President Obama reverses abortion-funds policy

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Sorry but I disagree. Since I know abusive people who have had an abortion but then go on to have another child.

So I'm sorry, nobody is spared. The only way to spare these children would be to steralize abusive parents and take their children into care. That's the only way since otherwise they just carry on having more and more children.

First, outlaw abortion? And then forcibly sterilize women? You don't like women very much, do you? This is nothing short of the same type of eugenics that A.G. Bell promoted on the deaf.
Yeah, I don't know, maybe it's because I am used to myspace groups where there is no censoring.

I REALLY like this website though, just my personal feedback.

I have been in other censoring in those either...some true feelings do come out and I think sometimes, the truth is good every now and then.
I am sure you perfectly knew that the abortion is very high rate than what it was in nowadays. Oh, yes Obama is exportin' abortion to all nations. What does that tell you ?? Of course, the statastic will go skyrocket.

Obama is not exporting abortion to all nations. Abortion already exists in all nations...many of them back street abortions that are done under nonsterile conditions and unsanitary instruments. The result is that women in third world countries die every day from these procedures. Often leaving behind other children that are malnourished and will die from illness before they ever reach adulthood.
Everyone's except Obama's it seems. Whoa! I am glad that he is doing this, since it is merely a START. here are so many comprehensive services Family Planning offer, and the better services people get, the better society they will achieve. But good luck to Obama in explaining his views if this thread is any indication.

He explained them very well when he said "I refuse to continue this fruitless, pointless debate any longer.":lol:
:wave: anybody else??? I have a feeling that 99% of people here has never read Roe v. Wade. :hmm:

I have. And the decision was founded on a woman's right to confidentiality regarding medical decisions made between herself and her doctor. No way that will ever be overturned. The decision wasn't even about the right to choose. It was a right to privacy issue.

And that is the crux of the abortion issue. Every woman has the right to choose for herself what medical procedures she will or will not have, and also has the right to confidentiality regarding the medical treatment discussed or performed by her physician.
How can I express my feelings over jillio's return.. hmm.
*light bulb shines*

i don't understand, naisho. <confused>

It's just a way of acknowledging her return without bursting anyone's bubbles or ignite a flame. It's a sketch of a goofy goony guy with his arms above his head, saying "I'm so adjective, I verb nouns!"
It's just a way of acknowledging her return without bursting anyone's bubbles or ignite a flame. It's a sketch of a goofy goony guy with his arms above his head, saying "I'm so adjective, I verb nouns!"

no offense at all to jillio, but that's funny. :laugh2:
It just seems absurd to accuse Obama of exporting abortion to other countries when abortion has been secretly carried out for centuries in those countries. I can see why he'd say that he didn't want to keep discussing this fruitless and pointless debate.
It just seems absurd to accuse Obama of exporting abortion to other countries when abortion has been secretly carried out for centuries in those countries. I can see why he'd say that he didn't want to keep discussing this fruitless and pointless debate.

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