President Obama reverses abortion-funds policy

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If you don't like discussing abortion don't go into abortion threads.

If you object to what someone is saying put them on ignore. That's what it's there for.

But please don't silence them by banning any subjects you don't feel comfortable like abortion or religion. What subject will be next?

Then that defeats the prupose of debating does it not?
I should have quoted, but I thought my post would be below it-didnt' think it was so busy here!
Yes, human rights are VERY important for me. That's why abortion should be banned. BECAUSE IT HURTS WOMEN!

If it hurts women so much, then why do many women have abortions illegally?
I think it would hurt worse to bring an unwanted child into the world.
No of course it isn't.

Slavery is when a woman comes to USA to live. Often she is conned into it because she thinks she will have a good life, but the people who con her use her as a prostitute. Nobody knows because whenever she gets pregnant she is forced to have an abortion. She is afraid to go to the police because she is an illigal imigrant.




pregnant woman as slavery in USA? I'm sorry but you have a much more serious problem than this. You have the world largest slavery ring in your backyard... called child sex/ porn ring. yes it's just a few countries away from you.
Yes, human rights are VERY important for me. That's why abortion should be banned. BECAUSE IT HURTS WOMEN!

completely understandable. I do not dispute the fact that there are pregnant women who are forced to have abortions. They do have my sympathy and it is wrong to force them to abort however.... it is not sufficient enough to overturn Roe v. Wade because they (pro-choice) have bigger and valid reasons than your cause.
Why it is that you think I am God ? I've neeever said that I am God. Please, respect.
I believe that abortion will be banned SOME DAY. That's my perspective since abortion doesn't help anythin'... knowin' at the same time, our country is bein' sunk without success. There's no prosper in our country.

I believe it will be banned someday as well. Unless it's proven that it really is something else besides a human being that is developing in the womb. Obviously I'm being sarcastic on that last point, since the technology available today(and it gets better all the time) is aMAzing..showing how the baby(oops..fetus) develops over time. And it's how we all developed.

"our country is being sunk without success?" how so? obama hasn't even been in office for a month.
completely understandable. I do not dispute the fact that there are pregnant women who are forced to have abortions. They do have my sympathy and it is wrong to force them to abort however.... it is not sufficient enough to overturn Roe v. Wade because they (pro-choice) have bigger and valid reasons than your cause.

I think it would hurt worse to bring an unwanted child into the world.

Give this unwanted child to the parents who can't have children. Let them adopt unwanted child. What's wrong with that ? This unwanted child could be a singer, or president, or lawyer or doctor ....

When the parents get old, they could always get help from their child to take care of them in time of needs. :)
I believe it will be banned someday as well. Unless it's proven that it really is something else besides a human being that is developing in the womb. Obviously I'm being sarcastic on that last point, since the technology available today(and it gets better all the time) is aMAzing..showing how the baby(oops..fetus) develops over time. And it's how we all developed.

Same here and Roe v. Wade could be overturn in anytime, may or may not happen.
I believe it will be banned someday as well. Unless it's proven that it really is something else besides a human being that is developing in the womb. Obviously I'm being sarcastic on that last point, since the technology available today(and it gets better all the time) is aMAzing..showing how the baby(oops..fetus) develops over time. And it's how we all developed.

Yep, and it is aMAzin' to see how a single or a few ( twins, etc. ) sperm could join an egg and create a " life ". Each single cell have its own intelligence and miracle. I have no words to describe how aMAzin' they are. It's what brings a great joy to the newly parents. :)

"our country is being sunk without success?" how so? obama hasn't even been in office for a month.

I will explain again. " Our country is bein' sunk without success " is meanin' that the blessings, abundance, and wealthy will be takin' away because, of the increase sins ( easier for me to type ONE word means for many such as abortion and so forth ). It is not like in old times when our country used to be wealthy, abundance and blessings -- look what happened today ?
Give this unwanted child to the parents who can't have children. Let them adopt unwanted child. What's wrong with that ? This unwanted child could be a singer, or president, or lawyer or doctor ....
that is a very nice thought but unfortunately - we do not live in happy hello kitty world. this unwanted child could be serial killer, local thug, warlord, etc....

When the parents get old, they could always get help from their child to take care of them in time of needs. :)
"Community" home... so that's how they take care of their parents. :roll:
I will explain again. " Our country is bein' sunk without success " is meanin' that the blessings, abundance, and wealthy will be takin' away because, of the increase sins ( easier for me to type ONE word means for many such as abortion and so forth ). It is not like in old times when our country used to be wealthy, abundance and blessings --
yea we did used to be wealthy, abundance, and blessings... during Clinton Administration. Look at who ruined it all (**hint - it's not Obama)

look what happened today ?
yea. i see a great change in attitude and a light at the end of tunnel! :applause:
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