Roe v. Wade - For Men

Not exactly what I was saying, no - but you make a good point - The man is robbed of his right to be a father by a woman who uses her right to abort.

In many cases (and I have seen this happen) the "dad" is completely unaware of the pregnancy. Isn't it his kid too?

So it is a double whammy when a man does not want to be a dad - and he has to anyway when the mother keeps the child - and when he wants to be a dad, but the mother aborts.

Where is the equality?

I know how to solve this problem...

Pregnant men! is not possible.

Never mind!
Wirelessly posted

shel90 said:
Not exactly what I was saying, no - but you make a good point - The man is robbed of his right to be a father by a woman who uses her right to abort.

In many cases (and I have seen this happen) the "dad" is completely unaware of the pregnancy. Isn't it his kid too?

So it is a double whammy when a man does not want to be a dad - and he has to anyway when the mother keeps the child - and when he wants to be a dad, but the mother aborts.

Where is the equality?

I know how to solve this problem...

Pregnant men! is not possible.

Never mind!

So, Junior wasn't based on a true story?
This I agree with. People keep touting that a woman getting pregnant is harmful to their health. Well then If they are in soo much fear for their health then they should take the necessary precautions to prevent danger to their health by not getting pregnant in the first place. I have been in a situation like this myself. I got the woman I was in love with pregnant she didnt want to keep the baby I had no choice in the matter even tho I wanted the child and made it perfectly clear to her that I did. When 2 people lay together they both need to be responsible and see it to term It is a human being for crying out loud that is being killed due to abortion. Thats my .02

sorry to hear but the law made it perfectly clear - the woman has a complete and absolute rights when it comes to abortion. Perhaps you should be in relationship with a girl who shares same belief as you. just saying.
child support in my opinion should be a two way street. No matter who has the child it needs to be supported. The financial responsibility doesn't go away.

this post just ended this debate. 'NUFF SAID
I agree with Jiro about everything in this post.

Of course, it is tough luck.

Please think so twice before you start sex with woman.

For me, I'm not interested to sex with anybody until future notice and education is more important to me for right now.
What I understand... Whatever she decides, he is powerless -- so, if she lied to him and got pregnant, then it is his fault as default, right? If she rapes him, it is his fault, right? Like -- everything will be only his fault, yes? Sorry, I'm not sure if I understand how this thread goes.

I wonder, why is it so terrible for a pro-lifer to tell a pregnant woman who doesn't want a child that she should have just not have sex, but pro-choicers don't think twice about throwing the same unhelpful judgment at an unwilling father? Why should "tough, you have to deal with it now, dude!" instead of actual help be seen as legitimate "advice" from either side (parents)?

If the double standard of women being able to choose to be parents or not but men not having their choice is justified, as I've heard claimed, by the fact that women tend to do a disproportonate (sp?) amount of actually taking care of the child, why is the solution that women should be able to remove the father of their child from the decision of whether or not to kill it, rather than trying to get fathers to take responsibility for their children? Are we so invested in the idea of female freedom and independence that we are afraid to admit that raising a child is not an easy task, and to think that killing our children is better than having the humility to admit that we can't do it on our own?

If it is not what you do mean, please say why and how. I'm curiously interested.
:hmm:....Maybe men should stick to the 2 hole....

"Sorry baby.....I'm pro choice, and my choice is......" :lol:
It is sad for both pro-lifer and pro-choices because there are always conflict.
I would think that a pregnant woman made a poor decision that she doesn't want her baby because, I assume that, she is very poor and low IQ, and her ex-boyfriend is a rich guy to disadvantage her. We have billions of people around the world just like we are the ants. I would imagine that in one day, a kid is grown up and found his/her real mother that would make his/her mother feels guilty badly.

I am sure that the male is a big responsibility whether to allow her to have a sex with him or not because that is where he started at the very beginning. Asking for a sex permission is ridiculous. If they are gay/lesbian, then it should not be a problem for them.

I still believe that one of them who has more money, and then that person has to pay a child support.

That is interesting if the woman trusted her boyfriend, then that is the real problem. But, I believe that they have to get married first before they engaged for sex.

It is all about being in the power of a man and a woman. They get into arguments which they think that one of them is right or wrong. It has been that way for thousands of years.
It is sad for both pro-lifer and pro-choices because there are always conflict.
I would think that a pregnant woman made a poor decision that she doesn't want her baby because, I assume that, she is very poor and low IQ, and her ex-boyfriend is a rich guy to disadvantage her. We have billions of people around the world just like we are the ants. I would imagine that in one day, a kid is grown up and found his/her real mother that would make his/her mother feels guilty badly.

I am sure that the male is a big responsibility whether to allow her to have a sex with him or not because that is where he started at the very beginning. Asking for a sex permission is ridiculous. If they are gay/lesbian, then it should not be a problem for them.

I still believe that one of them who has more money, and then that person has to pay a child support.

That is interesting if the woman trusted her boyfriend, then that is the real problem. But, I believe that they have to get married first before they engaged for sex.

It is all about being in the power of a man and a woman. They get into arguments which they think that one of them is right or wrong. It has been that way for thousands of years.

thousand of years? no - it's always men until the Age of Feminism :)
thousand of years? no - it's always men until the Age of Feminism :)

I'll tell you what happened. My mother and I visited at a museum in Rochester, NY. I would say that it is a woman's right movement museum at an old house. Her big pocketbook knocked off a very old nice expensive lamp by accident. Actually, we said, "Oh shit!" We escaped the house quickly without being caught. I believe that the lamp was not a good location because the table was too narrow right near a chair, and they were in the center of the room. That was dumb. It should be near the wall or on a big dresser. Amen!
I know how to solve this problem...

Pregnant men! is not possible.

Never mind!

I was discussing this subject with a married couple (friends) today. They have two children, one was born just last month. The husband is a very good friend of mine and I helped them move into their new home 2 days ago.

Anyways, he thinks having an "opt-out" for men is hilarious. He is pro-choice, but his wife is pro-life and they have ..... "discussions" about this all the time.

He said the only problem he sees with having an opt-out for men is if a man decides one day to say "I NEVER wanted children, but my wife/girlfriend did so I gave her one".

In other words, he said the problem was "Who is to say he didn't want children?"

His wife said pretty much what most of the women here have said "If he doesn't want kids, he needs a vasectomy."

However, she did admit that she thought more women would be much more careful with who they decide to marry/have a relationship with if they knew men could opt out and could not be railroaded (protected from deception such as the man in the OP).

They both agreed that the man in the OP should not have to pay child support since he was intentionally deceived into a relationship he did not want.

There was also a flip side to all this and he mentioned something I hadn't really though of .... he asked "Why did she feel it was necessary to deceive a man if all she wanted was a kid, couldn't she have just gone to a sperm bank ..... oh .... sperm banks don't pay child support ....."

His solution was (he said this jokingly) was that women should be given a pill when they are born that prevents pregnancy. When they want to get pregnant, they should have to fill out forms and then get a pill allowing them to conceive. He also said in 10 years he is going to invent it and he will get rich ....
Why can men be more responsible with their own body instead of laying all the responsibilities on the woman?

She just can't win. She have to be the one to tell a man "NO" on sex, be the one to take birth controls, be the one to carry and raise the child, and be the one that have to go throught the tramatic of abortion when she doesn't want to.

you know what, There are women who would rather do sperm bank than having their ex-bf in their life for the rest of their life. They even don't like it when their kids are staying with their father on Christmas instead of them. If they could cut off all ties from the father, they would.
Why can men be more responsible with their own body instead of laying all the responsibilities on the woman?

She just can't win. She have to be the one to tell a man "NO" on sex, be the one to take birth controls, be the one to carry and raise the child, and be the one that have to go throught the tramatic of abortion when she doesn't want to.

you know what, There are women who would rather do sperm bank than having their ex-bf in their life for the rest of their life. They even don't like it when their kids are staying with their father on Christmas instead of them. If they could cut off all ties from the father, they would.

Both need to be held responsible for their actions.

The solution to prevent any of this from happening is to not have sex at all. It's that simple. It's not our problem if someone's snake gets out of the cage and gets into the bush. They are responsible for their actions.
this post just ended this debate. 'NUFF SAID

I know of several cases that work this way. One is my nephew, who has full custody of his daughter. Her mother has visitation rights only, and she pays child support to him.
Both need to be held responsible for their actions.

The solution to prevent any of this from happening is to not have sex at all. It's that simple. It's not our problem if someone's snake gets out of the cage and gets into the bush. They are responsible for their actions.

Absolutely!! Personal responsibility.
We can talk all we want about doing the right thing. We all know what the right thing is. Don't have sex. But ya know what? The rules are here in case people don't do the right thing. The rules are here to mainly protect the child. I'm not even gonna get into the abortion debate.

Besides, I don't even understand the deceiving the man to get child support. From my experience with my divorced parents, my mom had to prove that the money IS being used for my benefit. It isn't as if my mom got extra money out of it. (although alimony is another matter...) but seriously folks, do mothers even get any profit on child support? Children ARE expensive. Either the mother in the OP is dumb or she just really wants "her man".
Besides, I don't even understand the deceiving the man to get child support. From my experience with my divorced parents, my mom had to prove that the money IS being used for my benefit. It isn't as if my mom got extra money out of it. (although alimony is another matter...) but seriously folks, do mothers even get any profit on child support? Children ARE expensive. Either the mother in the OP is dumb or she just really wants "her man".

People are capable of doing stupid things. That's just how it is.
Why can men be more responsible with their own body instead of laying all the responsibilities on the woman?

She just can't win. She have to be the one to tell a man "NO" on sex, be the one to take birth controls, be the one to carry and raise the child, and be the one that have to go throught the tramatic of abortion when she doesn't want to.

you know what, There are women who would rather do sperm bank than having their ex-bf in their life for the rest of their life. They even don't like it when their kids are staying with their father on Christmas instead of them. If they could cut off all ties from the father, they would.

many do and the kids grow up hating their moms because they develop a relationship with their dads when they become adults.

These feelings may be influenced by negative comments by the other parent and by the characteristics, such as lack of empathy and warmth, of the rejected parent.
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