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Momoftwo said:Hi CyberRed
Wow....ok...I have good self-esteem by natural. That's me...I'm always so friendly, very warm person, very sensitive, very happy (sure had bad mood or really upset by very rude people once a while - it happens), etc. God does not want me to have my good self-esteem?????In the self-esteem test, my score was 92% and that is high self-esteem. Is that "satan"??? Does God not want me to have this high self-esteem. I don't get it. That's why I said what kind of self-esteem you have is negative (low self-esteem and high self-esteem are negative) But I have very good self-esteem. That's why I don't understand.
Please help me understand this.
Many thanks!
Liebling:-))) said:God love you no matter what. God is happy to see you to positive your strength and self-esteem.
CyberRed said:I would like to ask you some questions :
Here is my answer:
1) Do you think it's OKAY to change different jobs from the original one if, a person don't feel satisfy with it but to look for somethin' better in order to make this person to FEEL better ?
This is low self-esteem if anyone keep on change their jobs all the time to satisfy themselves. It means is that they didn´t know what they really want.
You should beleive yourself what kind of job you really want to have... then it should filfulling your wish then it will keep you positive and happy. This is health and good self-esteem.
If you want to be successful career or business woman then do that to filfulling your dream. This is good and high esteem.
I work at same work place for 20 years (it will be 20 years next Jan. 06) because I´m happy and satisfy what I have and like my job. It´s good and health esteem.
2) Do you think it's OKAY to change marriage to another repeatly to make a person to feel satisfied to nurture this person's feelin' to fill its void ?
This is a low esteem and unhealthy, when the partner stay married to partner who abuse them physically (Domestic volience). Would you advice them to stay married with that terrible situation?
They have the right to get out of domestic volience before it goes worst.
Problem is couple escaped from their abusive parents to get married and babies as fast as they can and then found out that they are not right each other - goes miserable... Is it their fault? No, it´s the fault of psychological issues (form of abuses) how the parents expose them to during their childhood - that´s how they suffer low self-esteem. Psychological issues (form of abuse during childhood) cause a lot of relationships problems. This is a low self-esteem... Would you advise them to stay married? No... because it´s not their fault.
Positive and good self esteem: Take time and get to know her/his partner better first before they married and then enjoy their marriage life first before start their family life..... positive about their future etc... .
3) Do you think it's OKAY to take the drugs repeatly in order to get HIGH to make a person to feel better to escape problems this person faces ?
This is low self esteem how the people feel unhappy and unsatisfy and think drug make them feel good... and escaped unhappy life like what I say before it´s the fault of psychological issues (form of abuses) how the parents expose them to during their childhood. What would you advise them to?
Good and Self-esteem: Stick your willing to give drugs up and seeking the help to improve your good self-esteem.
4) Do you think it's OKAY to go to SALON repeatly for them to do a person's hairdo to make this person to feel good inside ?
I see nothing wrong as long as they are happy and feel good. It means is they positive their life and make her/his feel good and to take care herself/himself.
There are many things I could think of out there that the people are seekin' for SOMETHIN' to satisfy their "void" or let's say their "boredom".
No, if they are boring and whine themselves that they have nothing to do is low self-esteem. If they positive their boredom is do something is: hobby, sports, swimming, walk, etc... good and healthy esteem.
Example like what you did with your Artwork... Did God tell you to do with your Artwork? No, God didnt tell you to do but YOURSELF... You feel want to do that YOURSELF... Did God tell you to take picture of animals? No, you feel want to do that YOURSELF because they are YOUR hobby, not God and Jesus.
There will always be EMPTINESS & MEANINGLESSNESS, because of SELF-esteem. There will never be satisfied. They will always find somethin' to fill in themselves, but all those things are SHORT LIVE. It will not last.
This is no self-esteem to low self-esteem, not good and healthy self-esteem.
It will lose "virtue", because there's no modesty/or humility in them. It doesn't matter how low, high, good or bad self-esteem is, because of the word "SELF" won't do any good.
It's why I said "CHRIST-esteem" - that's for me, fyi. I want virtue in me - patience. God favors humble/ or humility people, because they exalt Christ. They don't put Christ down. When they put Christ first in their lives, they will recieve an everlastin' joy. Christ will fill in their "void" to show their true identification. Always smilin' on their faces in every mornin', noon and evenin' with Christ. Christ is a free gift.
Without Christ in them, there'll always be gloomy, miserable, complaints, starvin' for attention, and all that. Wordly psychologists/psychiatrists know NADA. They only know about "SELF-esteem" to help people to look within themselves by exaltin' them -- by what ? You figure that one out.![]()
No, you do something yourself with re-model your house... take picture of animals, artwork etc... is good self-esteem because you FEEL want to do that... God and Jesus did not tell you what to do but your own feeling.
People have to pay for psychologists/psychiatrists for their problems, just because of poor SELF-esteem in nowdays.
Audiofuzzy said:![]()
As much as I respect and admire deep dedication to God and Jesus, I can also plainly see many are blinded by it to the point they are not seeying things clearly.
For instance, self-esteem and faith, these two are not exactly the same.
People with healthy self esteem are pple who are able to like and love others, be humble and be compasionate, be good Christians or Jews or Muslims. Simply good human beings to each other.
Exactly like Jesus, who btw was very confident and hence had healthy, high self- esteem.
With healthy self esteem grows spiritual growth.
There can't be spiritual growth with low-esteem. It's like diseased soul, this low self-esteem, how can diseased soul grow well?
anyway, judging by the test results, if the 100% is the healthy self- esteem then the higher the better. Hence the saying- low self esteem, high self esteem... the higher the better.
Too high would be over 100% I guess when too much of a good thing is not good anymore.
I realise this discussion went on for so long pple started talking about many issues at once, issues that should be discussed separately.
The last questions are example of that.
I am afraid that there is mixing too many issues together under the self-esteem - and faith- umbrella. Impossible to answer one-sidedly, albeit without doubt very connected to the whole self-esteem issues.
For example, somebody who's is marrying and divorcing again and again might have unresolved psychological issues and low self esteem that cause him/her to jump headfirst into any relationship where the opposite side is merely non-violent as opposed to the other partners this person had in the past. is that enough grounds for steady and happy marriage?
no, it shows that person is not valueing him/herself enought to know better BEFORE the marriage take place.
the possibilities of what went wrong with this particular person are endless.
I agree with that it's commendable to try to be like Jesus but the question is- who does really understand who he was and who he represented?
Are you REALLY follwing into his steps or are you following YOUR OWN IDEA of what it means "following Jesus"?
One have to be very careful that in the search of spiritual perfection one does not become one of those terryfing, untolerant, judgmental, close minded Bible- thumpers who does not have ounce of patience with others.. it has nothing to do with self- esteem or spiritual growth, either.
Psychiatrist and psychologists are very often themselves dedicated Christians, or of other denominations, very religious, and often combine their beliefs with their profession,
and even if they are not religious at all they are still able to help troubled people. Who for example might be seriously confused by religious brainwash (that happens) and help these pple get back to reality..
And likewise - pastors, priests, rabbis, are very often skilled natural (or even trained, who knows) psychologists themselves, who are able to give good advice and counsel their faithfull.
Not too good, though, when a person of this status knows zit about human psychology.. yikes..
Audiofuzzy said:![]()
As much as I respect and admire deep dedication to God and Jesus, I can also plainly see many are blinded by it to the point they are not seeying things clearly.
For instance, self-esteem and faith, these two are not exactly the same.
People with healthy self esteem are pple who are able to like and love others, be humble and be compasionate, be good Christians or Jews or Muslims. Simply good human beings to each other.
Exactly like Jesus, who btw was very confident and hence had healthy, high self- esteem.
With healthy self esteem grows spiritual growth.
There can't be spiritual growth with low-esteem. It's like diseased soul, this low self-esteem, how can diseased soul grow well?
anyway, judging by the test results, if the 100% is the healthy self- esteem then the higher the better. Hence the saying- low self esteem, high self esteem... the higher the better.
Too high would be over 100% I guess when too much of a good thing is not good anymore.
I realise this discussion went on for so long pple started talking about many issues at once, issues that should be discussed separately.
The last questions are example of that.
I am afraid that there is mixing too many issues together under the self-esteem - and faith- umbrella. Impossible to answer one-sidedly, albeit without doubt very connected to the whole self-esteem issues.
For example, somebody who's is marrying and divorcing again and again might have unresolved psychological issues and low self esteem that cause him/her to jump headfirst into any relationship where the opposite side is merely non-violent as opposed to the other partners this person had in the past. is that enough grounds for steady and happy marriage?
no, it shows that person is not valueing him/herself enought to know better BEFORE the marriage take place.
the possibilities of what went wrong with this particular person are endless.
I agree with that it's commendable to try to be like Jesus but the question is- who does really understand who he was and who he represented?
Are you REALLY follwing into his steps or are you following YOUR OWN IDEA of what it means "following Jesus"?
One have to be very careful that in the search of spiritual perfection one does not become one of those terryfing, untolerant, judgmental, close minded Bible- thumpers who does not have ounce of patience with others.. it has nothing to do with self- esteem or spiritual growth, either.
Psychiatrist and psychologists are very often themselves dedicated Christians, or of other denominations, very religious, and often combine their beliefs with their profession,
and even if they are not religious at all they are still able to help troubled people. Who for example might be seriously confused by religious brainwash (that happens) and help these pple get back to reality..
And likewise - pastors, priests, rabbis, are very often skilled natural (or even trained, who knows) psychologists themselves, who are able to give good advice and counsel their faithfull.
Not too good, though, when a person of this status knows zit about human psychology.. yikes..
Jesus is MY psychologist, counselor, psychiatrist, doctor, healer, and EVERYTHIN' because, of the faith I put myself in Him since He is perfect than anyone who is a merely professional on earth.
^Angel^ said:Of course, same likewise for myself but what does it have to do with self-esteem?...
Let me give you an example here: Suppose IF one of your child got killed, and died, as a mother, you will feel so lost, so sad, and feeling a bit anger knowing that your child is gone, etc....So what do you do? when your own self-esteem is crashed, etc, You look up to GOD, you pray, you talk to Him, you read your bible, etc, God lift up all the pains you're feeling inside, etc...
That what self-esteem is all about, your own personal feelings, etc, it has nothing to do with pride, or being above God, it more to do with WHO you are and your own personal feelings toward things in life that may hurt you etc...
There will be times you will be going thru some unhealthy self-esteem in life when things get hard...Some people seek help from psychologists but most religious people seek help from God to make them feel better about themselves and having a healthy self-esteem....
There are also some people out there who has low or unhealthy self-esteem, they end up killing themsevles all because they think the pains will go away or thinking they have no will to live or go on with the life they're living....That why there are some people out there who doesn't believe in God seek help from psychologists, sometimes they do help people, sometimes they don't....But those who believes in God, seek HIM when their own self-esteem is being crashed by sadness, anger, etc.....
Audiofuzzy said:I understand your reason and explanation, but we both see different. Keep that in mind, Fuzzy.
Yes, I can see that
I am concerned you might be putting too much emphasis on some words, and in this case SELF.
Because in 'self- esteem' self merely means it pertains to your own persona as opposed to somebody's else.
Whereas it looks like to you 'self' means something entirely else.
>>I speak of the word "self" that I don't accept by exaltin' myself above God...or focusin' oneself better than others.<<
Well, It does not mean that. Again, 'Self' does not mean one is exalting his- or hersself above God. Nor it means to put oneself above other. It just means - self.
Going this way, you should also abolish word "oneself", and substitue it with, I don't know, onegod?.
Momoftwo said:Hi CyberRed
Yes, that's true because my husband and I went to see the counselor for volunteer - curious. The deaf counselor said that my deaf husband has high self-esteem and I have low self-esteem. I felt very negative in my heart after I heard what the counselor said. My heart told me "No, this is not right." I didn't understand.
The counselor said that my husband is not shy, not sensitive, very successful with his white collar job, accept his deafness, etc and I'm very shy, very sensitive, have a hard time to accept my deafness and wondering if God made me deaf as I struggled if my dream with Jesus was real and my siblings said no, God never made you deaf, your dream with Jesus was NOT real, worry about other people what they think of what I said, etc. It didn't make sense to me from what the counselor said about me and my husband. I felt very negative about her comments. I totally disagreed with her (the counselor). (let u know that it took me a long time to know that my dream with Jesus was true and finally I found the verse in the bible, JOB 33 and now my dream was real and am very happy)
It is VERY HARD to understand what God really means about self-esteem and christian esteem. I still don't get it but I am telling you people on this message board that I DON'T AGREE with the counselor for what she said that I have low self-esteem and my husband has high self-esteem - it's a huge negative because I know I DON'T have low self-esteem and my husband does not have high self-esteem because he is not the kind of person who has "ego" - NO......it's like if I tell you "I have high self-esteem"...then you will not like to hear what I said because it is a big EGO....if I tell you "I have low self-esteem" then you will think "I'm weak". Saying of low or high self-esteem is a HUGE negative.
I know it is SO HARD to understand this. People, CyberRed understands this but I still don't get it. Be patient and let your mind and my mind to open and think and one day, we all may understand what it means.
I am so glad that I already had this experience of getting negative feeling after the counselor said to me about me being low self-esteem and my husband being high self-esteem. It's a HUGE negative which means that the counselor was WRONG. So, CyberRed is right.
CyberRed said:
Jesus is MY psychologist, counselor, psychiatrist, doctor, healer, and EVERYTHIN' because, of the faith I put myself in Him since He is perfect than anyone who is a merely professional on earth.
Have a wonderful day.![]()
Liebling:-))) said:I respect your opinion but Jesus died at 2,005 years ago. God and Jesus are not there for us but give us strength to cope our life. I thank Jesus to come to earth for preparation and gave people the strength before he died for our sins.
We are doing with kind of life what we have... We do ourselves, not God and Jesus.
There're experts around who can help the people to improve their self esteem.
The people have kind of self esteem when the problem comes like divorce, lose job, loss of beloved one, happy with jobs, marriage, children, etc. etc. etc.
You use your hobby as take the pictures of birds, doing artwork, remodeling your home, etc. Who do that? Of course it's you who have ideas to do something to positive your life..., not God and Jesus.
When Jesus says that the second commandment of the law, like to the first, is this, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself," clearly He implies that we do love and esteem ourselves.
Is self-esteem proper for a Christian? Yes. And it is important.
Proper self-esteem is important. The Bible gives us this self-esteem.
There can be an improper self-esteem among Christians in the church. Sometimes, for example, there are church members who despise and hate themselves for their sins, or for some particular sin in the past
Cheri said:I've read the Link and I see that most of it about sins, Of course all of us have sins in our lifetime and seek God for forgiving. Those who have not asked God for forgives are the ones who are not looking up to God. I see no differences between self-esteem and Christ-esteem. Both of them look just the same. Having self-esteem has nothing to do with being above God at all. It's about yourself your emotions your feeling, sad, angry, upset. What do you do? You solve the problem by seeking God correct? to make yourself to feel better. It's the same thing as having good self-esteem. I don't see your point CyberRed any different from what we talked about in here.![]()
CyberRed said:For example : I am not worryin' about what YOU are wearin' if you wear somethin' NICER or SEXY than mine. There's no need to competite or to think BETTER THAN you or whatsoever. Just be humble as is. I don't need to try to be LIKE SOMEONE to look better, or to dress better, or what they have. Gee - I think that's silly. Just be modest.
FYI, I did wear a sweat pants that has 3 or 4 holes ... and, I am still wearin' it while takin' my dogs out for walk. I am not ashamed. Why worry about my pants ? *chuckles* I knew there is time that I will buy a new one. There's no rush. I remember I wear my "Nike" tennis shoes and I walked in them for 3 years from West Coast until Alaska - gee - my Nike tennis shoes' bottoms were soo worn out and yet I still wore them, until in the fall it started rainin' -- Ahhh it was about time to buy a new ones.![]()