Student got arrested in a major drug bust at Gallaudet University

dhb i need to clarify that you mean marijuana should be legalized alone or go along with the other drugs as well?
that's why crack, heroin, and meth should be banned. and marijuana should be legalized and taxed :)

um if legalised yes but not taxed, as people would grow own , that cant be taxed, grow your own veges and be taxed? hell no
um if legalised yes but not taxed, as people would grow own , that cant be taxed, grow your own veges and be taxed? hell no

That is the fallacy behind the "Tax it" argument.

1) People would grow their own

2) Tax would make the product too expensive and People would just buy on the black market.
um if legalised yes but not taxed, as people would grow own , that cant be taxed, grow your own veges and be taxed? hell no

tax is for when you have a weed shop.

even people buy cigarettes....
I scared to say - sometime, the deaf could be factor in the court and I watch some documentaries about 2 deaf men got charged with murder in KY. The prosecutor and victim families want death penalty for 2 deaf men who did murdered the one man who worked at army surplus. At final, the jury rather to sentence 2 deaf men to life in prison instead of death penalty, so the victim families were very upset because they felt that deaf is factor for reduce the penalty..

Just to be clear about the murder case in Louisville, KY -- Both men's deafness was not the reason why they received life in prison instead of death penalty. Like Naisho said, mental illness has to be proven first otherwise.

My old time, there were a undercover guy named Spider guy. He was on campus almost everyday even he was following me because i was with someone who was a dealer. But the dealer was my classmate that we needed to work on the project. He told me why and assures me not to worry because i do not have anything on me or him. oh boy!

royale i wonder what happened to spider guy. Is he still working there? :lol:

Oh wow, I almost forgot about Spider, the DOSS guy. I remember him when I was there as a student in Mid 90's. He was a tall skinny black man who would spook a mind out of me if he could, lol. Last I heard, He no longer works there and has retired. I don't know what he is up to as of now.
Marijuana, there is so many nickname for Cannabis. I believe it should be legalized first. The rest MIGHT or might not follow. BUT I hopefully that Meth will never be legalize, Meth is too dangerous and most destructive drug I ever seen.

What I see is that it is really never government's business to tell you what to do. Government can warn, or give warnings with consequence that one must take if harm others. For example, if one takes drugs which result domestic violence for instance will have to deal with it, law will not excuse one for crime due to taking drugs. Perfect example we have today is called DWI, if you drive drunk and cause death, you are 100% responsible regardless because your stupid to take too much drinks and take the keys with you. I don't see excuse for one that is not responsible in judging how much drink one takes that result hurting or threatening somebody or others property. Why should government waste taxpayers money IF one decide to do whatever and got wasted (Including alcohol, dope, etc) but stayed home and not hurting anyone?

dhb i need to clarify that you mean marijuana should be legalized alone or go along with the other drugs as well?
Does not matter, we have same issues with alcohol, called Moonshiners and it is STILL illegal. Moonshiners THRIVES still! There are hundreds, maybe thousands of moonshiners out there that we not know yet.

I support tax em even if one grows em. FAIR taxes yes, unfair taxes no. Of course, if one grows em and not report and pay taxes can be busted for tax evasion and I am fine with it. We can not escape 100% There are no 100% sure fire solution, like I said alcohol has same issue with moonshiners making their shines illegally and evade taxes. Also, don't you know you can moonshine at your home and not ship out is perfectly legal. I am sure not everybody wants to grow cannabis but buy just like cigs and booze with taxes in it.

That is the fallacy behind the "Tax it" argument.

1) People would grow their own

2) Tax would make the product too expensive and People would just buy on the black market.
Does not matter, we have same issues with alcohol, called Moonshiners and it is STILL illegal. Moonshiners THRIVES still! There are hundreds, maybe thousands of moonshiners out there that we not know yet.

I support tax em even if one grows em. FAIR taxes yes, unfair taxes no. Of course, if one grows em and not report and pay taxes can be busted for tax evasion and I am fine with it. We can not escape 100% There are no 100% sure fire solution, like I said alcohol has same issue with moonshiners making their shines illegally and evade taxes. Also, don't you know you can moonshine at your home and not ship out is perfectly legal. I am sure not everybody wants to grow cannabis but buy just like cigs and booze with taxes in it.

Just out of curiosity, If all were legalized and taxed - How would that solve the violence and crimes? There's always a loophole in the legal system but however, would taxing it be the answer? Probably not.
First, please show proof that person who gets high with Marijuana cause violence and crime? Can you shed a proof? Did you know that DEA could not produce a proof that Marijuana had direct cause of crimes, and violence and death. Not even one that DEA could shed proof. The rest of drugs, I hope they don't legalize them but it is still possible. Anyway, I don't think you would be able to come up with evidence that Marijuana was a direct cause of crimes and violence.

Back in 60's and 70's media is the one that scares public shitless about the danger of marijuana and they did exaggerated the consequence of smoking joints that spooked Richard Nixon and Nelson Rockefeller and they decided to make drug law the strictest of all and it proved to backfire after 40 years along with Trillions of dollars done spent without any improvement.

Here is two trends which may surprise you, NY had relaxed marijuana laws. Right now, if cops bust you having less than 8 ounce of weeds all you get is citation and you have choice pay 100 dollars fine for first offense or 250 for second offense or 500 for third and so forth offense without jail time, and no record except second and so forth as misdemeanor or go to court if you plea not guilty; the result did surprise Governer was the reduction of prison population and crimes as well. They started to close some prisons already with lay offs. Now NY governor is trying to legalize weeds!
Secondly, in Netherland where they technically leave potheads alone and won't arrest them even though it is STILL illegal, they have closed several prisons already because not enough criminal activity to keep jail open.

Just out of curiosity, If all were legalized and taxed - How would that solve the violence and crimes? There's always a loophole in the legal system but however, would taxing it be the answer? Probably not.

And you don't think tax em is not the answer, it is a INCOME, how can it not be answer? Right now there is NOTHING, no tax collect from millions of pot smokers, yet we spent millions and millions of dollars to DEA, backlogged court over weeds, jail gets full because too many smokers get busted, all of these expense without income had helped solve the drug problems? Its perfect wasteful resource used though different tax source than drug itself, which fuel the wealthy of drug cartels. Uncle Sam had helped many drug cartel into millionaires already, how did it help us?
Does not matter, we have same issues with alcohol, called Moonshiners and it is STILL illegal. Moonshiners THRIVES still! There are hundreds, maybe thousands of moonshiners out there that we not know yet.

I support tax em even if one grows em. FAIR taxes yes, unfair taxes no. Of course, if one grows em and not report and pay taxes can be busted for tax evasion and I am fine with it. We can not escape 100% There are no 100% sure fire solution, like I said alcohol has same issue with moonshiners making their shines illegally and evade taxes. Also, don't you know you can moonshine at your home and not ship out is perfectly legal. I am sure not everybody wants to grow cannabis but buy just like cigs and booze with taxes in it.

You are falling for the fallacy. Unlike prohibition the underground market and sources of distribution for pot is already well structures. Pot is also much easier to produce, package and transport.
No, Moonshiners nowadays STILL flourishing and business is stronger than you realize, there will always be tax evasion regardless. BUT do everyone wants to brew their own booze at home? Not many, and I am sure not everyone would grow, but rather buy it. Again, like I said taxes needs to be reasonable to avoid black market attractiveness. Like I said in other thread about cigs, Kentucky has the lowest cigs tax in the nation, and NYS has the highest cigs tax in the nation especially NYC, What happened? Nobody smuggling into Kentucy while NYC has cigs smuggling highest in the nation.

It is all about balance, government CAN'T win, period but instead of trying to all out ban, Regulation is the answer to the problem. We are living in free country and this country is too huge for any cops to enforce the laws.

You are falling for the fallacy. Unlike prohibition the underground market and sources of distribution for pot is already well structures. Pot is also much easier to produce, package and transport.
First, please show proof that person who gets high with Marijuana cause violence and crime? Can you shed a proof? Did you know that DEA could not produce a proof that Marijuana had direct cause of crimes, and violence and death. Not even one that DEA could shed proof. The rest of drugs, I hope they don't legalize them but it is still possible. Anyway, I don't think you would be able to come up with evidence that Marijuana was a direct cause of crimes and violence.
what are you talking about? marijuana has been a cause of violence and crime since it's an illegal drug. there are gang/street wars over it.

Marijuana deals often accompanied by violence - Richmond Times-Dispatch: Crime News:
Marijuana might seem like a harmless drug to some, but local authorities in Richmond say marijuana deals and the large amounts of money involved in such transactions too often lead to violence.

Richmond police investigators believe that four of the city’s 42 homicides in 2012 were motivated by robberies involving marijuana, and about a dozen other shootings — maybe more — involved the drug.

And that doesn’t count the innumerable other robberies in which no one was shot, many of which never are reported because the victim doesn’t want to tell the police he was selling pot or trying to buy some.

“A lot of people feel like it’s harmless, that it’s kind of nature’s elixir,” said Richmond police Capt. Emmett Williams. “At least here in Richmond, there’s still a lot of violence associated with marijuana and marijuana sales.”

“Every year, we have three, four, five murders that generally are related to marijuana,” Williams said.

One of last year’s killings that Richmond police believe was the result of a marijuana-related robbery was the shooting of a man in the 4600 block of Southwood Parkway in South Richmond in July. The victim was found dead inside a vehicle.

In recent years, marijuana dealing has been at the center of other high-profile homicides in the Richmond metro area.

Last January, a 16-year-old Atlee High School marijuana dealer, Brett Wells, was shot and killed in his Mechanicsville-area home after three men tried to make off with more than $1,000 of marijuana without paying, according to authorities in Hanover County.

In 2007, a former gang member killed 16-year-old Ryan Matko, a Thomas Dale High School student whose father is a Richmond police detective. Chesterfield County prosecutors suggested Matko was killed for cash he brought with him to a meeting with the killer, Detavis J. King, who had sold marijuana to Matko several times.

On the morning he was killed, Matko took a shoebox he kept in his room containing $440 in cash and some drug scales, prosecutors speculated at King’s trial. King knew Matko had money and was going to charge him $300 that day for marijuana, prosecutors said. King was convicted and sentenced to 53 years in prison.

Sacramento trial begins in Foothill Farms killing of marijuana dealer - Crime - The Sacramento Bee
Testimony began Wednesday in another Sacramento pot robbery murder trial, with a dealer once again getting killed, the prosecutor said, by somebody out to steal his weed and money.

"One good thing about being a marijuana dealer is people think you have money and you have weed, and that makes you cool," Deputy District Attorney Charles Gonzalez told a Sacramento Superior Court jury. "One of the bad things about being a marijuana dealer is people think you have money and you have weed, and you are a target to be robbed."
No, Moonshiners nowadays STILL flourishing and business is stronger than you realize, there will always be tax evasion regardless. BUT do everyone wants to brew their own booze at home? Not many, and I am sure not everyone would grow, but rather buy it. Again, like I said taxes needs to be reasonable to avoid black market attractiveness. Like I said in other thread about cigs, Kentucky has the lowest cigs tax in the nation, and NYS has the highest cigs tax in the nation especially NYC, What happened? Nobody smuggling into Kentucy while NYC has cigs smuggling highest in the nation.

It is all about balance, government CAN'T win, period but instead of trying to all out ban, Regulation is the answer to the problem. We are living in free country and this country is too huge for any cops to enforce the laws.

I live in the south. :lol:

I also understand business. There is no comparison in production or distribution models.
Does not matter, we have same issues with alcohol, called Moonshiners and it is STILL illegal. Moonshiners THRIVES still! There are hundreds, maybe thousands of moonshiners out there that we not know yet.

I support tax em even if one grows em. FAIR taxes yes, unfair taxes no. Of course, if one grows em and not report and pay taxes can be busted for tax evasion and I am fine with it. We can not escape 100% There are no 100% sure fire solution, like I said alcohol has same issue with moonshiners making their shines illegally and evade taxes. Also, don't you know you can moonshine at your home and not ship out is perfectly legal. I am sure not everybody wants to grow cannabis but buy just like cigs and booze with taxes in it.

eh? moonshining business is thriving? thousands of moonshiners? I'm afraid I disagree with you there. I think you should stop getting your "facts" from some fictitious reality shows.

the cost of logistic and cost-benefit along with risk tradeoffs are cost prohibitive. that's why most of moonshining productions are in few south-eastern states. they can make about $200,000 a year at most but it's a hit or miss.

do the math. the number simply does not add up. it's cost-prohibitive and the risk tradeoff is too high.
First, please show proof that person who gets high with Marijuana cause violence and crime? Can you shed a proof? Did you know that DEA could not produce a proof that Marijuana had direct cause of crimes, and violence and death. Not even one that DEA could shed proof. The rest of drugs, I hope they don't legalize them but it is still possible. Anyway, I don't think you would be able to come up with evidence that Marijuana was a direct cause of crimes and violence.

Back in 60's and 70's media is the one that scares public shitless about the danger of marijuana and they did exaggerated the consequence of smoking joints that spooked Richard Nixon and Nelson Rockefeller and they decided to make drug law the strictest of all and it proved to backfire after 40 years along with Trillions of dollars done spent without any improvement.

Here is two trends which may surprise you, NY had relaxed marijuana laws. Right now, if cops bust you having less than 8 ounce of weeds all you get is citation and you have choice pay 100 dollars fine for first offense or 250 for second offense or 500 for third and so forth offense without jail time, and no record except second and so forth as misdemeanor or go to court if you plea not guilty; the result did surprise Governer was the reduction of prison population and crimes as well. They started to close some prisons already with lay offs. Now NY governor is trying to legalize weeds!
Secondly, in Netherland where they technically leave potheads alone and won't arrest them even though it is STILL illegal, they have closed several prisons already because not enough criminal activity to keep jail open.

And you don't think tax em is not the answer, it is a INCOME, how can it not be answer? Right now there is NOTHING, no tax collect from millions of pot smokers, yet we spent millions and millions of dollars to DEA, backlogged court over weeds, jail gets full because too many smokers get busted, all of these expense without income had helped solve the drug problems? Its perfect wasteful resource used though different tax source than drug itself, which fuel the wealthy of drug cartels. Uncle Sam had helped many drug cartel into millionaires already, how did it help us?

I am not talking about how a marijuana user starts a violence as compared to an alcohol drinker. I am aware that marijuana itself is not like what alcohol are. What I am saying is that, Marijuana is an illegial drug which stems the violence of a drug war along with other kind of drugs. My point is that, when it is taxed, violence of the drug being smuggled, murdered over it will not be solved as how it is now when it is illegial. I think, when it is taxed, it probably will be worse because of the ratio of the trading amount in the black market, or if not any worse than it being illegial. This is why I asked you the question on how will taxing marijuana solve anything? It seems like a moot point. The only thing is, money grubbers will have a field day over taxing it.
Marijuana, there is so many nickname for Cannabis. I believe it should be legalized first. The rest MIGHT or might not follow. BUT I hopefully that Meth will never be legalize, Meth is too dangerous and most destructive drug I ever seen.

What I see is that it is really never government's business to tell you what to do. Government can warn, or give warnings with consequence that one must take if harm others. For example, if one takes drugs which result domestic violence for instance will have to deal with it, law will not excuse one for crime due to taking drugs. Perfect example we have today is called DWI, if you drive drunk and cause death, you are 100% responsible regardless because your stupid to take too much drinks and take the keys with you. I don't see excuse for one that is not responsible in judging how much drink one takes that result hurting or threatening somebody or others property. Why should government waste taxpayers money IF one decide to do whatever and got wasted (Including alcohol, dope, etc) but stayed home and not hurting anyone?

you are channeling your anger at wrong place. it's not government's fault for allowing this to happen. heck... our founding fathers did smoke a doobie on regular basis :lol:

it's these stupid people who made it worse for us all. blame them, not the government.
Ok, we had black market for alcohol during 1920's, It went out of control so that it leads repeal of that prohibition. As soon as after prohibition ends the problem had reduced considerable, they took time to figure out the taxes and balance out of black market.

And no, it is not moot point because it had happened in the past and history is bound to repeat anyway. If we keep it illegal, government stands only to lose taxpayers money.

I am not talking about how a marijuana user starts a violence as compared to an alcohol drinker. I am aware that marijuana itself is not like what alcohol are. What I am saying is that, Marijuana is an illegial drug which stems the violence of a drug war along with other kind of drugs. My point is that, when it is taxed, violence of the drug being smuggled, murdered over it will not be solved as how it is now when it is illegial. I think, when it is taxed, it probably will be worse because of the ratio of the trading amount in the black market, or if not any worse than it being illegial. This is why I asked you the question on how will taxing marijuana solve anything? It seems like a moot point. The only thing is, money grubbers will have a field day over taxing it.
I am not talking about how a marijuana user starts a violence as compared to an alcohol drinker. I am aware that marijuana itself is not like what alcohol are. What I am saying is that, Marijuana is an illegial drug which stems the violence of a drug war along with other kind of drugs. My point is that, when it is taxed, violence of the drug being smuggled, murdered over it will not be solved as how it is now when it is illegial. I think, when it is taxed, it probably will be worse because of the ratio of the trading amount in the black market, or if not any worse than it being illegial. This is why I asked you the question on how will taxing marijuana solve anything? It seems like a moot point. The only thing is, money grubbers will have a field day over taxing it.

taxing marijuana would means marijuana is legal to sell and buy just like alcohol and cigarettes.

legalizing and taxing marijuana is an excellent solution to reduction of crimes and jail population. you will have a significant number of people buying marijuana legally because the risk tradeoff is not worth it to buy marijuana illegally.

you get caught. you go to jail. and you lose the job. why risk it all? it's a small price to pay.

despite of legalizing marijuana.... there will still be black market because legal marijuana would be regulated by FDA... which means its potency will be affected and some people would prefer a more potent type.

same thing with alcohol and moonshining.

and of course..... the risk with buying marijuana from black market is that you don't know how it's grown and what it's laced with. and I can't see how black market for marijuana would be thriving and profitable in long term because they would be forced to reduce their price.

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