President Obama reverses abortion-funds policy

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There are plenty that are still here.

OK. Back to the US funding abortion in other countries, to be specific.

Side note from the original posted story:

"A White House spokesman, Bill Burton, said Obama signed an executive order on the ban, without coverage by the media, late Friday afternoon. That was in contrast to the midday signings with fanfare of executive orders on other subjects earlier in the week."

I wonder why he chose late Friday (typically a no news coverage time)?

Uhh...because that's when it passed his desk? You're looking hard for something to be suspicious of now.
Actually Bush's funding helps the continent of Africa, not just one country, and that continent is important for commercial and anti-terror reasons, in addition to the humanitarian aspect.

How does Obama's funding abortions overseas help America?

It is not just abortion funding. Funding was previously denied simply because the services being offered by the humanitarian organizations was comprehensive and all inclusive. i.e. included abortion information and procedure.
Actually Bush's funding helps the continent of Africa, not just one country, and that continent is important for commercial and anti-terror reasons, in addition to the humanitarian aspect.

How does Obama's funding abortions overseas help America?

providing funding for aids prevents terrorism? hmmm. that's a new one on me. it sure didn't prevent 9/11 from happening now, did it?
Who said he choose that time frame? Maybe the news media had bigger fish to fry? Like.....going home for the weekend.
The President chooses the time that he signs things.

Obama and his press people know that the media go "home for the weekend." That's exactly why they schedule events that they don't want covered or commentated on for Friday afternoons. Every media person knows that.

don't you like anything obama does? wait. let me guess. the answer is no.
The President chooses the time that he signs things.

Obama and his press people know that the media go "home for the weekend." That's exactly why they schedule events that they don't want covered or commentated on for Friday afternoons. Every media person knows that.

And he can't choose the time until the document hits his desk.

Gee, I wish I knew what every single person in any given profession thought. That's like a super being able to fly or something!
Actually Bush's funding helps the continent of Africa, not just one country, and that continent is important for commercial and anti-terror reasons, in addition to the humanitarian aspect.

How does Obama's funding abortions overseas help America?

Because of certain edidemics like HIV/AIDs that Africa is currently experiencing can be detrimental for commercial and anti-terrorism.
The President chooses the time that he signs things.

Obama and his press people know that the media go "home for the weekend." That's exactly why they schedule events that they don't want covered or commentated on for Friday afternoons. Every media person knows that.

providing funding for aids prevents terrorism? hmmm. that's a new one on me.

I wouldn't be surprised. It's a complex issue but I can understand this is part of a multiplexed solution. Africa is currently 56% infected with AIDS. That alone is powerful enough to destabilize African government... which is why it's ravished with poverty, poor economy, and civil wars. When there is no law and order.... that is precisely why Africa is the training ground for Al Qaeda terrorists.

if economy picks up in Africa, people see no incentive or reason to join terrorist groups.
Uhh...because that's when it passed his desk? You're looking hard for something to be suspicious of now.
I didn't bring it up; the AP reporter who wrote the story did. I don't have to try hard at all.

It wasn't legislation that passed his desk. It was his own Executive Order. He chose the time.
I wouldn't be surprised. It's a complex issue but I can understand this is part of a multiplexed solution. Africa is currently 56% infected with AIDS. That alone is powerful enough to destabilize African government... which is why it's ravished with poverty, poor economy, and civil wars. When there is no law and order.... that is precisely why Africa is the training ground for Al Qaeda terrorists.

that makes sense, jiro. :ty: for the explanation.
that makes sense, jiro. :ty: for the explanation.

np! there's an article about this long while back in TIME magazine. I'll have to hunt for it after dinner.....
I didn't bring it up; the AP reporter who wrote the story did. I don't have to try hard at all.

It wasn't legislation that passed his desk. It was his own Executive Order. He chose the time.

And what a wonderful time it was, too. And I especially like his comment regarding his action. That was well timed, as well.

don't you like anything obama does? wait. let me guess. the answer is no.
When he does something that I like I'll be glad to acknowledge that. So far, he hasn't.

Did Bush do anything that you liked?
np! there's an article about this long while back in TIME magazine. I'll have to hunt for it after dinner.....

that would be great jiro because i'd be very interested in reading it.
So we will continue to borrow money from other countries to fund and aid other countries? :hmm:

That is like me borrowing money to lend out to others. Doesn't make sense to me.
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