President Obama reverses abortion-funds policy

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And he can't choose the time until the document hits his desk.
An Executive Order is the President's document. It doesn't "hit" his desk.

Gee, I wish I knew what every single person in any given profession thought. That's like a super being able to fly or something!
It's no big deal to know the basics of a profession. The Friday afternoon "escape" is common knowledge. If Obama's press secretary doesn't know that, then he needs to go back to Journalism 101.
The President chooses the time that he signs things.

Obama and his press people know that the media go "home for the weekend." That's exactly why they schedule events that they don't want covered or commentated on for Friday afternoons. Every media person knows that.

Do they really? Highly unlikely. Chances are that it was nothing new for the news media as every time that there is a change in the White House, the PResident always undue the damage from the previous.

I wouldn't be surprised. It's a complex issue but I can understand this is part of a multiplexed solution. Africa is currently 56% infected with AIDS. That alone is powerful enough to destabilize African government... which is why it's ravished with poverty, poor economy, and civil wars. When there is no law and order.... that is precisely why Africa is the training ground for Al Qaeda terrorists.

if economy picks up in Africa, people see no incentive or reason to join terrorist groups.

Exactly! That is just one of the reasons. It is a complex issue but nevertheless an issue that demands our attention. I'll never forget being in Africa when the disease was first coming out. It was a scary time!
An Executive Order is the President's document. It doesn't "hit" his desk.

It's no big deal to know the basics of a profession. The Friday afternoon "escape" is common knowledge. If Obama's press secretary doesn't know that, then he needs to go back to Journalism 101.

What, does he put it on the back of a Secret Service Agent to sign it? Of course it has to hit his desk. It has to be drafted from somewhere, and then reach him im complete form for his signature. We can fairly safely assume that it comes to him via his desk, and that he places it on his desk when he signs it.

Now you are speculating on what Obama's press secretary does or does not know. Perhaps you should drop him an email and fill him in on his gaps.

And this is straying from the topic again.
What, does he put it on the back of a Secret Service Agent to sign it? Of course it has to hit his desk. It has to be drafted from somewhere, and then reach him im complete form for his signature. We can fairly safely assume that it comes to him via his desk, and that he places it on his desk when he signs it.
An Executive Order comes from the President. It's not something that comes to him. Unless you're implying that he doesn't create his own orders.

The phrase "hits his desk" refers to documents that come from sources other than the President. Executive orders come from the desk of the President, so they're already there. The President decides when he will sign it, who will be present, and how much press coverage will be involved.

Now you are speculating on what Obama's press secretary does or does not know. Perhaps you should drop him an email and fill him in on his gaps....
No, I'm not speculating on what he knows. I'm telling you what he should know if he's a professional. If you think that he didn't know about Fridays, then you're saying that he's not a professional press secretary.

So, if he's professional, he knows.

If he's not professional, he doesn't know.

You tell me which it is.
For my belief about abortion, I'm oppose on abortion, except for life threaten and rape victim, also I had seen some women who had aborted so more than once for no reason.

Abortion isn't on my top priority issue and I would rather to allows any states to make decide on abortion instead of federal.

Note: I'm not seeking for debate on between pro-life and pro-choice, enough with that and just expressed my belief.
An Executive Order comes from the President. It's not something that comes to him. Unless you're implying that he doesn't create his own orders.

The phrase "hits his desk" refers to documents that come from sources other than the President. Executive orders come from the desk of the President, so they're already there. The President decides when he will sign it, who will be present, and how much press coverage will be involved.

No, I'm not speculating on what he knows. I'm telling you what he should know if he's a professional. If you think that he didn't know about Fridays, then you're saying that he's not a professional press secretary.

So, if he's professional, he knows.

If he's not professional, he doesn't know.

You tell me which it is.

I am not implying anything. I am stating that he is not the one that sits behind his desk at a computer and drafts the document. He has aides who do that, and an entire staff that reviews the document before it ever comes to him to be signed.

I am saying nothing regarding the press secretary. You are the one that brought him into the discussion. Maybe he knew, maybe he didn't. But to simply assume that the document was signed on a Friday for the reasons you have mentioned....well, we all know what we get when we assume.
For my belief about abortion, I'm oppose on abortion, except for life threaten and rape victim, also I had seen some women who had aborted so more than once for no reason.

Abortion isn't on my top priority issue and I would rather to allows any states to make decide on abortion instead of federal.
Note: I'm not seeking for debate on between pro-life and pro-choice, enough with that and just expressed my belief.

Then you are calling for Roe v Wade to be overturned. People have been attempting to do that for 35 years. Ain't gonna happen, and particularly not under this administration.
It's not like they have a choice man. A part of it is due to culture and norms associated with it. About that 1 child per 1 family policy - gotta do what you gotta do if it may seem crude, when the country's overpopulated.

Population of China:
1,330,044,544 (JUL, 2008) EST.
Population of USA:
303,824,640 (JUL, 2008) EST.
Difference: 1,026,219,904 people. that's for every one person we have here, they have four.

Size of China ~ 3,696,100 sq mi
Size of USA ~ 3,676,487 sq mi

It's almost 1:1. You see how cramped that is? Get an idea.. same size as the US, but four times the people.
Think of Berkeley with 4 times the hobos out on the street, 4 times the crazy people wandering around College Avenue, 4 times the students on campus, 4 times the people ordering pizza in that one family pizza shop down campus, 4 times the dudes checking out that CHOC store.. I'm sure you're getting my point. It's pretty damn congested already in Berkeley, I can't imagine it getting worse.

Now I understand that sterilization is NOT the human way to resolve this. But think of it, how would you solve this when theoretically each baby born means more burden to the country?

I'm afraid I disagree. Whilst they have a problem killing any child wether before or after birth is not the answer.

The answer is the use of better birth control so they don't get to kill in the first place. It woman who have an abortion if they produce a 2nd child, how come they have a 2nd child. Why can't they be steralized after the first child. Then they aren't traumatised by an unwanted abortion.
I'm afraid I disagree. Whilst they have a problem killing any child wether before or after birth is not the answer.

The answer is the use of better birth control so they don't get to kill in the first place. It woman who have an abortion if they produce a 2nd child, how come they have a 2nd child. Why can't they be steralized after the first child. Then they aren't traumatised by an unwanted abortion.

Anyone ever thought of sterilizing the men? :eek3:
Yes you are right. I'm sure abortion will be banned.

I just hope it happens before too many innocent babies are murdered.

Even if it was banned, there would be people who would still do it illegally so it would never really be "banned".
Isn't forcing women to gestate and give birth slavery?

No of course it isn't.

Slavery is when a woman comes to USA to live. Often she is conned into it because she thinks she will have a good life, but the people who con her use her as a prostitute. Nobody knows because whenever she gets pregnant she is forced to have an abortion. She is afraid to go to the police because she is an illigal imigrant.


No of course it isn't.

Slavery is when a woman comes to USA to live. Often she is conned into it because she thinks she will have a good life, but the people who con her use her as a prostitute. Nobody knows because whenever she gets pregnant she is forced to have an abortion. She is afraid to go to the police because she is an illigal imigrant.




My ex-hubby's mother and her relatives came to USA to live...nobody was forced into slavery in her family.

the same goes for many of my female friends from other countries.
My personal belief:

Abortion, if done for a non-life-threatening medical necessity, is the killing of an innocent baby.

Morally, everyone involved in the process is judged guilty.

Spiritually, everyone who is guilty can be forgiven and redeemed.

Good post!
No of course it isn't.

Slavery is when a woman comes to USA to live. Often she is conned into it because she thinks she will have a good life, but the people who con her use her as a prostitute. Nobody knows because whenever she gets pregnant she is forced to have an abortion. She is afraid to go to the police because she is an illigal imigrant.



Family Planning groups do this? :roll: Now that is hysteria.
Huh ? I can handle it perfectly fine. I didn't bring up " ban " for the abortion to close. You brought that up. You need to stay away from the kitchen.


If you don't like discussing abortion don't go into abortion threads.

If you object to what someone is saying put them on ignore. That's what it's there for.

But please don't silence them by banning any subjects you don't feel comfortable like abortion or religion. What subject will be next?
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