thanks for clarifying, yup, it takes two, BOTH. so, again it's TOTAL men's responsible to talk with women before going further.
if she says she's gonna abort, intercourse. if she says she's not gonna abort, don't intercourse, use safeties or divorce her. to prevent "secret" abortions .. if you go ahead without safety; your problem. if you didn't wanted to father in first place. takes two, BOTH. 1) talk, 2) decision, 3) action, 4) consequence.
like saywhatkid said, it takes a pecker. repeating: men should know their women better before doing anything. most likely impossible tricking a father, especially if it was a night-stand. he could be a responsible guy ASKING for medical documentation (if girlfriend 'can't produce'). I would. just same as taking AIDS test before risking yourself. wise. unfortunately, he wasn't/isn't. our problem?