No thank to "no self-esteem".
This description about “no self-esteem” sound that it’s not low esteem, I had but no esteem… :jaw: I didn’t know about this until I learn about this today…
This description reminds me of my childhood in the past.
My parent bullied me with name-calling etc. They developed me into no self-esteem.
Few examples of many things:
I started to work at kitchen, The Green Man Pub to earn my pocket money during school holiday when I was 11 years old. I’m happy with my first wage that I can afford to buy anything what I like. My one year young sister watched me bring new clothes to home from work and complaint to my mom. My mom said to me in disgust way: “I’m ashamed to have a selfish daughter. You spend money about YOURSELF, never thought about me and your siblings. You have no grateful what I got a job for you at The Green Man Pub. You has no appreciate etc. etc. (True, she got a job for me because I ask for it to earn myself since I know my mom struggle with money to buy nice things for us). It made me guilt more and more – thought that I’m a bad person. I do everything for them because I want their attention how good person I am. I bought foods for them, candies for my siblings, etc. It is still not enough for them and being bullied by them more and more for years… I was nervous breakdown thru feel guilt all the time. Horrible, bitter and depression feeling, I tell you. It’s teacher, school counselor, therapies who helped me to improve my self-esteem. It takes long to improve my self-esteem… I was shock after read this link today and realized that I have no self-esteem, not low self-esteem what I thought. I learn a lot from them to positive my self-esteem. I’m REALLY glad that I have good self-esteem but I have ups and downs self-esteem sometimes but it still good to me.
My MIL kept saying to me… “Think about YOU, not do for everyone”… YOU and YOUR OWN FEELING…. My hubby said the same things, too.
Anyway, we stayed at my sister & her family’s place for month vacation in 1992.
We took our nephew & niece to shopping to buy anything what they deserve. We came home from shopping and got anger from my sister for spoils her children and inference her “discipline”. I apologized to her. My hubby is mad with me because I done nothing wrong because it’s our money we can spend on her children whatever we like. Then my sister asked me for money to buy a new kettle because her electricity kettle was just blow up. My hubby firm say NO because we already support them with foods etc. which it’s enough. My sister expected everyone feel sorry for her over that kettle. My Dad & his 2nd wife came to accuse me as selfish and then said that we have everything in Germany (house, car, work, hairstyle, holiday etc.) what my sister don’t have. I was like

after saw real color about my family is PATHETIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, it’s pathetic!!! It’s them who bullied my esteem in the past… I won’t let them negative my esteem EVER again. I said to them: “Money BELONGS to ME and MY hubby, that’s money come from our FUCKING working hard”…Don’t dare to label me as selfish person because I alway KNOW that I am a good person and working person, what that sister don’t…. I don’t smoke, drink and use drugs… What should I FUCKING feed sister’s lazy ass for? It’s MY and MY hubby’s money, it’s OUR decision what we do with our money, not you… I don’t care what you think about me as selfish person because I see WHY NOT!!!! Yes of course I’m selfish because it’s my money… yes my my my money… They were shock and lost their word for a while and then said to me… “Yes, yes, yes, I know know know, it’s your money, you earn from your work hard.
My Dad said to me how much proud of me and regret what he did to me in the past for a first time in 2000… sooo pathetic he said… I

him and told him to forget the past. I think he feel bad after see what my sister did is no esteem… drugs… my 10 year younger sister – low esteem and co-dependent – have no friends – unsatisfied life – have problem with her relationships – give up good jobs dozen of times. She is only 32 years old and lonely. My brother is also co-dependant, too but he had successful business man – unmarried because he is too frightened to marry. One woman, he ever love in his life had left him broke heart because she don’t want to waste her time after together for 4 years.
I THANK therapies but the therapies said that they thank me, too for seek their help.
No self-esteem? Oh noooooooooo… soooo horribleeeee…. I can’t image anyone who don’t believe in self-esteem… ***goose pump***
I can image how Iranians feel… They have no self-esteem because they must do EVERYTHING what the master says because of bible... The bible says that Men are master as God…