Richard Matt And David Sweat, Convicted Murderers, Escape From New York Prison

You may wish that...but thats not really how it works.

Not really, that's not wish - it is just happen to some inmates.
Pictured: Hero state trooper who shot and injured second 'Shawshank' escapee David Sweat, bringing an end to 23-day manhunt

'If he'd come here, I would have knocked him out': Escapee David Sweat's own mother says she's glad he was caught after his dramatic shooting and capture

'Shawshank' escapee in critical condition after being shot twice by state trooper: Killer fighting for his life after being cornered by local veteran who spotted him JOGGING along the Canadian border

Escaped Convict David Sweat Wounded and Captured in New York After 3-Week Manhunt
I'ts obvious these two had a horrible experience these past three weeks. Sounds like they went through hell. Catching them, killing one and critically injuring the other hopefully will send a strong message to anyone thinking about escaping prison. From what I have read the cops were told to bring the second prisoner in alive. They want to question him and find out how they did it and who helped them. That is if he lives. He's in critical condition and could possible die. Happy for all the residents in that area who can now get back to normal. Good job by the police force.
'Shawshank' escapee had bag containing maps, tools, and POP TARTS: David Sweat now in critical but stable condition as investigation begins into how he evaded police for three weeks

Did these teens nearly pick up David Sweat? High school students who were celebrating their graduation claim they spotted 'scruffy man' who demanded a ride and called cops

'The nightmare is finally over': 2nd prison escapee shot, captured alive

David Sweat in critical condition after capture
Since you spent long stretches in solitary (Hoichi) did you cope?...Do you think being deaf helped somewhat?...Otherwise, inmates in solitary that can "hear"...I don't feel they do so well...they have to listen to the screaming and yelling in there...hence, with a deafie, it's all it's all quiet to deafies....

Prison can break does often!...I knew a deafie (at birth) here in my City that was sent to prison for bank robbery....of course, he was "passed around"...until an inmate that knew ASL started talking to him and they became friends and had each other's back...After his release, he became an alcoholic...then committed suicide...the chats we did have were not pleasant...(I knew his Mother)....

Do agree, Prison is no place for a deafie...actually, it's no place for anybody, the last place anyone would want to be....

Indeed prison does break many many people. which is part and parcel of a deep systemic plm. If prison is to reform, then breaking people is conter productive For society.
It really just depends what your made off, and what you csn adapt to become.
I coped. but i was attacked allot. And fought allot. I was shanked in the right side of my throat. Snd am just lucky to still be not the most photgenic due to it..ah welk... i was in SeG allot. Deafies are need to fight like an animal..or get raoed like one..or both...
In there. I coped. its about the mind. You need to.become one with yourself really you can get lost and breach the walls in your memoeies, and even make new ones thay didnt even on...if your not strong in the mind...uour doomed.
ThE key to sueviving is in the mind...
Thats where it counts..
You come out a worse peRson. when released. Snd you need to adapt all sorts of things. Its so easy to be violent. You need to become a normal person again
Or back for longer you go.
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Indeed prison does break many many people. which is part and parcel of a deep systemic plm. If prison is to reform, then breaking people is conter productive For society.
It really just depends what your made off, and what you csn adapt to become.
I coped. but i was attacked allot. And fought allot. I was shanked in the right side of my throat. Snd am just lucky to still be not the most photgenic due to it..ah welk... i was in SeG allot. Deafies are need to fight like an animal..or get raoed like one..or both...
In there. I coped. its about the mind. You need to.become one with yourself really you can get lost and breach the walls in your memoeies, and even make new ones thay didnt even on...if your not strong in the mind...uour doomed.
ThE key to sueviving is in the mind...
Thats where it counts..
You come out a worse peRson. when released. Snd you need to adapt all sorts of things. Its so easy to be violent. You need to become a normal person again
Or back for longer you go.
Back to the thread

Thank You.
I'ts obvious these two had a horrible experience these past three weeks. Sounds like they went through hell. Catching them, killing one and critically injuring the other hopefully will send a strong message to anyone thinking about escaping prison. From what I have read the cops were told to bring the second prisoner in alive. They want to question him and find out how they did it and who helped them. That is if he lives. He's in critical condition and could possible die. Happy for all the residents in that area who can now get back to normal. Good job by the police force.

Its not obvious at all..
So they were camping for 2o days or so.
They both were lifers. thats a good vecation regardless.
To urban types with no experience indeed that would be hell.
But when your life inside..
Thats paradise.
Some, would rathwe die free then inside..if thats the messege you think was sent its one every con.alredy knows.

there you go. exactly what I thought so. there was no plan B when their getaway scheme failed. I'm not surprised that they planned to go to Mexico instead of Canada because logistical speaking... Canada is not an ideal place for an escapee to be in unless he has resource in there and most criminals don't. It's too easy for an escapee to get caught there. guarantee unless you plan to hide out in the boondock for rest of your life like Alberta and work as a logger or miner.

Mexico? nobody cares and nobody asks. same for any poor country. much easier to move around there and it does not require much currency to do so. if he made it into South America thru Mexico - he will be gone forever because no government is willing to spend much time, resource, and money on some insignificant murderer in some country far away. bounty hunter is usually not motivated enough to do it because of complicated legal issues - kidnapping, illegal possession of firearms, entering a country under false pretense, vigilantism, etc. most countries do not recognize bounty hunters.
Indeed prison does break many many people. which is part and parcel of a deep systemic plm. If prison is to reform, then breaking people is conter productive For society.
It really just depends what your made off, and what you csn adapt to become.
I coped. but i was attacked allot. And fought allot. I was shanked in the right side of my throat. Snd am just lucky to still be not the most photgenic due to it..ah welk... i was in SeG allot. Deafies are need to fight like an animal..or get raoed like one..or both...
In there. I coped. its about the mind. You need to.become one with yourself really you can get lost and breach the walls in your memoeies, and even make new ones thay didnt even on...if your not strong in the mind...uour doomed.
ThE key to sueviving is in the mind...
Thats where it counts..
You come out a worse peRson. when released. Snd you need to adapt all sorts of things. Its so easy to be violent. You need to become a normal person again
Or back for longer you go.
Back to the thread

that I do agree that our prison system is in a dire need of radical reform. I do believe our criminal system is so flawed that recidivism rate is unacceptably high. We definitely should look at couple of European's prison and criminal system as it's more oriented toward to reformation/rehabilitation rather than "incarceration".
I bet they used body heat detection to find him. That's high tech.

Not according to to the cops..
Both cons were found when citizens saw and ratted them out, calling in.
Matt was spotted by a guy driving. Sweat by a couple of teens on bikes.
The oldest tech in the book..
Not according to to the cops..
Both cons were found when citizens saw and ratted them out, calling in.
Matt was spotted by a guy driving. Sweat by a couple of teens on bikes.
The oldest tech in the book..

"ratted them out"??? that is not really a nice thing to say though...
You can't rat out someone with whom you have no relationship. It isn't ratting out when it's a stranger. These escapees weren't their relatives, friends, roommates, partners in crime, neighbors, etc.
You can't rat out someone with whom you have no relationship. It isn't ratting out when it's a stranger. These escapees weren't their relatives, friends, roommates, partners in crime, neighbors, etc.

Well, gave them up, turns themin,snitched them out, whatever suits the fsncy...
Ratt works too.
I dunno what thr plm is one denies the cins were caught by people snitchin them out.
You dont need to know the persoN to ratt em out. Crime stoppers is cslled the rat on..
Well, gave them up, turns themin,snitched them out, whatever suits the fsncy...
Ratt works too.
I dunno what thr plm is one denies the cins were caught by people snitchin them out.
You dont need to know the persoN to ratt em out. Crime stoppers is cslled the rat on..

its just a term used to descebe the dead of turning someone in..or snirching...thats all..

interesting choice of words.

"rat line"
"snitch them out"
"rat them out"

those have a negative connotation as if they're scumbags or cowards for "I'M TELLING ON YOU!! I'M TELLING ON YOU!!! *excitedly raising hand*"

"report them" is a correct term to use.