President Obama reverses abortion-funds policy

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Then you are the one that need to behave, because you kept trollin' without givin' yourself a break for a day or 2. Check all these posts you've posted.

Lady - if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. :cool2:
Lady - if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. :cool2:

Huh ? I can handle it perfectly fine. I didn't bring up " ban " for the abortion to close. You brought that up. You need to stay away from the kitchen.
Huh ? I can handle it perfectly fine. I didn't bring up " ban " for the abortion to close. You brought that up. You need to stay away from the kitchen.

Lady.... what are you ragging on my arse for? You miss me or something? Either you debate with us (pro-choicers) objectively or you can't. I'm referring to "you can't" because your arguments are widely inconsistent and fallacious. I'm more than happy enough to debate with you on abortion issue anytime anywhere if it can stay objective especially for pro-lifers.
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major difference - CI and "etc" are the question of scientific/statistical subject - easy to debate on "what works and what doesn't work."

But... Abortion and Religion are tightly tied together. It's the question of morality and religion. That's why it always got nowhere and always end with bitter taste in your mouth. It's an ugly debate... very ugly. The statistic/poll does not even mean anything in abortion issue... because pro-lifers will not listen to it. Number means nothing... to them - one is one too many. pro-lifers' stance on this abortion issue are based on their moral and religious belief... and logical and mathematical belief for pro-choicers' stance.

U got a good point! I just dont want to see all the controversial topics get banned cuz I like controversy! :lol:
:wave: anybody else??? I have a feeling that 99% of people here has never read Roe v. Wade. :hmm:

I read it a looonnnggg time ago...I sure need a refresher..:)
Why? I value free speech above all. People can just not participate or read abortion topics.

that's the problem. people participate anyway and most of time - their posts are just
. that's why it always got nowhere and ended up being locked.
Abortion kills a human life. A fetus has it's own body and functioning organs separate from the mother's body when it is killed.

And I am still pro-choice, for any reason, for all women.

Well said.
that's the thing. people participate anyway and most of time - their posts are just
. that's why it always got nowhere and ended up being locked.

Oh, totally! I debate in myspace groups and people are RUTHLESS.

But I think AD censors too much and locks too many threads.

The reason I am against abortion is obviously because I DO care about people too. Including Fetuses and teenage mothers who are traumatised after being forced into abortion.

What about the ones that are traumatized after being forced to give birth?
Oh, totally! I debate in myspace groups and people are RUTHLESS.

But I think AD censors too much and locks too many threads.[/QUOTE]

I couldnt agree with you more. Sometimes, it is not a bad thing to get into hot debates.
Oh, totally! I debate in myspace groups and people are RUTHLESS.

But I think AD censors too much and locks too many threads.[/QUOTE]

I couldnt agree with you more. Sometimes, it is not a bad thing to get into hot debates.

Yeah, I don't know, maybe it's because I am used to myspace groups where there is no censoring.

I REALLY like this website though, just my personal feedback.
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