President Obama reverses abortion-funds policy

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FYI - partial birth abortion is ILLEGAL - see Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003
FYI - no serious cases so far since 1973 to overturn Roe v. Wade
FYI - you talked about South Dakota trying to ban it and take it up to Supreme Court. I simply commented to you that it's unconstitutional

anything else?

I don't need share with your information, you can believe whatever you want.

Again, I'm done with you, end of discussion.
IMO - abortion topic should be banned from AD along with religion.
IMO - abortion topic should be banned from AD along with religion.

Why? Just because some people cant take the heat about certain topics, it shouldnt be banned. I dont think the religion subforum should have been banned either anyway.
Why? Just because some people cant take the heat about certain topics, it shouldnt be banned. I dont think the religion subforum should have been banned either anyway.

Yup, got agree with you.

I had enough with debate over abortion and don't have much time to do.
Why? Just because some people cant take the heat about certain topics, it shouldnt be banned. I dont think the religion subforum should have been banned either anyway.

Yes I second that.
Why? Just because some people cant take the heat about certain topics, it shouldnt be banned. I dont think the religion subforum should have been banned either anyway.

This is a simple solution is leave this thread alone if you can´t handle the debate.

not me. I can handle it easily anytime, anywhere but is it worth it to cause unnecessary rift between ADers? I have been called callous, insensitive, asshole, etc. You have seen many abortion threads for past couple years getting locked because it got nowhere. It's as bad as religion subject.

it's simple - abortion is legal for now. period. Abortion is a question of moral and religious issue. Abortion is not a funny or simple business where you just go in, snip it out, and boom you're home in an hour or two. It is a double-edged sword for all women. no doubt that it's a traumatic experience.

that's all I have to say, folks! :wave:
not me. I can handle it easily anytime, anywhere but is it worth it to cause unnecessary rift between ADers? I have been called callous, insensitive, asshole, etc. You have seen many abortion threads for past couple years getting locked because it got nowhere. It's as bad as religion subject.

it's simple - abortion is legal for now. period. Abortion is a question of moral and religious issue. Abortion is not a funny or simple business where you just go in, snip it out, and boom you're home in an hour or two. It is a double-edged sword for all women. no doubt that it's a traumatic experience.

that's all I have to say, folks! :wave:

I agree with you with everything except for the banning part. As for people calling u names, they are the ones with the issues if they cant handle your views.

As for rifts between people, there will always be rifts when differing views are concerned.
I agree with you with everything except for the banning part. As for people calling u names, they are the ones with the issues if they cant handle your views.

As for rifts between people, there will always be rifts when differing views are concerned.

how about.... a "temporary ban" of abortion subject for a while? :hmm:
how about.... a "temporary ban" of abortion subject for a while? :hmm:

If we ban abortion, religion, CIs, and etc etch, AD would be boring. :lol:
If we ban abortion, religion, CIs, and etc etch, AD would be boring. :lol:

major difference - CI and "etc" are the question of scientific/statistical subject - easy to debate on "what works and what doesn't work."

But... Abortion and Religion are tightly tied together. It's the question of morality and religion. That's why it always got nowhere and always end with bitter taste in your mouth. It's an ugly debate... very ugly. The statistic/poll does not even mean anything in abortion issue... because pro-lifers will not listen to it. Number means nothing... to them - one is one too many. pro-lifers' stance on this abortion issue are based on their moral and religious belief... and logical and mathematical belief for pro-choicers' stance.
Gee, once it is a temporary ban, the ban will not lift.

religion was temporary banned and lifted and banned because we all cannot behave. if we cannot behave in abortion thread.. expect it to get perm-banned.
religion was temporary banned and lifted and banned because we all cannot behave. if we cannot behave in abortion thread.. expect it to get perm-banned.

Then you are the one that need to behave, because you kept trollin' without givin' yourself a break for a day or 2. Check all these posts you've posted.
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