hunch, and I wouldn't necessarily wager on it. Just a gut feeling.

I hope we win the Powerballs :lol:
it's same as in any community. nobody likes a rat.

Or a "snitch"......I have no sympathy for drug dealers either...and turned my back on a family member that used and dealt drugs....Now he is incarnated....Some people just "want too much...too soon" and feel dealing drugs will do just that.. big $$ and not working for it....Drugs can and will ruin lives....and lead to much worser crimes.
I don't know why do you have a sympathy for drug distributors especially her. They do not care if people OD or die from drugs. They do not care if drug addicts are ruining their own lives and other people's lives.

She's not a good person. She did not care about other people and she certainly did not care about you. She's a fraud and a con artist. I'm very happy that she got caught before she destroyed more lives. She wasn't selling a small bags of weed. She was selling in a very large quantity of all kinds of drugs that destroy everybody's lives.

When a drug seller has a large quantity of drugs stashed away along with thousands of dollars... it's very obvious that he/she has been selling for a while.... long enough to destroy lives.

Name one person who died from smoking pot.

Just. Name. One.

If you consider a pound and a half a large quantity, then I don't know what to say. $1460 became thousands? Okay.

I'm not stupid either. I know I am also biased to a degree. I've known her since she was a little girl. I'm not saying she deserves a slap on the wrist either. She broke the law and she's going to have to graze with the cows for that. I find fault in how inconsistent our marijuana laws are. 10 years for something that's permissable a few state lines over. It's just misguided and a waste of taxpayer expense.

She wasn't selling pills. She hasn't been charged with that and she isn't expected to be charged with that. She does have to answer for them... and I think she can. If and until things change as Rx cases take time... it shouldn't be a factor.

I would like being in the courtroom to find out how the case goes.
The two things I'm looking forward to see what the prosecution says:
- $1,460 hidden wad of cash: Chunk of big cash. This kind of thing smells like she's been distributing for awhile.
- Scales found in her dorm: if they test it and find weed on it, can seriously show intent to distribute! Betting this wasn't for chemistry class..
One oz usually costs for 250 bucks. It sounds like that she made that amount of $ for 5 oz or 6 oz of pot. Nice.
Name one person who died from smoking pot.

Just. Name. One.
She wasn't selling only pot. And there is something called DUI. Would you like me to name one person who was driving under influence and "accidentally" killed a pedestrian?

If you consider a pound and a half a large quantity, then I don't know what to say. $1460 became thousands? Okay.
see above - she wasn't selling only pot. and they discovered that she had $1,460. You and I both know very well that she has made more than that and like everybody else... we all have expenses and she spent a chunk of her pay on "expense" to buy more to sell. I wouldn't be surprised if she had made over $10,000 in a year.

I'm not stupid either. I know I am also biased to a degree. I've known her since she was a little girl. I'm not saying she deserves a slap on the wrist either. She broke the law and she's going to have to graze with the cows for that. I find fault in how inconsistent our marijuana laws are. 10 years for something that's permissable a few state lines over. It's just misguided and a waste of taxpayer expense.
hey - I agree. I would like our marijuana law to be reduced or eliminated but I have absolutely no sympathy for drug distributor.

Do not confuse my stance on drug distributor and drug user.

She wasn't selling pills. She hasn't been charged with that and she isn't expected to be charged with that. She does have to answer for them... and I think she can. If and until things change as Rx cases take time... it shouldn't be a factor.

yes I know and like I said - she's not gonna be able to weasel her way out of this. It would be in her best interest to fully cooperate with LEO and give them a bigger fish to fry so that a judge will consider it for her sentencing.
Right, and how many people died directly result from smoking weeds? And to compare weeds with alcohol, which is more dangerous? How many times have you see bunch of drunks decided to start fight? How many times have you seen people smoke weeds and get stoned and started fight?

Alcohol is considered number one most dangerous drug of all drugs, I won't be surprise if plenty of ADers disagreed with me but this is the fact.

The problem I'm seeing is the drug laws itself, because when one smokes weeds, it stays in their body the longest of any kind of dope. And many place does dope tests, in order to hide from using dope without getting caught is move up to harder dope which stays in your body much much much shorter time (No longer than 3 days compare to daily weed smoker which could stay in body for as long as 3 months). What I am saying is that drug law for weeds is actually a gateway to bigger drug problems that we are seeing especially Meth. Yikes!

If she wasn't there, it will still drug distributors in around the world, so different people will take those career.
Name one person who died from smoking pot.

Just. Name. One.

If you consider a pound and a half a large quantity, then I don't know what to say. $1460 became thousands? Okay.

I'm not stupid either. I know I am also biased to a degree. I've known her since she was a little girl. I'm not saying she deserves a slap on the wrist either. She broke the law and she's going to have to graze with the cows for that. I find fault in how inconsistent our marijuana laws are. 10 years for something that's permissable a few state lines over. It's just misguided and a waste of taxpayer expense.

She wasn't selling pills. She hasn't been charged with that and she isn't expected to be charged with that. She does have to answer for them... and I think she can. If and until things change as Rx cases take time... it shouldn't be a factor.


It is illegal to sell pot in all 50 states.

As for the pills, as I stated earlier. It takes longer to investigate those cases. I wouldnt get my hopes up due to the lack of charges. Even at 100 pills it is hard to imagine how she would legally possess that quantity.
Name one person who died from smoking pot.

Just. Name. One.

If you consider a pound and a half a large quantity, then I don't know what to say. $1460 became thousands? Okay.

I'm not stupid either. I know I am also biased to a degree. I've known her since she was a little girl. I'm not saying she deserves a slap on the wrist either. She broke the law and she's going to have to graze with the cows for that. I find fault in how inconsistent our marijuana laws are. 10 years for something that's permissable a few state lines over. It's just misguided and a waste of taxpayer expense.

She wasn't selling pills. She hasn't been charged with that and she isn't expected to be charged with that. She does have to answer for them... and I think she can. If and until things change as Rx cases take time... it shouldn't be a factor.


That many pills?...come on!...if she wasn't selling them, was she just hoarding them?....Nah!....PLus she's 31 years old, not some pimply teenager....She knew better....Sorry, no sympathy here...have to face the music no matter how bad it is.
two wrongs don't make a right! I think you are right about pot being a gateway drugs for kids to try others.

We want to reduce kids selling drugs, not encourage them to keep doing it. Would someone be ok with it if marijuana is legal and kids at your elementary school is selling to your child. Like you mention, if someone does weed, chances are they might also sell other things like LSD, PCP, shrooms, opium, heroin, coke. Is this the kind of behavior we want kids to keep doing? Keep distributing because someone else will do it anyway?

Better non-student adults than students imo. At least keep the students innocent...

Right, and how many people died directly result from smoking weeds? And to compare weeds with alcohol, which is more dangerous? How many times have you see bunch of drunks decided to start fight? How many times have you seen people smoke weeds and get stoned and started fight?

Alcohol is considered number one most dangerous drug of all drugs, I won't be surprise if plenty of ADers disagreed with me but this is the fact.

The problem I'm seeing is the drug laws itself, because when one smokes weeds, it stays in their body the longest of any kind of dope. And many place does dope tests, in order to hide from using dope without getting caught is move up to harder dope which stays in your body much much much shorter time (No longer than 3 days compare to daily weed smoker which could stay in body for as long as 3 months). What I am saying is that drug law for weeds is actually a gateway to bigger drug problems that we are seeing especially Meth. Yikes!
It is illegal to sell pot in all 50 states.

As for the pills, as I stated earlier. It takes longer to investigate those cases. I wouldnt get my hopes up due to the lack of charges. Even at 100 pills it is hard to imagine how she would legally possess that quantity.
if she DID legally possess these pills... I have no doubt that she would be charged with medical insurance fraud or similar.
That many pills?...come on!...if she wasn't selling them, was she just hoarding them?....Nah!....PLus she's 31 years old, not some pimply teenager....She knew better....Sorry, no sympathy here...have to face the music no matter how bad it is.

That is another factor. 31, living in a dorm and selling drugs around minors. Endangering minors (drug dealing isn't exactly safe)

A juror is going to have a tough time being sympathetic.
Only $1,460? That is nothing compare to those that I know got busted. My neighbor got busted, had a quarter million dollars in the house. So, for instance $50,000, $400,000, even million dollars then I would think different. $1,460 in cash for dope business is really a drop in the bucket and is not a major distributor in my POV.

I would like being in the courtroom to find out how the case goes.
The two things I'm looking forward to see what the prosecution says:
- $1,460 hidden wad of cash: Chunk of big cash. This kind of thing smells like she's been distributing for awhile.
- Scales found in her dorm: if they test it and find weed on it, can seriously show intent to distribute! Betting this wasn't for chemistry class..
why do you want her to get a spank on the wrist?

I believe she should be in jail for several years. what she did was a serious felonious crime and she's already on my shit list just for being a distributor.

I have some sympathy for drug user but none for drug distributor and I believe all drug distributors should get maximum penalty allowed.

She is small time, a distributor vary in scale, for 2 pound of weed is going to be cut into ounces or tinnys.
I dont know the price of weed in Washington DC... but i looked in google, it comes to about $200 on average, $180 for a so and so quality, 240 for high quality daks. Maybe 250-275 for the premium imports i dunno.

Thing is; there is about 25 Tinnys to a Ounce so in a pound , you can sell up to 400 tinnys. A tinny is small tinfoil shaped like a cigar each holds about equavalient to 3 joints. If a tinnys sells for $20 Each that's $8000.

Takeaway the cost of the pound in the first place say $1500 thats still $6500 Profit.

Significant profit but each sales takes place, there's always a risk of going to jail., She took the risk, and I'd doubt she'd ever continue being a dealers after this 2 pounds, (quite hard to get), its usually sold in ahurry to off load before a signalled bust, or wholesalers selling to one-off small timers, often teens or young adults who wants to party and make a bit of quick cash, usually for a holiday or that 'nice car' OR, in her case, study fees which are quite high. I dont blame her, and I dont think its a felony either. (pills , depending what they were, is another story)..
a slap on the wrist, hmmm maybe not that lightly, but certainly not jail, just a course of house arrest and stern warning would do, and certainly in any cases, she stuffed up her eligablity to access library for study, so its going to make it a lot harder for her to finish study, so i think she should be allowed to finsih it, and not being able to be on campus is hard enough ( I know because I'm an extramural -distance study, while i do live in same town and use library which helps enormously).

That's my take on this situation.
I think she got carried away a wee bit, with the pills bit, or wasnt smart enough to know pills Are more dangerous than weed WHILE pills are 'legit' but obtained illicitly for wrong purposes. i would NEVER EVER touch ANY pills i dont care what they say, or if they know what it is, I'd stick with weed, much , much safer (safer than alcohol too) BUT its illegal, its just messed up.
While Im studying I never touch weed, because I need clear memory and motivation (weed saps abit of that).
nuff said